1. Not bringing back the SU per say, as in communism. I am saying Putin wouldn't mind being a juggernaut that the SU was. So yea, shit like the Holodmore was total bullshit right? Didn't happen. The SU was always a nice brother and any negativity is evil western propaganda, whateva.
2. Exactly, FOR NOW. So you admit he wants to bring the ex-soviet satellite states back into the fold correct, most likely by coercion as some have already joined NATO.
3. I think we agree here. It isn't about how much each has. My whole point was Putin would like nothing more than to expand.
4. Agree to disagree but I do not believe pairing poor soldiers with modern weapons is an effective.
5. I am talking about geo-political maneuvering, not body counts here. Obama has neither the will nor skill to effectively counter Russian and Chinese ambitions. Whether by soft or hard power, he has still failed on the issue of re-assuring our allies we would not abandon them.
6. Again we agree. China is expanding. That certainly isn't good for Japan or Taiwan though. Lastly, if I were to argue from a liberals point of view, two wrongs do not make a right. Either way, both Russia and China are no different than the U.S.
Cause universal healthcare is so easy to agree on with a population of 280 million. Not to mention, as I have repeatedly stated, we have vastly different cultures, the most glaring differences being gun ownership, distrust of big government, etc.