Walpknut Nov 2, 2016 What if someone is describing the Iliad? Can't they use the word epic unironically there?
Walpknut Nov 1, 2016 Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 seems to have been dubbed by people who were given the script out of order...
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 seems to have been dubbed by people who were given the script out of order...
Walpknut Nov 1, 2016 Why do some reviewers threat pressing an extra button for an action to be this incredible ordeal?
Walpknut Nov 1, 2016 Well in Japan people and the cops don't carry guns around like rednecks so they don't need to worry about getting unlawfully shot so often.
Well in Japan people and the cops don't carry guns around like rednecks so they don't need to worry about getting unlawfully shot so often.
Walpknut Oct 30, 2016 Mixed reviews on Steam. Are they just having a meltdown? Are they gonna try to turn Bethesda.net into their own Steam Clone next?
Mixed reviews on Steam. Are they just having a meltdown? Are they gonna try to turn Bethesda.net into their own Steam Clone next?
Walpknut Oct 30, 2016 So Bethesda decides they won't give review copies anymore right before they drop the turd that is the Skyrim SPecial Edition.
So Bethesda decides they won't give review copies anymore right before they drop the turd that is the Skyrim SPecial Edition.
Walpknut Oct 30, 2016 The Civil War Overhaul author hid his mod to protest something or other? Or is he just trolling?
Walpknut Oct 29, 2016 Ragingrejecttv? The guy who tried to make a rant about Fallout 4 being better than New Vegas and said "It's better at plot twisting"?
Ragingrejecttv? The guy who tried to make a rant about Fallout 4 being better than New Vegas and said "It's better at plot twisting"?
Walpknut Oct 28, 2016 My god these Big Foot tards are downright insane, Bigfoot ought to be code for tripping hard, or they are trolling me...
My god these Big Foot tards are downright insane, Bigfoot ought to be code for tripping hard, or they are trolling me...
Walpknut Oct 27, 2016 I am guessing they aren't happy with the "Mostly negative" reviews on their season Pass, Bethesda just turns into EA more and more.
I am guessing they aren't happy with the "Mostly negative" reviews on their season Pass, Bethesda just turns into EA more and more.