zegh8578 Mar 15, 2022 Wtf, I'm in conversation with a swede with 1 single Twitter-follow, some fascist-anime shit, trying hard to convince me Dugin is in fact
Wtf, I'm in conversation with a swede with 1 single Twitter-follow, some fascist-anime shit, trying hard to convince me Dugin is in fact
zegh8578 Mar 15, 2022 This isn't happening - I'm having to convince people that Putin is *not* some paragon of anti-racism black-savior, how are people this daft?
This isn't happening - I'm having to convince people that Putin is *not* some paragon of anti-racism black-savior, how are people this daft?
zegh8578 Mar 14, 2022 The ammount of people who are minimizing war as some romantic notion of glory - do they all live in underground bunkers?
The ammount of people who are minimizing war as some romantic notion of glory - do they all live in underground bunkers?
zegh8578 Mar 13, 2022 The dinosaur designs in Jurassic Park were the best of the franchise. Downhill from there, like seriously downhill, like... meteoric
The dinosaur designs in Jurassic Park were the best of the franchise. Downhill from there, like seriously downhill, like... meteoric
zegh8578 Mar 11, 2022 Russia's seen bombing Belarusian border towns, in order to create casus belli for Belarus to enter the war.
Russia's seen bombing Belarusian border towns, in order to create casus belli for Belarus to enter the war.
zegh8578 Mar 11, 2022 And, some good news: Jussie Smollett to be sentenced what a stupid motherfucker - not only was it a dipshit move, but he made a mockery
And, some good news: Jussie Smollett to be sentenced what a stupid motherfucker - not only was it a dipshit move, but he made a mockery
zegh8578 Mar 11, 2022 The mass cancellation of the French aristocracy, man - that shit could never have happened prior to 2010, people are so sensitive only now.
The mass cancellation of the French aristocracy, man - that shit could never have happened prior to 2010, people are so sensitive only now.
zegh8578 Mar 9, 2022 some dude in a YT comment going something like "I'm deaf, but I feel the vibrations, and this is my favorite band!", right -
some dude in a YT comment going something like "I'm deaf, but I feel the vibrations, and this is my favorite band!", right -
zegh8578 Mar 8, 2022 I love when super-racists on Twitter think I'm black because my Indo-European transcription of my NORWEGIAN NAME sounds to exotic for them
I love when super-racists on Twitter think I'm black because my Indo-European transcription of my NORWEGIAN NAME sounds to exotic for them
zegh8578 Mar 7, 2022 Lol, 3 and a half hour video to find out how and why Deus Ex Human Revolution is "fine"
zegh8578 Mar 4, 2022 And yes, the Taliban is going to keep saying things like "we hope for both paties to find a peaceful resolution" etc
And yes, the Taliban is going to keep saying things like "we hope for both paties to find a peaceful resolution" etc
zegh8578 Mar 4, 2022 Lol kidz unironically posting their HOI4 screenshots to make suggestions to war tactics and strategies
Lol kidz unironically posting their HOI4 screenshots to make suggestions to war tactics and strategies
zegh8578 Mar 4, 2022 Adding to list of insta-block factors; anyone who equates Biden with Zelenskyy. Like, fuck all the way off with that, holy crap...
Adding to list of insta-block factors; anyone who equates Biden with Zelenskyy. Like, fuck all the way off with that, holy crap...
zegh8578 Mar 3, 2022 I haven't even watched the BBC, and I'm wondering wtf is going on over at the BBC.
zegh8578 Mar 2, 2022 "quick and easy" really has lost all meaning. Two fucking hours it took to confirm my identity for the bank.
"quick and easy" really has lost all meaning. Two fucking hours it took to confirm my identity for the bank.
zegh8578 Mar 1, 2022 Lol, Tim Pool believes Zelenskyy's doing a BLM-gesture, by raising his fist defiantly.
zegh8578 Mar 1, 2022 Imagine explaining to a biologist that "species" are merely abstract tools used by science to help categorize living things
Imagine explaining to a biologist that "species" are merely abstract tools used by science to help categorize living things
zegh8578 Feb 28, 2022 Someone told me Putin doesn't know what Kaliningrad is, then stuck to their guns when I told them he *definitely* does.
Someone told me Putin doesn't know what Kaliningrad is, then stuck to their guns when I told them he *definitely* does.