Recent content by Sicblades

  1. S

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    I thought we were past the whole "needs Rsum GFX or GTFO" deal. So long as it can immerse me in its universe of RPG goodliness, it can look like pacman for all I care.
  2. S

    Formula 1 2013

    ^^^^^^^ Agreed 100%, then they get out there do an installation lap and it's fucking intermediates. Fucking DRIVE assholes. Looks like Seb is going to be making history though. Brazil is always entertaining at least, hopefully something fun happens.
  3. S

    Formula 1 2013

    <3 me that yellow helmet. Nice going on getting that t-shirt man. That was obviously one of the most memorable Kimi moments since his comeback. The rest of the races are meh, they have to happen just because. I think the Hulk will end up at Lotus, but if not, it'll be Maldonado. It's...
  4. S

    Formula 1 2013

    Everything is weird right now. It's kind of shit that this race just pretty much confirms that Seb is going to win 4 in a row. It's boring. I doubt we'll see much difference next year, as the news has hit that Ferrari's engine is lacking HP compared to the Renault. I don't even care that...
  5. S

    Breaking Bad

    [spoiler:5b4ba01980]I don't know if you noticed but two episodes ago, when Walt is looking at his car the bullet hole is in the middle of his head. I'm pretty sure that was just foreshadowing to his death, by violent means[/spoiler:5b4ba01980] Considering how well written the show is in...
  6. S

    Policeman shoots victim under dodgy circumstances

    Nope. A servant of the community (see how PO's are paid) doing a wrong =/= a criminal doing a wrong. In the media most certainly, but that's another topic. You can have a discussion about reverse racism (is that an appropriate term?), just don't race bait.
  7. S

    Policeman shoots victim under dodgy circumstances

    Well if the statistic for white cops is that high, the thread could have just said "Cop shoots yet another person for no reason" and that should have been equally as rage inducing.
  8. S

    Breaking Bad

    They just opened shooting, and the shooting lasted all of what, 10 seconds if played out in real time? You must have known that once Hank hung up the phone, he was going to die. And the opening to Ozymandias was FAR better off for it.
  9. S

    Policeman shoots victim under dodgy circumstances

    I agree and thusly am changing thread name. Don't race bait, kids.
  10. S

    Breaking Bad

    What cliffhanger? There was no situation where that would have ended well.
  11. S

    Formula 1 2013

    I was hoping you'd post so I didn't have to double post! Next year sounds like it'll be fun. Kimi back in Red will be awesome, we'll see if it ends up paying off for them. If it works and doesn't end up being all 2007, then Ferrari would have seemed the geniuses.
  12. S

    Formula 1 2013

    Yeah it was weird, the RBR isn't generally that fast in straight line, that has been a Ferrari strength for a while now. It's not the size of the wing, it's the angle it's run at. If it was slim, I just guess that it's a new stronger one while reducing weight at the rear allowing for greater...
  13. S

    Formula 1 2013

    I really want to see that RBR flat out on Blanchimont. That car is freaking glued to the track.
  14. S

    Formula 1 2013

    Alguersari was quicker than the other nugget they had him agaisnt. I forget his name now. I've never even heard of this kid either, and when other drivers were approached about him, they seemed so indifferent towards the idea of him getting a drive. They didn't really know who he was either...
  15. S

    Formula 1 2013

    Seriously, I feel bad for Massa. That's just so damn terrible. Ferrari would be 2nd if it wasn't for his terrible luck and inconsistencies. I didn't think Merc was going to gain that much, still insanely quick over one lap though. That lap Hamilton put up was nuts. I thought Kimi was going...