Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Still it is nice to see the rich elitist and the bureaucrats wet themselves and squirm.
George Soros, who is a big backer of the EU, is probably squirming after all the money he put into the Remain campaign. Good, serves him right for trying to sway every Western countries election for his own personal benefit the fucker.
Well, seems like he won again:
I see many comments in youtube (don't visit any other large media outlets) cheerfully and with a certain smugness in their tone, claiming how this decision will destroy the corrupt elite in Europe etc.. I think that getting heavily emotionally invested into the demise of a supposed, or real group of corrupt elite class is a waste of energy (as i have learned myself) that would probably be better spent elsewhere than in influencing ones decisions.
This is not an attack on your posts or anything like that, just thought i would share my thoughts on the subject when i saw this article.