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  • In SW, what's the point of making robots that only talk in beeps?
    I think they communicate with the computers and shit.
    Which Legion ending? Caesar's Ending or Lanius' ending?
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Caesar's ending. Lanius's is too simple, it's just... kill everything. With Caesar we can see the decline of the Legion, the possible civil war and the start of the Legion empire.
    You know, big corporations don't need your free lip service, they already paid off all politicians and outlets so they face no consequences.
    Because you even wrote here once that you didn't blame big corporations for putting profit over ethics... That's just fucked up.
    Are you applying for a position on Profesional Corporate apologist and this is your portfolio or something?
    On the Polygon facebook post on the DICE awards there is mostly negative reception towards FO4, even from people that liked FO4.
    I love how even outside of NMA there is a lot of pushback against FO4 and it's hype.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    NMA hated it before it was cool to hate it.
    There should be something that you could map to a hotkey and it's success would depend on your Charisma, Speech, etc. to intiate negotiation
    In the 3D games it KIND OF works if you seathe your weapon but it's very unrelieable and only works when you start it.
    A Yielding mechanic or a Truce mechanic. Something that would allow the player to descalate a combat situation when it has already started.
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