Mr Fish
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  • T
    I like your new avatar. Day of the Dead should have gotten a good remake like Night and Dawn did.
    Nah old one was better. Return of the living dead is the all time best zombie film.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Why is there no dislike button on this site?
    Return's good, far better than most trash out there, but far too cartoony for me. I want zombie films to be serious, down to earth and preferably as realistic as possible so a dog severed in half from nose to arse yipping around is too ridiculous for me. Fun movie, but not a great movie. It's on par with Zombie Strippers for me.
    Blasphemy. Sheer blasphemy.
    Well, apparently my LDL cholesterol is very high so if I suddenly go awol for a year without warning then i got proper pepsi'd.
    That's how my mom turned into a retard. You should celebrate by having MacDonald's. Supersize.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Pass, I'mma diet and exercise. Been doing it for 2 weeks now and it's a lot easier than I thought it'd be.
    That's the spirit, mate. Changing certain aspects of your daily routine can add a lot too (car or on foot/bike? calorie bomb sub or a healthy sandwich made at home? ...) A friend of mine lost 20 pounds by firing his cleaning lady and cleaning his apartment himself. It's a complete workout without the cost of a gym membership. Good luck!
    Never tried Terraria multiplayer before, anyone wanna try it with me?
    Depends. Do you spit or swallow?
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    I like cannibalizing millions so I swallow.
    Remember when Interplay gave away Fallout 1, 2, T on steam for free as a fuck you to Bethesda? Yeah those games aren't in my library anymore
    What was up with that? How do you justify doing that? People paid money for this and they got it taken away?
    I forget but it was the Megaton Edition I think.
    Lmao digital gaming is so cucked
    So why are there apparently a lot of crybabies whining about Cyberpunk not being Witcher 3 in neon?
    I was looking forward to Mount and Blade II, but in the meantime I got old...
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Well if either you read the thread about gaming megathread then you know I have a huge backlog to get through so I'm not even in a state of mind to get excited for anything at all as I won't buy anything (hopefully) until the backlog is done with.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Does seem interesting though. first person action RPG in a futuristic setting is an itch of mine that only Deus Ex and Shadowrun has been able to scratch.
    Borderlands 2 really doesn't feel functional past level 50. Especially with Ultimate Mode.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    For solo play BL2 is shit past level 50. I have to use the luck weapons that used to be ridiculously overpowered to even stand a chance which means that the vast majority of weapons that I find are shit. How can you fuck that up? It's a looter shooter where you've ruined the looting element.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Flynt, the first boss? I couldn't kill him. My damage, even with my uber weapons, barely touched him even when I slagged him and when I did he regenerated it. I had to go back to the drop down area and buy grenades, slag him and throw them out (they're homing grenades) and then spam buy new ones and throw them out too.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    That's not difficulty. That's broken fucking game design. And as far as I can see there's no mod to address this. So I feel shit out of luck.
    Serious Sam is better than nu-Doom IMO.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    And I'm trying desperately to like Doom but it is downright pissing me off. It makes me wonder why Doom is held in such high regard. Is it because the unwashed masses hasn't played other fun shooters?
    Pretty much. Lore matters for me once a series is pumping out sequels.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    For me when it comes to these sort of games all I care about is that they are fun. On that note, Shadow Warrior is pretty good. Haven't tried Shadow Warrior 2 yet tho
    So, the people who make Fallout 2 TC mods, what editor program do they use exactly?
    Depends, there isn't really one editor. If you are going to make graphic stuff you have to use 2 or 3 different programs, then you need to do scripting in another program, there is a Fallout 2 editor but I think it is mostly a mapper software.
    So you will need to use several different software and know a lot of different things to make a Fallout 2 TC.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Well that's disgusting. I want something easy cause I'm a lazy cunt. :V
    If there was something easy then the TC projects wouldn't take so many years to be made as they take :P
    I learned a bit about Fallout 2 graphics and believe me, it takes so much time to do something it should take me only a few minutes.
    Fallout and Fallout 2 engine is cumbersome to mod (even easy things will take time and use a few programs to extract files, edit files, compile scripts, repack files, etc).
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