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  • So reboots of old movie keep flopping but they keep making because "they are a sure hit"...
    Deleted member 98605
    Third spiderman reboot in a decade and fourth in living memory WILL WORK THIS TIME, DAMN YOU!
    Old fart hollywood execs and their trusty market analysts
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Truth be told, I think that this whole "reboot" rage that is going on could bury the movie franchises movie studios seek to revive because of the audience remembering the last time a movie series was rebooted and how awful the new movie turned out.
    I mean at least the nazis had public healthcare and worker rights, capitalistic nazis is like out of a cartoon.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    OCP was based on Verhoven (a guy who knew and was almost killed by actual Nazis) idea of the Nazi's corporatist ideals.
    A big wall, a list of "crimes by the immigrants", wishes to "increase the army" and nationalistic discourse. Not nazis, of course.
    Now they are butt buddies with Russia.
    Deleted member 98605
    To be fair on that point, however, interpreters for the USM have been screwed over constantly in the last 12 years. It's a wonder anyone works with us when we have a bad record in *that* regard. Not that new.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    The treatment of interpreters is, along with the abuse of Native Americans for oil, isn't the worst thing the US government has done in the past 12 years but easily among the most pointlessly dickish.
    The Raven plushie I bought in Stone henge 2 years ago that I forgot in the UK arrived today. Now I can be al goffik and shit.
    And when I say Raven Plushie I mean like the bird, not the DC character.
    The wall should be a comedy show for us outside, but people here are focusing only on that and taking it really seriously.
    I don't get why people over here is so obssesed with the wall thing, that thing is mostly gonna affect US tax payers.
    Well the US tax payer will pay for it of course apparently mexico wont pay for and dam straight you cant bully people around to build you 3ft wall for you
    Next he will demand all official photos of him be phoshopped to make his hands look bigger.
    He is a fat 70 year old man who still eats Doritos, do you think he could take the stress of Presidency? Or that he wont get impeached?
    I don't understand. We've had fat presidents before. Old ones too. Is the president not allowed to eat Doritos?
    At 70 eating Doritos? I am guessing you think your current metabolism is gonna last you forever....
    Also, you again seem unable to fully get the complete meaning of sentences, because if you had you would've seen I am talking about the physical toll the spot has combined with his shitty eating habits and advanced age. Reading, you are already doing it, you could try doing it 100%.
    Some dude got really salty for me calling Power Saves Cheating devices, Now Gamefreak straight up banned people using them, check mate mate.
    what are power saves?
    Of course Power Saves are cheating devices.
    @R.Graves they are devices that allows for the player to edit a saved game and play with those changes in the game. Imagine a pokemon game you give yourself 99x Rare Candy and a super pokemon and use the candies, then add x99 Iron, Zinc, etc boost your pokemon to the max times you can, then go to official pokemon tournaments and steamroll everyone. Cheat devices for sure.
    Silencing the protagonist is not gonna undo all the damage the initial design choice introduced, that kinda fix is superficial.
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    Reactions: kraag and Risewild
    Nope. It's dead, Buffalo bill is already wearing it's skin like a suit and the guts are rotting in some gutter.
    You remember how Bethesda bought the Fallout name off someone? Well someone else still has the ability to buy the Fallout name from Bethesda when they are floundering and nearly broke. They are heading in the right direction.
    Oh you mean when the company that is selling shit en mass and that already has a lot of studios bought that also sell well goes bankrupt? Oh goodie, that will totally happen next month!
    I like reading about tcgs because I know I can't play them because of my universally bad luck at gambling and randomization.
    So the guy promising jobs just enacted a hiring freeze for government jobs? It's pretty hard to believe how cartoonish it is...
    So I reinstalled FO4 to try a few mods and the thing has already given me 3 virus alerts, wtf?
    That is what you get. ;)
    Even my antivirus is dissing FO4.
    "Star Wars The last Jedi" Is the next movie gonna be called "Star Wars HanxChewy :3"? Now they also sound like fan fics.
    The Last Jedi does sound like Return of the Jedi a bit. I like it with the red font. Granted the fan fic complaint at this point is valid.
    This Trump thing is just too surreal, is like out of the tritest comic book written in the early 2000s....
    The revolution will not be televised.
    He treatened to invade Chicago, this guys is just too fucking stupid crazy....
    Deleted member 98605
    We're also going to make and hide behind a wall instead of, oh, developing Mexico and Afflicted Central America, pulling the profit out from under the Cartels and mopping up the hardliners, and, oh, you know, curing the problem and thinking about the future, cause apparently we're beholden to feel feels as a nation.
    Blame the peace treaty for Colombia's massive historical debt. The right wing here is already taking notes from Turompu chan.
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