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  • But without making him feel like a one note annoying character, because he has other traits and role on the story...
    How to make such a character but make the audience also get that he is supposed to be annoying In universe too...
    I want to make a character an annoying smart ass... but I don't want it to feel like I failed at making a "funny smartass".
    You want to be Kevin Smith?
    Did the Fartian win anything? I hope it didn't. Such a shit movie.
    Martian? I thought it was an okay movie but a bit overrated. You can't quote some pop culture shit and toss good actors at a movie and expect it to be amazing. I don't think it won...
    I thought it was okay until it became a string of "Snarky comments" exploshunz and started to spout some rather anti intellectual attitudes. I also disliked the Latino guy for how stereotypical he was, but that might be my "I am so offendeeeeeeed!" side talking, altho I found the characters in general to be pretty generic anyway.
    Agreed. I did like the concept and it was fun to watch. It was a letdown though.
    Wasn't Ryse panned for it's terrible and repetitive gameplay? As far as I know everyone just praised the graphics, it's like the order 1886.
    Yeah it was just a glorified tech demo to show how the graphics look, so I heard.
    Just wait until the DLCs hit and we will have a whole Enclave adventure where they fight the BOS.
    Those websites with "Copy protection" make me laugh, you just need ctr+shit+I and their copy protection means jackshit.
    Because if you want classic FO1 and 2 weapon mods there are like 4 packs of those, Project Nevada even adds some of them by itself.
    And that his "Dark pasanger" was an actual demon that gets out of his body and that turns him temporarily normal?
    Didn't the Dexter Books made it so that Dexter's homicidal tendencies were because of a Pagan ritual or some shit?
    I could take some of that rain myself, it's hot as fuck in this beeeeeeooootch...... I don't like heat.
    Trump is hilarious... until people applaud him, then he becomes really scary, don't elevt him american friends. It affects the whole world.
    Mmos are never good. FO4 is already an offline mmo.
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    You could have made that point without making a false generalization.
    Mmos are shit, they are so by design, mostly appealing to addictive elements than to any really substantial content.
    Today I took hour and a half doing a trip that took 20 minutes 2 years ago.... too many fucking cars in this city...
    So apparently the localization work of the new FE is 90's american dub levels of terrible... I may save my money for something else then...
    Yep, Fire Emblem. Aparently they even have characters spouting memes and shit in the localized version and even removed entire scenes.
    I heard Treehouse has been using memes a lot. Pretty lame actually. Thought they were better than that. I haven't played any FE game. Which one do you recommend?
    I have only played the 3DS one and really dug it. If the Waifu stuff turns you off you might want to check the ones on the GCN (Emulator, maybe there are Virtual Console versions?) which didn't the quasi Social Link system but still retain the core mechanics. There a lot of FE games on the GBA too.
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