Walpknut Feb 16, 2017 Breath of the Wild already has Day 1 DLC confirmed. Nintendo is going to the Dark side hard.
Walpknut Feb 15, 2017 The modern incarnation of the Walt Disney company can't terminate contracts at will because Walt Disney was a douche *"online logic"*
The modern incarnation of the Walt Disney company can't terminate contracts at will because Walt Disney was a douche *"online logic"*
Walpknut Feb 15, 2017 Is it possible to state that Pewdiepie isn't an antisemite (just an idiot) without becoming associated with the Trumplings?
Is it possible to state that Pewdiepie isn't an antisemite (just an idiot) without becoming associated with the Trumplings?
Walpknut Feb 15, 2017 A huge city in 2017 with no metro system and way too many cars and buses clogging up the street. Only in Colombia.
A huge city in 2017 with no metro system and way too many cars and buses clogging up the street. Only in Colombia.
Walpknut Feb 14, 2017 Marvel is just squeezing out the same movie over and over while DC stumbles because they didn't have the balls to keep their direction.
Marvel is just squeezing out the same movie over and over while DC stumbles because they didn't have the balls to keep their direction.
Walpknut Feb 13, 2017 English Dub DBZ is so defanged is hilarious. How did it even get big in the US liek that?
Walpknut Feb 13, 2017 So the Fractured But Whole got delayed again, and it's an Ubisoft game.... this thing is so gonna suck.
So the Fractured But Whole got delayed again, and it's an Ubisoft game.... this thing is so gonna suck.
Walpknut Feb 12, 2017 I think kid shows should be forbidden from having their characters state x or y vegetable is gross, now that straight up promoted bad habits
I think kid shows should be forbidden from having their characters state x or y vegetable is gross, now that straight up promoted bad habits
Walpknut Feb 12, 2017 THis is how Bethesda makes soundtrack choices: Google "50's songs with the word atom on them"