Recent content by smilodom

  1. S

    How do you deal with all this?

    There was never a pandemic issue. So it's not the pandemic it is Bill Gates, Pfizer and Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum who's in charge of all that.
  2. S

    New California Dreaming - A Fallout Fic

    Any news here? i miss it badly
  3. S

    Better ending for Sgt Granite and his troup answers no bad...:?
  4. S

    Better ending for Sgt Granite and his troup

    @Kane Vollstrecker You didn't notice the homage isn't it? :razz: Sometimes you have to work with the enemy to do the right thing. The Dude has convinced Stg Granite and after beating Horrigan they are walking around in a very stupid manner, showing a senseless floating text. Fallout deserves a...
  5. S

    Better ending for Sgt Granite and his troup

    Is there anyone for further improvement between Sgt. Granite his troupe and the Dude, if the player had convinced Sgt. Granite and his troop after the fight with Horrigan? There could be the following dialogue to replace the awful and senseless floating text. A window would be much better Sgt...
  6. S

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    @Killap Is there any further improvement between Sgt. Granite and the Dude, if the player had convinced Sgt. Granite and his troop after the fight with Horrigan? There could be the following dialogue to replace the awful and senseless floating text. A window would be much better Sgt. Granite...
  7. S

    New animations 2

    This is a really great one... :clap:
  8. S

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    There was an issue with the Balthas script, if you do something in the wrong order, but I don't remember anymore. Otherwise It would be interesting to know further informations about the hidden msg-file.
  9. S

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Interesting point of view Killap, but it makes sense. Who knows in the future which game is considered as a criminal act or not... :mrgreen: But thank's in advance for all that patience, work and last but not least even love that you gave to Fallout...Thank you... :salute:
  10. S

    Armor should get damaged with use

    The same case with the food and radiation system...sigh...
  11. S

    Armor should get damaged with use

    You are absolutely right, this is not the first time someone talked about this issue. I don't know why we have already a 51b manual in the game..
  12. S

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    @Killap I think it's a kind of logical view..don't you think?
  13. S

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    So we all knew that the "RP" will take a bid more time to finish. What about some more suggestions to fix some certain already existing quests?
  14. S

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    In case of Vic he's absolutely right, at least he should inform the dude about the trap, better he give the key right away...