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  • Minority nationalism is always a little bit cringe, cus you kind of "get it", but then you hafta sit and nod while some Basque insists
    Any time people get out in a large group with signs and torches it is "cringe" because they will either accomplish nothing or accomplish nothing good.
    Any time people get out it is cringe
    The Aboriginal Australians would like a word with the Basques and Albanians about who is older. xD
    I miss you and the kids. Come back to me. Please
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    Jason is a lost cause, illiterate little shit. How are you doing anyway? I'm currently proofing and tweaking the 2nd volume in my little dystopia-project. The "evil guvment" finally resorts to the airforce dropping bombs in the capital. The civil war is now a fact! Abouuut 1 300 pages in. Am I overdoing the "slow burn" here?
    This might be the first thing I actually finish, and if I do, I'll even consider sending for publishing, tho I don't have much hope in economic viability. I do this mostly for me.

    I wanna finish big dystopia, civil war scenario, characters, plenty of young people killing, dying, banging, then I wanna finish a fantasy, then - my magnum opus, a space opera: one last time! I have a good premise in my head for it!
    Well first of all that’s fucking awesome and I love it. Slow burn might be a bit too slow, but hey. I’m down for it

    Me personally? I’m doing great! I think I fell in love and we’re buying an apartment ASAP, besides that I’m landscaping for bill payments and looking for a better job
    I unapologetically love Ultimate Beastmaster
    Whenever I "aw." at a woman falling off the first obstacle, I always humbly imagine myself struggling to *position myself* at the beginning of the course. There's like a little narrow ramp, you have to climb up. I'd fall down, hurt my balls in the process, or something, they'd have to pause the show, call in the medics etc, the audience would murmur
    Sounds like Ninja Warrior. How low brow of you.
    I was gonna class this as "guilty pleasure", but no, I love it genuinely - what IS a guilty pleasure, and low brow, is Total Wipeout. We have our own, since the course is out for rent or some shit from Argentina, but I'll watch any series, any country - dumbasses bouncing around, sometimes you can totally tell "that's a backpain's gonna follow you forever now"
    Two lil baby roe-deers came up to me earlier today, on the lawn. I half wanted to shoo them away, like, humans are dangerous, you idiots
    I'm seeing it here with fjord-front "modern" residential apartments, right in the city outskirts - there's lots of unused room for speculators (unused for a reason) - the area is super picturesque, perfect for brochures and visual projections, but the area is windy, salty, freezing - just horrible, which is why nobody ever settled there organically
    That would work out fine, as long as you work from home and never go out in the weather. Of course, the salt is going to cause concrete and metal to deteriorate.
    They're kind of shit, mom fell for it, moved there, moved out - although they market it (obv) for "young couples :D" (because they can certainly go and buy fresh brand new waterfront apartments!)
    Lol, Twitter just found out Finland kept a swastika on their airforce roundel until like, 3 years ago or something. Oh boy :D
    Unless they start burning jews in mass who gives a shit? Last I checked it's just a symbol that the nazis stole in the first place. I hate people.
    It is just another thing on a very long list of stuff the Nazis ruined.
    What bugs me is the attitude of novelty - "wow, turns out Finland is a nazi-regime, look, the flags!" while, yes, this was always a thing - if it was important to everyone, maybe react to it sometime during the past 80 years.
    I am downloading Elden ring. I HAVE WAITED SUFFICIENTLY. I can proudly assert, that I am *not* merely responding to fad >:I
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    @TorontoReign I mean biased, like it was one biggest complain during the beta test. Spells are super effective and showy kind, compared to melee stuff. I do get that each Soulsborne titles should have their own niche.
    People complain about DS3 style weapon arts too but those actually make them worth using since they improve the fairly basic slash slash mechanic that is still not as good as Bayonetta.
    Well it's even the same style of gameplay as Bayonetta, so weird comparisson.
    Ukraine makes incremental gains, where they should be steamrolled, considering geographical and material conditions. Absolutely amazing!
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    It's like Russia fighting itself because Putin said Ukraine is basically Russia.ö
    Ironically, if Russia does end up retreating in utter defeat, or even leaves a portion of Ukraine un-occupied, Russian speaking people there will be persecuted to hell and back, the very thing Russians were lying about as an incentive to attack.
    Zegh is precious and has to be defended at all cost.
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    40s, 38, 40s age, is there someone around mine? I'll call my daddy.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    I am 37. Are you that young Eissa? You sure don't strike me as young. Arent elves thousand of years old?
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    Hmm..take consideration that the earliest teenage year of elf is comparable to 50-100 years. So, no.
    Memes should be banned, my god... ONE screencapped phone message meme about a Swedish family being rude - ALL responses in agreement that
    all of Scandinavians are JUST LIKE the people in that ONE meme - nobody questions it, nobody even proposes "hey, maybe that person was a rude person?" - just "WOW, I KNOW SCANDINAVIAN CULTURE NOW AND ITS VERY RUDE :O"
    I showed a picture of our medieval stone cathedral in a thread where people insist accurate rock carvings MUST have been done by aliens
    @TorontoReign At least there are still community college and polytechnics right. To be frank given with how you applied that scummy student loans, I guess for some people it is better to do boot camp than taking college.
    You expect me to believe non caucasians did anything without alien intervention?
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    I don't know what you are talking about with scummy student loans but okay.
    1000 years from now, we're still lugging AR-15-derivates, NATO-mags and 5.56 rounds, my god - small arms development is boring
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    If you want to be very honest, you can pretty much say that HK 416 is kind of AR-15 and G3 hybrid. All because that would allows easy adoption and cheap one at that. Even that only special forces got access to that kind of toy. So imagine the more experimental one. It would be hard for adoption.
    How do I unsubscribe from this discussion lol?
    Also Zegh, G11 is the most impractical AR I've ever seen. 4x33mm cartridge? really? I rather shoot that chinese AR chambered with 5.8mm.
    Lol, just watched a wasp breeze through a spider web like it wasn't even there.
    Pristine web, likely in use. It kept exploring the wall right behind, while casually tearing through the strings, then leaving it in shambles at it flew off.
    Smaller spider webs don't catch wasps very easily. It takes the big gangly ones to do so.
    Lol, Romania came out singing in Spanish, dressed like flamenco singers - then Spain comes out, singing in Spanish, dressed like the
    NOT AT ALL! Germany scored zero points with the *jury*, Germany scored SIX points, out of a thousand - from *the public voting*
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    It was a close race with France!
    Wait for me to suddenly reciting lamma bada muwashah out of nowhere in baggy trouser, during moros y cristianos festival.
    In an average week, I probably casually deride every European country, for one reason or another, like - Fuckin France... fuckin Spain
    02:45 AM, and the night sky is brightening up in the east. I'm never a big fan of the first hints of light summer nights. I like my night!
    Darkness makes it easyer to write, and such. Daylight 24/7 can drive you a little bit cooky - and it's interesting how we, as species, are not accustomed to this, at all. Norwegians get winter-depressions in the winter, and sleep deprivation in the summer
    Like me posting here is obviously not private but a way to get your attention while also letting other people in on the fun. I feel like start a new conversation wording is one of your concerns in which case it could be reworded. @Korin Like start a private message or something.
    I may have missed some drama that you are talking about.
    Oh, nobody from here. I bet it was some sort of cross-site stalking, or something. It was quickly dealt with.
    I apparently have my goddamn head in the sand because anytime there's "drama" on here I don't know about it until months later. Me hearing about this at all also might just confirm your point people use this as a "PM" thing though. Why anybody would ever think this was at all private I don't know, but they do apparently.
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