fallout 76

  1. J

    Fallout 76 now has $10 monthly and $100 annual subscription

    Hello, people of NMA. So I found this in the official twitter account of Fallout, and apparently Fallout 76 now has a monthly~anually subscription membership service called Fallout 1st. https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1187036397263347713 Paying money for a game with a shit load of...
  2. J

    The Fall of 76 by Internet Historian

    I just found this video of a YouTuber called Internet Historian, talking about the fall of Fallout 76, you guys should check it, it's quite entertaining.
  3. QuantumApprentice

    Fallout 2 - How to Enable Item Highlights and Speed Hack for the Bethesda.net version

    I made a video on how to enable Item Highlight and the Speed Hack in the Bethesda.net Launcher version, which people are getting for free right now, since there didn't seem to be a lot of information out there for new players to easily find. Let me know what you think :)
  4. B

    New California RP FO76 Community PS4

    New California Role Play is a community that strives to entertain and adventure with everyone, whether you are a raider, a former soldier now turned brotherhood or enclave, or even just someone trying to survive day to day in the harsh unforgiving wastes. Welcome Home to the wastes’ next big...
  5. Negativity

    Worst Fallout Game? What are your opinions?

    What do you think is the worst Fallout game now that Fallout 76 has been released, I have no doubt that a lot of you hate that game :D I put all of my opinions into this video: Regardless, I didn't think 76 was too bad, definitely better than a 2.6, and way better than Fo:BoS. I feel like...
  6. CT Phipps

    Fallout 76 - A Scary Window into Bethesda's Fall from Grace

    A thirty minute video talking from the perspective of a Bethesda fan who feels betrayed and confused by the game. A person (like me) who love Fallout 3, Skyrim, and are okay with Fallout 4 hate on 76. There's a difference even if some people can't see it.
  7. CT Phipps

    Things Fallout 76 did right 2#: Survival Elements

    I think even Bethesda haters will agree that the survival elements of the game is something that really adds to the experience of Fallout--even if it's because Bethesda is just copying very popular fan mods here. * Disease * Parasites * The constant need for water * The constant need for food *...
  8. CT Phipps

    Fallout 76 has the most depressing Vault story--even more than F4

    The premise is that you are the last guy out the door when 1000 highly educated but unarmed individuals are shoved out into the Wasteland with a backpack full of tools, GECK, or whatever else Vault-Tec equipped them for. However, you overslept due to a hangover and are 12 or 15 hours late. And...
  9. CT Phipps

    My review of Fallout 76

    "War...war is constantly getting dumber." I am a huge Fallout fan. I was brought into the series by Fallout 3 and mesmerized by its dark as well as haunting vision of a post-apocalypse Washington D.C. This led me to check out the original isometric games, which I also loved. Later, I would...
  10. CT Phipps

    [Futile Hope] They need to Taken King this thing

    You know, like Destiny did. Add a whole plot to the game. Human NPCs. New Enemies (Raiders!) Re-record massive amounts. It's been done before. Do I think they'll do it? No. But it's the only way they can salvage anything from this disaster.
  11. Nirv

    How did Fallout become what it is today?

    I can't 100% prove this, but I find that Todd Howard gets way more of the blame for the current state of Fallout than he deserves. My friend found this old interview with Todd Howard recently: Redguard came out on October 31st, 1998. Fallout was acquired by Bethesda in 2004. This show that...
  12. Nirv

    Modern Fallout Wildlife

    Hi, I've been a lurker on the forums for a while now. I've seen a lot of talk about the stories, lore inconsistencies, nonsensical settings, etc. of most of the modern Fallouts, but I haven't really ever seen any discussions about the creatures introduced in the newer additions to the series...
  13. J

    My brother's experience with Fallout 76

    Hey Everyone! So I messaged my big brother, who likes most of the fallout games (yes that includes Fallout 4. Although, he does agree that the game has problems...) to not buy Fallout 76 because it's a huge waste of money, and he responded me with "I refunded it after playing it for 2 hours...
  14. ArmagdoGaming

    How Do You See The Fallout Series in 20 Years?

    Bethesda... Bethesda never changes. Making bad games, yet publishing good games. I think Bethesda pretty much ruined Fallout. Yes, Fallout 3 included. They forgot what makes the series great. The characters, story, lore, the "theme" of the game, etc. I saw the trailer of 76, felt that it the...
  15. L.M.Valentine

    Jim "NMA should shut up about Bethesda" Sterling hates 76

    You know you've fucked up when Jim "I look past Bethesda's laziness because I think being too lazy to program monogamy in Fallout 4 is Bethesda accommodating my degenerate poly lifestyle" Sterling hates your game. Of course, I find it ironic that the author of this...
  16. Mr Fish

    Bethesda to use Gamebryo for Starfield and TES6

    Sauce: https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/11/02/fallout-76-shows-bethesdas-engine-has-gone-from-meme-to-liability/#5c6ae2f7123a This isn’t really just a meme anymore, Bethesda’s engine is an active turn-off, and I am concerned that they seem to be determined to keep just upgrading and...
  17. KingArthur

    Do You Believe a Facebook Post Can Inspire Change? Me Neither

    so basically I made a post on Facebook telling my feelings about 76. It won’t change anything or even ever be relevant, but at least it’s out there. You know, like voting in a rigged election. You know that what you don’t want to happen is gonna, but you feel better doing it. What I will say is...
  18. AgentBJ09

    Fallout 76 - My Impressions

    Well, we knew it was going to happen one day. Fallout has become another frame on the wall of "games as service" IPs, where not only will you not fully own what you purchase, what you create or uncover within said game will never fully be yours, and the game itself will be at the mercy of an...
  19. TerminallyChill

    Fallout 76 Prediction Game

    Alright, so tomorrow night we will finally be getting official confirmation on just what the hell this whole 'Fallout 76' thing is about. To pass the time, let's play a little game. The rules are simple, post a list of every individual feature you believe will be included (or excluded) from the...
  20. Negativity

    What is your favorite Fallout trailer?

    In the light of the new Fallout 76 trailer, I was inspired to create this video I'm curious though what NMM thinks is the best Fallout trailer. One that really captivated you.