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  • Replaying Fo1 there is something the game misses that the 3D games kind of implemented
    What's with rappers obssesion with rhymes? that's like, kindergarten shit... Almost every song of every genre has rhymes...
    So they announced the first batch of FO4 DLC and one of them is a structures pack for settlement building. I knewi t.
    Zika scares are also happening in Colombia, altho some people have adopted the patented Colombian "Make me!" attitude towards prevention.
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Personally, I'm looking at the bigger picture - yes, the average person can do a LOT to help prevent the spread of this and other diseases by eliminating places the mosquitoes can reproduce in. But the one thing that will really solve the issues of zika, dengue, malaria, etc., is a large scale movement to...
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    ... completely eradicate the mosquito. I'm not joking. Their ability to spread disease is unmatched and through that, they have killed millions of people. It's the one case where we SHOULD be using all our resources to intentionally drive a species into extinction. It's very...
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    ... difficult considering how potent of a vector they are, but through modern biological technologies, it needs to be done as quickly as possible.
    I wanna die, a co worker fucked up the website we have to turn in this friday.... he undid 2 weeks of work
    So I decided to replay FO1 and 2, but I am gonna play them with the mods for the first time.
    What mods?
    Fixt and restoration project. I had only ever played them vanilla.
    Someone on a facebook group took my statement about lore serving the maisn story as "lore is bad mmkay?"....
    If the lore is more interesting that the story you are telling, then you failed as a writter.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    I should follow this advice. I feel too much like Tolkien but I don't have the talent. Hahh.
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