It would not be Democratic since the vote was already put out there and decided, since when is a democracy best 2 out of 3? Every big issue vote comes with buyers remorse, but what about those who still want to leave after the second vote, should they just sit down and stfu and accept the new vote?
I am not sure about all definitions of a democracy ... but where exactly is it written that you can't have as many votes as the population/people want? Is this written in the constitution of the UK? Or are there some wikipedia definitions about democracy that says this? The only thing that is true, as far as I know, is that is nowhere said that the PARLIAMENT(!) has to follow those referendums. I will say this again, even THIS vote is NOT LIEGALY BINDING to the British Parliament! They are NOT obliged to do anything.
Parliament is sovereign and, if Brexit wins, Cameron will not be legally obliged to invoke the Lisbon treaty to start an EU exit. (...)
Albeit it is expected from them to follow the will of the people, no one said they have to. This is why we have parliaments in the first place and we give our vote so they represent us for a
short period of time. To act in the way they see fitt, without preasure, fear or ties. A democracy does not mean that our prepresentatives, which we ellected by the way, have necessarily to follow the will of the people in every single matter. So I don't see why a second referendum would be
un-democratic, when it doesn't affect the democratically ellected representatives in any way. - As far as I know the kind of democracy that we have in most European states anyway isn't the pure or direct democracy.
It's true, we usually don't hold votes and referendums for every shit all the time, because that would be not only unpractical but certain things need time and it simply looks stupid. And politicans - for good reason - should not be forced to change their opinion and stance on every subject every month, just to appease what is currently popular. But if a large part of the people, suddenly realize their mistake, I would say considering the gravity of this, it would not be undemocractic to yeah, vote again maybe. There is a good reason why certain decisions require a large majority to vote for it, like changes to the constituation for example.
I am usually not the most fond of Michio, but he has a point here, but this just by the way:
Look! I am even on your side on that. The people decided. And as much as I hate to admit it, there is probably no way back. But this is, as far as the EU goes, a precedence! No one, not you, or I or anyone here knows what will REALLY happen in 2 or 5 or 10 years from now. Will this be really the end of the EU? Will the UK even brake appart? Or will everthing simply work out somehow. No one knows. And this is one of the reasons why the pound is droping.
Even if it is very unlikely, even a second vote might happen.
However, you have yet to tell why it would be undemocractic. It would be unusual yes, and it would definetly seem very strange - for the UK. But, there is no definition that says it's not democratic ...