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    ActionTrip interviews Gavin Carter

    Fallout 3 isn't even out yet and you claim that Fallout 1 & 2's death animations are superior. They've only shown like what, one or two deaths so far? That's the keyword, so far.
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    ActionTrip interviews Gavin Carter

    I got visceral satisfaction from tearing bodies apart with my sub-machine gun in Fallout 1 & 2. Does that make it Unreal Tournament?
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    Eurogamer interviews Pete Hines

    I'll admit, the 1994 thing made me go "huh?"
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    Fallout 3 Q&A

    Interesting...a shame that you guys were disappointed :(
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    BioShock reviews, part III

    I don't care for what reviewers think, all I know is I'm psyched to get this tomorrow. But yeah I can see the minigame thing getting annoying, but you can always use $10 instead of hacking in the game.
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    Second streak of Bioshock reviews

    BioShock looks incredible. And I hope the above poster is joking about "turnbased."
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    Inside the Vault - Brendan Anthony

    When did getting sucked into an engaging environment in a game become a bad thing?
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    Russian "Game Mania" previews Fallout

    The Russian Previewers can sleep well at night knowing F3 isi n Beth's hands. So let's sleep well at night too!
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    My friend's game keeps leading to BSOD's and restarts.

    Note: He installed my Fallout CD, which works fine on mine. He's set the game to Windows 95 Compatibility mode. He's using XP. It just happens when he's playing, nothing seems to trigger it. Help? EDIT: He HAS patched the game.
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    Fallout 3 at E3 - Electric Playground

    [add random banter that insults the previewer, calls him "not a real Fallout fan" and once again criticizes Bethesda, Fallout 3, and Oblivion]
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    GameSpot interviews Todd Howard

    Yeah, 'cause you would know.
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    Tim Cain doesn't comment on Fallout 3

    Tim Cain can wait 'till the game is out before passing judgment, so why the hell can't you people? I'm with Tim Cain. I'm waiting 'till I have the game installed on my computer and I'm playing it before I start dismissing it. Is there a possibility it's going to be Oblivion with Guns? Yes. Is...
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    Fallout 3 t-shirt on eBay

    I'd get the Fallout 3 shirt, but I need XL :x
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    Fallout 3 at E3 - Firing Squad/Grrlgamer

    oooo now you've got them riled up. :clap:
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    CAD can't wait for Fallout

    He's a blasphemer! Burn him!
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    Fallout 3 at E3 - NYTimes

    I think a certain amount of games can be considered as art. Metal Gear Solid, Fallout, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, I think they can all be considered art. But in the end, art is in the eye of the beholder. The masses may think video games can't be art but they can't be right and they...
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    Brian Fargo in GFW

    I'm pretty sure games were always made to make a profit. Sure, a company may put its heart and soul into a game and say they're doing it for the gamers, but in the long run it's for the money.
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    Unkillable Children and Can You Mod Them Out

    I can understand not being able to kill children. Jack Thompson and the ESRB would give them a hard time. And they'd give any company nowadays a hard time if they added killable children. Just goes to show you that though Black Isle could get away with it ten years ago, they probably couldn't today.