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  • Remember, its not gay if he's pretty.
    I did not expect to go down this rabbit hole with you people, but since I’m already here I’m gonna voice my opinion that traps are gay af
    Him. Make him happy.
    Face it, you're a flamier homo than Sir Gaylord Poofington, Duke of Faggotinshire.
    traps ARE women. so her. its her.
    My head is filled with snot and no amount of snot rockets can save me from this terrible fate. well boys its been nice. time for me to die.
    jesus fucking christ is there anything worse than when your roommates get drunk?
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    Reactions: Ayelander
    I had a roomate/neighbor once, in his 50s, who told me he did not appreciate me knocking on his window during the night. I never did such a thing. *Hitchcock music*
    He also told me he had enough of my banging on his door: I never did + he always banged on mine.
    Fun fact: He eventually snapped, tried to attack me, then got evicted.
    One of my best friends would be drunk every day, and call his roomate "crap" or "the crap" or "crappy" depending how you want to translate the word. He ended up urinating inside crappy's apartment, stinking the entire building up to hell. Crappy's a well known Norwegian stand-up comedian today, and to my knowledge, he never mentioned this in any of his bits.
    Oh, and then there's my on darling little brother, getting drunk, reaching up to the bathroom vent, yelling "niggeeeer!", knowing full well the vent carries the sound to every apt, and there's black people living there. When he sobers up he tries to buddy up with them, but he notices there's friction. I assume they assume he has serious issues, so it's fine.
    Macaulay Culkin is really making the rounds on youtube. good thing he's actually a pretty pleasant guest to watch.
    Can I just say... open worlds in video games ARE FILLER! they waste your time and artificially inflate the game's playtime (1/2)
    I agree. And that's why I said it could be argued and put quotes around open world. It's not like open worlds we see now. It's that overworld. But the idea is that you can go anywhere from the start (nearly). To me, that's open world enough. These are the things that exist in it and you can go there whenever. But yeah most games could benefit from not being open world.
    The AAA open world things like Fallout 4, Assassin's Creed, and Far Cry games are what's bad. How Fallout 1 and 2 do it is good. I agree with that sentiment.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    The Gothic games, especially Gothic 1&2 are definitely the magnum opus of Open-World genre. You should definitely try it one of these days, man @Squadcar
    Alien's orginal title of STAR BEAST is so fucking dumb i love it.
    I can't imagine a single person that would describe those phallic murderhobos as a fucking 'beast' It'd be like trying to sell the idea that a wyrm is just a countryside pest.
    Agreed. i'm familiar with what a beast is. a bear. bobcat. wolf. its familiar and animalistic. the creature in alien is less beastly and more... well alien.
    I realize that Hitman levels are some of the best to ever grace gaming but the fact that we only get 5 per game now is still disappointing
    still if we count hitman legacy as part of the hitman 2 experience then hitman 2 has 10 levels. so... hitman 3 will have 15?
    There are still two expansions coming, each with a completely new location and missions. IOI also promised bonus missions that completely change location, like Icon, Landslide and House Built on Sand in Hitman 2016.
    also its super worrying that when you compare hitman 2's sales to absolution that sales are down 90%
    maybe i've spent too much time with toei's work but episode 39 of attack on titan's opening action sequence blew my balls off.
    Jeez weren't you the guy talking about having taste in the movie thread? You watch this anime? There are better choices out there. The pacing of this manga/anime is horrible.
    Main character = EVERY angry Teen Shounen protagonist with Plot Armor.
    That was amazing when he got devoured and you thought the mangaka actually had the balls to shift perspective and make either of his 2 friends the protagonist but NOPE generic Anime plot armor kicks in and Hidden Powahhh Transformation surfaces at a critical time. What a surprise....

    not a problem for me. generic =/= automatically bad. but i will say the character designs could use A LOT of work and the show is absoultely drenched in teenage edgy angst. other than that the show is pretty solid imo.
    was at a gamestop...
    the pop funko section takes up the same amount of room as the ps3 section. shilling fallout 76 everywhere. barely any games. DS games just loose. no retro games. why is this place called gamestop again?
    Because they stop selling games. Get it because it's called gamestop.
    One piece is one of the greatest things ever made. its not even up for debate anymore.
    Eh. It's only about 63% of the usual anime faggotry, so I guess that makes it somewhat decent?
    agreed the comedy and filler are pretty bad. and to be fair if it didn't have you hooked by the arlong park arc then it wasn't gonna get ya. still its fucking great as far as im concerned its one of the best things out there.
    At least is not as bad as My Hero Academia.
    Naughty dog has become the MARVEL of video games. at least in the sense that each game is fun the first time and ONLY the first time.
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    In my experience all of the games they made are like that.
    problem is that outside of his aweseome design there doesnt seem to be a whole lot of character to mr x even in comparison to "STAAAARS"
    come to think on it Jack baker served a pretty similar function to Nemesis in RE7. i dont mind this. its a good format.
    REmake 2 has retooled Mr x to be a nemesis clone. that's all well and good for now but won't that make nemesis seem redundant for REmake 3?
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