A video on the Brexit and why the UK should leave.

Do you want Britain to Leave? Or to Stay?

  • Leave

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Stay

    Votes: 16 33.3%
  • I don't care...

    Votes: 9 18.8%

  • Total voters
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Still it is nice to see the rich elitist and the bureaucrats wet themselves and squirm.
George Soros, who is a big backer of the EU, is probably squirming after all the money he put into the Remain campaign. Good, serves him right for trying to sway every Western countries election for his own personal benefit the fucker.

Well, seems like he won again:


I see many comments in youtube (don't visit any other large media outlets) cheerfully and with a certain smugness in their tone, claiming how this decision will destroy the corrupt elite in Europe etc.. I think that getting heavily emotionally invested into the demise of a supposed, or real group of corrupt elite class is a waste of energy (as i have learned myself) that would probably be better spent elsewhere than in influencing ones decisions.

This is not an attack on your posts or anything like that, just thought i would share my thoughts on the subject when i saw this article.
Vote split // On the #EUref result (Remain / Leave): Happy: 4% / 92% Unhappy: 88% / 1% Indifferent: 7% / 5%
So a small poll. Also polls on twitter are the most trustworthy.

Do us all a favour and put spoiler tags around it next time you post a Farage picture, getting tired of seeing his face.

So for all the people in favour of brexit, we just lost the triple A credit rating. Go stick your heads in the sand and fucking think about that.
-snippity snip-
Odd, you didn't seem to have any issue with this poll....

>Daily Mail
>People magazine
If you took the time to read past their kitschy headlines you'd see that almost all their "evidence" is a bunch of whining millennials on Twitter (with the rest of it being those 1% that are unhappy and apparently didn't know that voting "leave" meant that they would LEAVE.
I thought you said Twitter wasn't a credible source?
Vote split // On the #EUref result
(Remain / Leave):
Happy: 4% / 92%
Unhappy: 88% / 1%
Indifferent: 7% / 5%

So much for all those leave voters "regretting" their decision. Surely the media's portrayal of the situation is just a misunderstanding, they'd never show a clear bias in the face of facts right?

Bad Brit, Bad Brit! What you gona do when reality comes for you!
Naaaw! Didn't you heard? They had enough of fucking experts! All those acronyms, who can remember them anyway? And besides, gravity is just a theory after all, correct? There are some things that are more important than stability, trading, jobs, food, and basic needs really! Like fighting communism and keeping the integrity of the UK!
Nigel knows it all. He said the recession would have hit Britain aaaanyway.
Do us all a favour and put spoiler tags around it next time you post a Farage picture, getting tired of seeing his face.



Bad Brit, Bad Brit! What you gona do when reality comes for you!

What is he even suggesting, that the leave campaign should organize Britain's withdrawal from the EU? It was a referendum on a single issue, not national elections. Actually making it happen is the current government's job.
we just lost the triple A credit rating
Think about that
Gee, you gave up on the largest empire the world had ever seen fifty years ago and you're still here, I think you'll do just fine with one less vowel in your credit rating.
Gee, you gave up on the largest empire the world had ever seen fifty years ago and you're still here, I think you'll do just fine with one less vowel in your credit rating.
Not only have we lost the credit rating, but the economies lost huge amounts of money, the markets have collapsed, the pound is at a 31 year low and the government and the opposition has destabilised.
What is he even suggesting, that the leave campaign should organize Britain's withdrawal from the EU? It was a referendum on a single issue, not national elections. Actually making it happen is the current government's job.
Yeah! It was just something that saw propaganda for months and a group of people crying for YEARS to make a refrendum! Why the fuck should anyone expect from them to actually come up with a plan to make negotiations as fast and smoth as possible! The fuck!

Yes, yes ... to be honest ... if they cried for years to make such a huge decision, than I would expect them to have an actuall plan for the time after they won. Sorry if I am trying to be reasonable and that I believe you should think things of such gravity trough, with having some actuall plans. But try to understand! I am not a right wing populist ... so of course I can not really follow how their mind works :/. Again. I am really sorry!

are you British? English? Or an American?
American, I just have an interest in more than just American politics. I'd actually been following Nigel and UKIP for sometime and I've always disliked the EU. You don't have to live in a European Union country to see how bad it is.
American, I just have an interest in more than just American politics. I'd actually been following Nigel and UKIP for sometime and I've always disliked the EU. You don't have to live in a European Union country to see how bad it is.
But actually living there will show you how NOT shit the EU is,
1. You are ignoring an even more important question, who drove those satellite states into NATOS embrace? You want to talk about NATO expansion, well look no further than the Soviets who fucked themselves by treating their neighbors like shit. NATO membership is voluntary, just like the CSTO

Even if we ignore the question above, you haven't refuted what I have said. Just like the U.S. and pretty much every other nation out there, Putin uses an US VS THEM mentality to justify forcing the ex-soviet states into the Russian sphere of influence. Putin doesn't care what the satellite states wants, he just wants them under his thumb so he can stand up to the U.S. and play the game, hence the reason for glorious Soviet Union good.

Who drove those satellite states into NATO's embrace? Probably NATO. And the reason for the Soviet Union going down being bad, was, as I said, rampant corruption, crime and poverty. Oh wait, that doesn't matter because it comes with the fall of all large states and it's not like that's usually the reason people call the fall of large states a bad thing. Note, he also stated that anyone who wants the Soviet Union back is insane.

2. Russia believes places like the Crimea, S. Ossetia and Syria should be states within the Russian sphere of influence, even though they are supposed to be neutral. The CSTO, and let us be frank, is NATO in regards to it is primary military bulk being Russian instead of American. It also exists as a deterrent to NATO expansion right? How dare the U.S. fuck with Russian ambitions right? See, Putin HAS ambitions and plans to expand Russian influence just like, GASP, the U.S. and China.

Putin has ambitions yes, but right now those ambitions are mostly limited to keeping old allies and keeping new enemies off their footing to prevent them from getting stronger.

3. Where in the hell did I say we should STAMP OUT RUSSIA? I am saying Putin wants a big strong Russia that can flex its muscles and tell others what to do. U.S. has bases on foreign soil, Russia has bases on foreign soil. Its not a dick swinging contest here of how many each has.

Yes it's not a dick swinging contest when the US has quite a few bases around Russia and Russia has a base in the Black Sea and in Syria, because the US outnumbers Russia in the dozens.

4. How is the Russian military stagnating with new Main Battle Tanks, stealth fighters like the PAK-FA and attack helicopters like the MI 28NM. Sure they are not on par with the U.S. currently, but it doesn't change the fact that Russia is modernizing and re-organizing for the future, a future that would be much more Russian if people give Putin the opportunity.

The majority of the Russian Military is a outdated group of averagely trained troops that would rely on mass conscription in times of conflict and have numerous organizational problems. Yes there are some highly trained units, but they'd be horridly outnumbered by the masses of European conscripts in any invasion.

5. We can if our president wasn't such a push over

Note: Obama is a mass murderer. Stop acting like he's some pansy, he's been responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.

China too is modernizing with its F22 ripoff the J31, J 20, and new attack helicopters like the WZ 10. They are working hard on sea power too with the Liaoning and plans to build another, bigger, carrier in the future.

Yeah exactly, they're getting very strong and strike a parallel to the US and the Caribbean in the 1800s with a strong new power edging out foreign influence and puppeting small states in the area.
It's interesting, I've conversed with WW 2 veterans from the US and they understand immediately pretty much without explaining the inherent dangers of far right wing ideologies in Europe. It isn't an abstraction to them. Go ahead Vergil and talk to them about it.

Was just reading reports about Polish, Balkan, etc. and even Finnish folks studying and working in UK being verbally and even physically attacked. I hope Boris will act quickly with his promise that the Brexit isn't about xenophobia. I mean, he's right isn't he? And of course he has control over these mobs?
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