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  • So the South Park guys, notorious super libertarians will back off politics after Trump won hmmmm *coffhypocritescoff*
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    Reactions: SarcasticGoodGuy
    OK... I was just saying that they attempted to make current day politics a major theme and it wasn't funny or insightful at all.

    They should stick to the 'neutrality' of offending everyone and not giving a fuck though.
    Deleted member 98605
    It seems odd. These guys are reactionary libertarians - if anyone comes along with change, left or right or center, they blast them. But not Trump? What the fuck is Trump doing that Matt and Trey see as the norm? Not even Reagan went this far.
    Did you see their "political" season?

    Speak out against Trump (or any politician) all you want, free speech is your right. But when you're trying to put it into a comedy, at least try to make it funny.
    My boss who is not a designer gave me his opinion on a design for a cotract he hasn't even been following, I had to not eyeroll so hard...
    uppercut him right in the scrotum!
    So I decided to listen to yu-gi-oh while I draw and holy shit, did I actually like this as a kid? I am laughing out loud with this dialogue.
    I never liked Pokemon CCG much. But I played it (probably 4 games in total) when it had just come out so it was too simple and there wasn't many strategies we could make back then. I think that might have changed by now, if they continue to release more and more cards.
    The Pokemon TCG had too much coin flipping.
    Never played it.
    A better outcome would be for all the superhero shit to stop, from both sides.
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    Reactions: lolpop109
    Once Avengers Infinity War bombs they might back off.
    Not until Spawn gets a proper movie. also i see no reason to stop. at this point it can only get better. the films aren't necessarily bad just... the same.
    The only thing ruining it is the formula which Deadpool bucked a little bit. That and mindless sequels like Xmen Apocalypse.
    Why do all Trump quotes sound like they were said by a 10 year old who barely knows how to speak english?
    Did you guys know you can't name a file "con" on Windows?
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    Reactions: lolpop109
    No but do you know why ?
    SOmething to do with basic commands that the PC doesn't want to risk conflicts with. There are other names it doesn't accept. I discovered the Con thing by accident.
    So Trump has had 2 major protests against him in just one week, is that a new record?
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Too vague a term, making it both worthless and a double edged sword. Technically, an alt-righter could be correct in calling people who find fascists disgusting as bigots.
    All that is circular anyway, and it comes down to perception. It's often about self preservation. I am opposed to fascism, because I feel that it threatens my values and those around me, not because I think I should hate it or I'll "get an F". But same goes for bigots, they often feel threatened by those they oppose. Socialists sent people to gulags, Fascists sent them to camps. Why can't we just get along :'(
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Because it's not merely a matter of they feel threatened by people they oppose, they feel threatened by people who oppose them. Sadly, they mix the two up... a lot.
    Our doomsday clock is closet to midnight than Watchmen's and we don't have a blue naked god running around us.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    You know, if the world ended because of Cuba, It would have been at least understandable, horrorible but it was a serious issue. However a world ending in a nuclear war because of a Twitter exchange? That would be pretty hilarious ...
    would't surprise me though. Although saying the it could be worse ! It could of been over Facebook if someone forgot like a photo or something
    You wouldn't believe how often I have to panickly close a tab in the office just for looking for tips on the "Position" attribute in CSS.
    one time I googled "SEGA genesis background 1620x720" at school and got pic of woody the woodpecker fucking bugs bunny.
    Google finds porn when you don't want porn, and doesn't find porn when you want porn.
    no it does a good job of finding it when you want it. just google hardblush
    And my point of contention is mostly in having to filter down for Safe for work material when I am just looking for references.
    Why is it so hard to find porn of goth girls but to get references on faces of specific ethnic groups you have to filter FOR safe for work.
    I also like goth chicks. And I am a 80's guy too.
    ah well there were a lot of goths in my town.
    Deleted member 98605
    It's expensive to be goth, shit.
    People advocating the banning and discrimination of groups based on religious beliefs are the first to cry about the "thought police" hmmm
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Religion isn't a thought! It's a spirit... thing...
    Shit I just spent 4 hours playing that fucking yu-gi-oh game... I am ashamed of myself. I disgraced my ancestors.
    Which one? Is there a newer one that I haven't played? I miss playing those games but I played them so much already that I need a newer one. (I played the Playstation and Playstation 2, the GBC and the Gameboy Advance ones and I think i might have played some older ones for the DS).
    Yeah there is a new one for PC. It's kinda basic, you just play the card games and choose wether you want to play through a campaign with a "story deck" or use your own custom one you build by getting points and buying booster packs. It has multiplayer.
    Interesting, I will have to check it out.
    But I always preferred the kind of games where you have a character and walk around dueling people and then you have story battles to advance the erm... advance the story.
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