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  • Apples and Grapes are the best fruits.
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    Reactions: SarcasticGoodGuy
    oh... do you just eat it for lunch. but yeah I'm from Kentucky.
    I don't usually eat fast food, but then again...I live in bumfuck Oklahoma where the nearest good fast food place is 30 minutes away. The DQ we have is locally owned and garbage.
    I live within a couple miles of the ohio river. just cross it and I'm in a fairly large city.
    I miss when Wisecrack did book analysis and obscure movie reviews instead of this "Philosophy of X meme show" every day....
    And that's from a guy who beat Persona 4 5 times and still breeds Pokeymans for Competitive.
    member star wars?
    Deleted member 93956
    'Member the goonies? Ooh i 'member! (Squeaky high pitched voice)
    Was that the one with the deformed mentally chanllenged guy in a Superman shirt?
    Yeah his name was sloth I think. Great kids movie but I don't think it holds up as an adult the way the labyrinth, the dark crystal, or the neverending story does.
    The client is always right, as long as he makes his requests on a timely manner and actually knows shit costs money.
    The only people who have said "The client is always right" are people who never meet deadlines and let themselves get stepped all over.
    Found a comprehensive guide to the magicsl world of eating like a pig in Japan without poisoning myself with gluten.
    But did you find a "comprehensive guide to the magical world of eating like a pig without poisoning myself with gluten" in Japan, or a "Guide to the magical world of eating like a pig in Japan without poisoning myself with gluten" in wherever?
    If you need to ask that then you need to go back to school.
    But it makes no sense for gluten to be in japan, they have expert foodsmiths fold the food gorillions of times to get rid of the gluten and make food that can cut through the worst hunger.
    We just had a minor earthquake over here, barely noticeable in some parts of the city but people are losing their shit none the less.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    i hope everyone is alright.
    It was so minor there are already memes making fun of the people who made a big deal out of it.
    we got people over here that lose their shit over a fire drill.
    Always wondered why Oolong had a Maoist uniform at the beginning. was there a unseen Communist Regime on the Island Goku lived as a kid?
    I was gonna buy Deus Ex Humanity Divided 70% but then I also saw that reception is super mixed and that it has problems with pc performance.
    They're cutting the price by huge amounts so that people play the game and get to the disappointing ending, then buy the season pass to get the proper ending. Wait until a directors cut or something comes out with all the DLC, then buy that on deep discount.
    Seems that even Trump winning hasn't dissuaded the "Sjw" from being antagonistic cunts for no reason...
    Except the behavior I am criticizing is actually the mainstream one. This is not just a subset to be excavated this has been what the big voices have been doing for a whole, they even have made up lingo based on it. Political activism is mostly a rethoric artifact for them.
    Deleted member 98605
    Yes, for THEM, but not for CT's ilk or even for my ilk. Every faction has posers. Fuck em and ignore em. Worry about the honest ones.
    Ignoring something that is actively causing negative effects on culture worldwide isn't gonna make it stop doing it.
    Did.... did Dragon Ball Super actully just have a good start to one of it's arcs? First time I am even excited with this thing....
    It recaps the latest two crappy movies with worse animation and tons of filler and then goes into fanfic mode with the Zamasu arc. The latest arc has promise but so far I've only been watching it to laugh at it.
    ... I thought battle of the gods was good. I like lord beerus and weese. didn't care for resurrection F. at all. im with you on that one. did they make an effort to actually DESIGN a fourth form for freeza in super or did they just say "ah fuck it make him gold like last time"?
    I like Beerus and Whis, they were the only good thing about that movie, and the only good thing about Super.
    One downside of playing a virtual card game is that the opponent can chain 10 cards and you can't even get what's going on.
    The more weird mechanics and gimmicks they added to this card game the less fun or even clear it became to play.
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