A video on the Brexit and why the UK should leave.

Do you want Britain to Leave? Or to Stay?

  • Leave

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Stay

    Votes: 16 33.3%
  • I don't care...

    Votes: 9 18.8%

  • Total voters
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Could you give a short synopsis of what that site is trying to raise awareness of and promote? I looked at it for a while and couldn't figure it out. I'm stupid.

They want to propose a bunch of regulations that have some loopholes which might be exploited by the internet providers. They already tried to pass this shit in USA and India, but people made a big stink about it and it failed. If we act on this, we could also stop this in Europe.

The loopholes would let internet providers throttle internet speeds for some websites and allow quicker access for others, give zero ratings (not charging for data) for some websites and charge large amounts for access to others. Thus they could control what and when can you access, so that their websites and their services would be preferred over others.
Someone replied to something I said, and I replied back. If anything my posts are about as/far more relevant than Cmi's rants on how Britain is just like Nazi Germany now. Or even your posts to me right now where you try to take the intellectual high ground and constantly insult me in your infinite smugness. I'll respond as I see fit to be quite blunt, just because you're unhappy that I didn't sit here and spend an hour holding his hand and explaining why everyone who voted leave isn't exactly the same as hitler or how anecdotal stories aren't the same has general trends and patterns (oh and believe me I would love to, if I hadn't already done that and gotton absolutly nowhere on multiple occasions), doesn't mean you get to dictate what's "relevant". And why am I the only one who you feel need to be "content policed"? MutantScalper just posted a video of a late night comedy show yet you don't feel the need to complain that, that wasn't up to par? Could it be perhaps, that you have a bias against me?

Based on my previous interactions with Cmi I'm not the one you need to be saying this to.

Oh dear Lord. :roll:
I'm quite sorry my dear that my celebratory postings were not up to your exquisite expectations. Perhaps next time I'm writing a post on an internet forum I'll put on my top hat and monocle and crack open a bottle of commemorative sherry next time I elect to show my pleasure at the absolutely capital outcome of the current political decisions. Next time I'll be sure to consult you on what is most appropriate for such a momentous and important occasion that we all know posting on a miscellaneous thread is. :monocle:
See? It's way better when you actually say something instead of just posting pics :ok:.

I wasn't taking the intellectual high ground either, I was genuinely confused and curious about why quoting what someone said and then reply to it without even have read it, so I asked why.
If it offended you or sounded like I was attacking you I apologise for it, it was definitely not my intention.
I don't know what I said to make you so defensive and aggressive but be assured that I never attack anyone personally and I didn't said or mentioned anything about your content being policed. Again I seemed to have not made myself clear and for that I have to apologise again.

A note, I didn't constantly insult you, I mentioned twice that you were behaving childish and seeing that side of you was sad. Again I didn't intended to insult, I was pointing out that the behaviour you were displaying was different from what I have seen from you in the past, and it made me sad.
Why did it made me sad? Because I think you write rather interesting stuff but you were just posting the pictures, your words are way better than pictures of the same thing over and over.

I am also sorry that this post is not adding more to this thread discussion, but I wouldn't feel good if I didn't explain that I wasn't attacking anyone personally and @Vergil would think I hate him or I think he is a terrible person and want him censured or something.
You can cry all you want but 52% is still a majority. No amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that, sorry not sorry.
This is not adressed to me, interesting nonetheless, so I'll try some math instead of mental gymnastic:

72% of all registered voters gave their vote either to Leave or Remain party, split in 52% in favor of Leave vs. 48% in favor of Remain. That's cca 37% of all registered British voters voting for leave, cca 35% of all registered British voters voting for remain, and the rest which is 28% of all registered voters simply didn't vote at all.

I don't mind that UK is leaving the EU, it's their decision and I respect that. This referendum shows why some minimal quorum should have been set before referendum started though, since UK is leaving the EU due to 37% of British voters voting for brexit, which is only one third of British population deciding the fate of whole country for everyone else.

Vytenis Andriukaitis, who reacted with visible dismay to Ukip leader’s Brussels speech, criticises Farage’s ‘toxic untruths’

The man in the European parliament who was seen grimacing and covering his face with his palm as Nigel Farage launched into a tirade against MEPs whom he accused of never having done “a proper job” in their lives has been revealed to be the Lithuanian EU commissioner for health and food safety, a trained cardiac surgeon.

Vytenis Andriukaitis, who was born in a Soviet gulag on the edge of the Arctic Ocean and started his political career with the underground Social Democrat movement, has written a blogpost in which he reveals his thoughts during Farage’s speech.

Andriukaitis criticises Farage for spreading “toxic untruths” and “lies” such as the claim that, after Brexit, the money formerly contributed by Britain to the EU budget would be invested in healthcare.

The 64-year-old, who worked as a cardiac surgeon for six years and took part in the first heart transplant operation in his country’s history before moving into politics, says on his blog that in spite of the outcome of the referendum, “I was and still am fully with all the British people”. ...
So? Scotland is a part of the UK. That's like saying a presidential election in the states is invalid because 60% of one of Texas voted against them. You don't get to suddenly act like Scotland is this totally separate entity now that it helps your side. Also, I thought you hated "nationalism" but now you've suddenly got this surge of "Scotland is separate! The rest of the UK shouldn't affect them!".
You're missing the point. I don't care if Scotland leaves the UK or not. It's more about if they would really decide in the end to leave the UK, based on this refrendum. I can't be the only one to see the irony in this. As one of the arguments was to get the UKs independence back from the EU. I have no clue if the Scots will decide to leave the UK or not. We have to wait and see what the next few years bring. It would be simply a huge irony, if they did. And it will be interesting to see how Nigel and the other Brexit suporters will explain it. Probably blaiming the EU as well for this. I mean it can't be possibly the outcome of populism and polarizing the masses. But I am sure, all Brits have thought very thoughtfully and deeply about their decision anyway ...

Oh now this is rich. Notice how not once while you were arguing with me about Donald Trump (a UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL CANIDATE) did I pull the "You're not even a fucking American how the hell do you know" card? If I'm not allowed to talk about European politics because I'm an America then you're a hypocrite because you're a European who has done a whole lot of talking about American politics. As for your love of "nuances that I have to see here" In typical fashion you don't seemed to have picked up on something I've talked to you about in the past. ANECDOTAL stories do not equal EVIDENCE. Just because I've seen a 3 legged dog before doesn't mean "oh yea 3 legged dogs are normal". Which brings us to the next point:
Bla, bla, bla. You're missing the point again. We are not talking anymore about what you have with the typical news coverage. We are talking about something that is systematic and requires some insight. Knowing the difference between east and west Germany, the people, yes, it matters to live for 20 years in a nation. The conection between rhetoric and actions. Obviously when we're talking about Trump and the US we are just talking on the surface. I am not going to teach your gandmother how to suck eggs. And yes, if we get to the bottom of something, than youcan tell me to shut up because I am not American, and thus I can not follow the nuances. The thing is, there are simply a lot of informations that you're either missing or maybe don't even have access to. Just as how I can't have access to ALL sources of informations about Trump, since I am not a citizen of the US. So yeah, you definetly know more about the US than I do. There is a very nasty rhetoric that is used by people like Bernd Höcke, Gauland and Petry.

You don't have to wear uniforms, burning people and runing concentration camps like the Nazis to use their rhetoric.

Actually yes I have you presumptuous asshole. I just don't have the extremely narrow world view to think that my personal life experiences are indicative of the world as a whole. Likewise I have no interest whining on the internet about what I've gone through in my life for pity points in a debate. How dare you imply that I've never had to deal with discrimination in my life, that you somehow know me and my life. I'm am very disappointed and insulted that you would try to drag this conversation into a game of "whose the most oppressed?".
Which makese it even worse, if you experienced it, but fail to see the conection between rhetoric and action. I had a situation where my mother and I have been nearly attacked by a group of Neozais at night. Maybe you would think different if you had to seriously fear for your live. But I guess it is true what they say ...
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You're missing the point. I don't care if Scotland leaves the UK or not. It's more about if they would really decide in the end to leave the UK, based on this refrendum. I can't be the only one to see the irony in this. As one of the arguments was to get the UKs independence back from the EU. I have no clue if the Scots will decide to leave the UK or not. We have to wait and see what the next few years bring. It would be simply a huge irony, if they did. And it will be interesting to see how Nigel and the other Brexit suporters will explain it. Probably blaiming the EU as well for this. I mean it can't be possibly the outcome of populism and polarizing the masses.

Bla, bla, bla. You're missing the point again. We are not talking anymore about what you have with the typical news coverage. We are talking about something that is systematic and requires some insight. Knowing the difference between east and west Germany, the people, yes, it matters to live for 20 years in a nation. The conection between rhetoric and actions. Obviously when we're talking about Trump and the US we are just talking on the surface. I am not going to teach your gandmother how to suck eggs. And yes, if we get to the bottom of something, than youcan tell me to shut up because I am not American, and thus I can not follow the nuances. The thing is, there are simply a lot of informations that you're either missing or maybe don't even have access to. Just as how I can't have access to ALL sources of informations about Trump, since I am not a citizen of the US. So yeah, you definetly know more about the US than I do. There is a very nasty rhetoric that is used by people like Bernd Höcke, Gauland and Petry.

You don't have to wear uniforms, burning people and runing concentration camps like the Nazis to use their rhetoric.

Which makese it even worse, if you experienced it, but fail to see the conection between rhetoric and action. I had a situaiton where my mother and I have been nearly attacked by a group of Neozais at night. Maybe you would think different if you had to seriously fear for your live. But I guess it is true what they say ...

You should realise that Vergil is not interested in your massive paragraphs anymore; your wasting your time writing them
Well I thank you for being so honest. Genuine sincerity like your's is pretty rare to come by, especially with these kind of threads so hopefully you'll understand why my immediate reaction is to go on the defensive. As for why I toned back on the more involved and higher quality posts is that is gets pretty tiring to spend a lot of time typing up a response, (making sure everything is fact checked, make sure I have atleast a decent amount of rock solid sources, making sure I have counters to their arguments etc.) only to really get nowhere. Believe me despite all appearances may seem I do genuinely care, if I genuinely thought that I could actually convince him by continuing to reply with the same stuff I have again and again I would, but it's pretty disheartening to spend an hour writing up an essay of a post only to have half of it ignored and me end up getting called a nazi. I know what it's like to live in that liberal "bubble" of a mindset. Hell, less than a decade ago I was the edgy teen with a Lenin pin crying about the plight of the worker's class. Trust me, I know liberalism more than I'd like to admit. :lol: That's probably why as much as I'd love to totally ignore his posts from now on I can't resist calling things out as I see them.

This is not adressed to me, interesting nonetheless, so I'll try some math instead of mental gymnastic:

72% of all registered voters gave their vote either to Leave or Remain party, split in 52% in favor of Leave vs. 48% in favor of Remain. That's cca 37% of all registered British voters voting for leave, cca 35% of all registered British voters voting for remain, and the rest which is 28% of all registered voters simply didn't vote at all.

I don't mind that UK is leaving the EU, it's their decision and I respect that. This referendum shows why some minimal quorum should have been set before referendum started though, since UK is leaving the EU due to 37% of British voters voting for brexit, which is only one third of British population deciding the fate of whole country for everyone else.
I hate to be so blunt but honestly, if they don't vote, than what they think is irrelevant. You'll have to excuse me for being very America-centric in my example but over here if a bunch of people who can go out and vote don't go out and vote for president and they don't like that president, then to them I say tough shit. It's the same with the outcome of the referendum. If you really feel very strongly about something you would have found the time to vote. The fact that 37% of registered voters didn't vote doesn't mean the decision is invalidated.

You guys do get that posting John Oliver doesn't do anything but make people's eyes roll into the back of their heads right? I have a lot of more right wing comedians and entertainment that I watch but I wouldn't dare sit here and try to use a video of a comedian making jokes and having a bit of a dramatic hissy fit as an argument. Especially not one as hacky and consistently incorrect as John Oliver.

Bla, bla, bla. You're missing the point again. We are not talking anymore about what you have with the typical news coverage. We are talking about something that is systematic and requires some insight. Knowing the difference between east and west Germany, the people, yes, it matters to live for 20 years in a nation. The conection between rhetoric and actions. Obviously when we're talking about Trump and the US we are just talking on the surface. I am not going to teach your gandmother how to suck eggs. And yes, if we get to the bottom of something, than youcan tell me to shut up because I am not American, and thus I can not follow the nuances. The thing is, there are simply a lot of informations that you're either missing or maybe don't even have access to. Just as how I can't have access to ALL sources of informations about Trump, since I am not a citizen of the US. So yeah, you definetly know more about the US than I do. There is a very nasty rhetoric that is used by people like Bernd Höcke, Gauland and Petry.
No, I'm not missing the point. You're making blanket assumptions about my knowledge and depth of interest into the subject. I've actually already seen that interview with Frauke a while ago. When I debate you I don't just hold up the "well, you're just a european so you don't ever get any info outside of the news" as some kind of shield. I may not be watching German or French politics like a hawk like I do with America but I do stay well informed.
(Also that interviewer is being a real prick and to call Petry and the AfD "A far-right group" is pretty ridiculous but that's another argument)

You don't have to wear uniforms, burning people and runing concentration camps like the Nazis to use their rhetoric.

I suppose we should be wary of people who have said that they like German Shepards now because Hitler liked them as well? When the guy you're comparing Goebbels to starts talking about making "the jewish media having their lying mouths shut for them" then maybe I'll pay any heed to the "omg u just leik hitler" argument

Which makese it even worse, if you experienced it, but fail to see the conection between rhetoric and action. I had a situation where my mother and I have been nearly attacked by a group of Neozais at night.
And you seem to fail to see that just because you had a (quite rare to be fucking frank) bad experience doesn't mean that all Germans are on the cusp on breaking into "sieg heil"s anytime any policy or even remotely right wing idea is being considered. The German people aren't being unresonable xenophobes when there are mass rapes and a fucking pedophile ring happening in Rotherham for example. Look, I will admit that I've been weaving around your personal story because it is very unfortunate and I want to give you enough respect not to start dragging your personal life and family into this and trivializing it because I realize that it must be very personal for you, but I'm getting really fucking pissed at you trying to do that shit to mine.
Maybe you would think different if you had to seriously fear for your live.
Like this shit right here ^? You need to cut it the fuck out because you trying to trivialize my life and what I've gone through (which you don't even fucking know yet you presume you do) to try and claim you have some kind of moral superiority on the subject is about as disrespectful and fucking low as you can go. What happened to me isn't anyone's business but my own and it doesn't mean a Goddamn thing when it comes to discussing facts. I don't feel the need to project my experiences onto everything even when they don't apply.
Ugh, I feel gross just mentioning this. I'm not looking for pity but I do get a little upset when someone tries to tell me that I haven't ever had to deal with some real shit in my life and they don't even know me.
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Well if you can't see how a certain rhetoric can lead to violence, than you're simply a lost cause. I saw what it did to Yugoslavia, from the propaganda there, which happend on all sides and what my relatives said. I see what it does to Germany. I see what it did to the UK right now. Go figure. Nationalism and populism is on the rise.

You guys do get that posting John Oliver doesn't do anything but make people's eyes roll into the back of their heads right? I have a lot of more right wing comedians and entertainment that I watch but I wouldn't dare sit here and try to use a video of a comedian making jokes and having a bit of a dramatic hissy fit as an argument. Especially not one as hacky and consistently incorrect as John Oliver.
Because he is often spot on? I don'T even say that he gets EVERYTHING right - who does? But I have yet to see someone here really opposing and debunking his points.

Like his previous video where he talked about the effects of Brexit. Yeah ... pff! Experts, right? Oliver was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong on this one!

No, I'm not missing the point. You're making blanket assumptions about my knowledge and depth of interest into the subject.
This isn't about interest. It is about experience and access to informations. We can only observe nations on the surface, unless we actually took our time to visit those places, learning the culture, it's quirks and nuances. I can learn everything about Russia, but unless I get actually access to some sources writen in Russian, I will always be limited to the informations I can actually read. And no matter how interested I am, if I don't get a translation, I have no way of getting my hands on it.

I suppose we should be wary of people who have said that they like German Shepards now because Hitler liked them as well?
Are you seriously so dense and obtuse? Yeah, fuck context! Why should there be a conection between growing violence, racism and attacks on immigrants and the rhetoric by populists. Naw man. It has nothing to do with it, nothing at all.

When the guy you're comparing Goebbels to starts talking about making "the jewish media having their lying mouths shut for them" then maybe I'll pay any heed to the "omg u just leik hitler" argument
Germany's AfD party declines to expel lawmaker over anti-Semitism allegations

Right-wing lawmakers in the southern German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg on Tuesday rejected calls to expel a party member facing accusations of anti-Semitism, instead launching a review of his articles and books. (...)

Or their stance on Homosexuality and the recent stir in one of the parliaments, where Andreas Gehlman cried for imprisonment for Homosexuals in the Saxony-Anhalt Landtag (The state diet of the German federal state.)

I can explain it to you, but I can not understand it for you.
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Well if you can't see how a certain rhetoric can lead to violence, than you're simply a lost cause.
And if you think that we're all nazis if we don't just bend over and accept every single liberal policy and ideal that comes our way you're a lost cause. If you continue to ignore mass rapes in Sweden (which has the most insanely open door immigration policy in Europe) because you don't want to be "islamaphobic" you're a lost cause, if you continue to ignore child sex slave rings that are run by "refugees" in Rotherham because it goes against the "multicultural" narrative you're a lost cause and if you think that Britain wanting basic fucking economic and political freedom from the EU makes them just the same as the NSDAP you're a fucking lost cause. Germany is filled with this self hating culture of guilt especially and it's sickening. You're not a nazi for liking Germany and wanting to keep out horrific sex criminals who come over there with their 12 year old child brides. Nazi in Germany is like "racist" in America. It's lost all fucking meaning and is just a boogeyman word that gets thrown around when lefties don't like something and are loosing an argument.
Because he is often spot on?
Like how he said
- Taking in massive amounts of "refugees" in Europe is nothing to be worried about (less than two months later that huge terrorist attack in Paris happens)
- Talking about how Donald Trump is a joke not worth going into (and then devoting a whole half hour to him filled with lies)
- Saying that Donald Trump will never be the nominee (which he now is)
And then theres the the fact that he's a fucking B-level comedian on a late night comedy show and has 0 journalistic credentials to his name.
Just to give you a pretty idea of how much of a liberal bullshitter Mr(s?). Oliver is, here is a nice deconstruction (not that you'll watch it) of his last "epic take-down" of Trump (with sources provided in the video and description as well).

Not the kind of guy I would exactly call an

This isn't about interest. It is about experience and access to informations. We can only observe nations on the surface, unless we actually took our time to visit those places, learning the culture, it's quirks and nuances. I can learn everything about Russia, but unless I get actually access to some sources writen in Russian, I will always be limited to the informations I can actually read. And no matter how interested I am, if I don't get a translation, I have no way of getting my hands on it.
Yea, I have plenty of access to "information". It's pretty amazing what you can do with the internet when you actually bother to look things up and hear from many different people from many different countries. And no, you don't have to go to Russia to get a pretty good Goddamn idea of how the political climate is there. Maybe if this was way back in the day but now, here in the information age we pretty much have information and understanding at our fingertips if we actually bother to go out and look for it. I mean that interview with Petry is a great example of that "getting a translation" you talked about. So much of that stuff IS translated (at least in my native language and the second language of so many others; English) and readily available now. I mean it's no different than anything else. I'm not a every single American demographic all at once and haven't experienced every possible permentation of life in America but I can look at the current statistics on those demographics and how they are being effected and make a decision from there. You don't have to be in the middle of a house fire to see that clearly, you're gonna need some fuckin water to help remedy the problem at the very least. :D

Yeah, fuck context!
Well, that seems to the rallying cry of all the people who make these "omg this speech is just like a hitler speech!". I mean hell if I showed you this

without you having seen the full speech in it's full context (where Trump is talking about Iran and enemies of Israel and what they've been saying) you'd think Trump wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.
And it's a tactic that's been used in ads against him before but let's stay focused here.
Germany's AfD party declines to expel lawmaker over anti-Semitism allegations
Right-wing lawmakers in the southern German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg on Tuesday rejected calls to expel a party member facing accusations of anti-Semitism, instead launching a review of his articles and books. (...)
*shrugs* allegations aren't proof of anything. I could allege that you're a 3 eyed alien from mars who wants to implant his eggs inside the corpse of fertile Earth creatures but that doesn't make it try. Also actually looking at the article all that he said was "said that denying the Nazi Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were killed, is a legitimate expression of opinion" which is not his personal view on the matter (http://www.jta.org/2016/06/22/news-...ker-accused-of-anti-semitism-holocaust-denial Here he refers to Holocaust deniers as dissidents) and is a legitimate concern when it comes to free speech. I mean you may not like holocaust denial but the fact that you get fucking arrested for asking questions is pretty absurd is it not? It's not that ridiculous that someone who lives in the western world that has spent years fighting tooth and nail for the right to freedom of speech can now get arrested because of an opinion he expresses.
I mean hell I don't like half the shit I read on here but I don't think it's even in the realm of reason to lock you all up for anything you say (outside of obvious shit like yelling fire in a crowded area etc).
Or their stance on Homosexuality and the recent stir in one of the parliaments, where Andreas Gehlman cried for imprisonment for Homosexuals in the Saxony-Anhalt Landtag (The state diet of the German federal state.)
You want to give any actual links to these claims?
I can explain it to you, but I can not understand it for you.
Well of course you can't, you can't even understand it for yourself.
And if you think that we're all nazis if we don't just bend over and accept every single liberal policy and ideal that comes our way you're a lost cause.
@Jebus fucking Christ. Where have I said you're a god damn Nazi?! Stop with this crap finally. Read what I write, not what you read into it. For the last time:


You want to give any actual links to these claims?
I havn't found english articles about it. To be fair, the nuances of German politics are not necessarily the most important topic of US/British news coverage - just as how we don't get everything that happens over there. So I could only give you articles written in German news papers. Just look up his name in google and Sachsen or Homosexuelle. THis is what I mean when I am talking about experience and actually having access to all sources. I have the luck that I can read english articles. But to use a different example, I would never talk about Russia like I could know the nation as someone who actually can speak Russian and has lived there for a couple of years, reading Russian literature, knowing the culture and people.

*shrugs* allegations aren't proof of anything.
Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings - Heinrich Heine. This goes much further than allegations. Wolfgang Gedeon wrote an antisemtic book. He took inspiration from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. And the party is proposing laws against muslims, which would also hit jews. Like the slaughtering of certain mammals and birds for food according to religous dietary laws, or circumcision. The jews and muslims share quite a few religious traditions with each other. Member of the AfD have particularly posted antisemtic slurs on their twitter and Facebook pages. Again, I could only give you German articles about it.
Obviously the AfD is pretty ambivalent when it comes to jews, but it is striking how huge the number of hollocaust deniers is in the AfD.

Well, that seems to the rallying cry of all the people who make these "omg this speech is just like a hitler speech!". I mean hell if I showed you this
Dude. Stop it. Höcke is the representative of the extreme far right wing of the AfD. See? This is what I mean when I tell you ... sorry, but as someone who has grown up in Germany, I know more about this subject than you do. Now you can shrug this off as cocky, smart-alecky or what ever. Doesn't matter. But it doesn't change the fact that I know more about this party and their rhetoric than you do. Because I know the whole picture and nuances and I have access to all sources of information here in Germany. You simply don't. The fact that I speak and understand fluently German and that I am living here grants me access to informations that you simply don't have. This has noting to do with your intellect or interest. It's common sense really.

Like how he said
- Taking in massive amounts of "refugees" in Europe is nothing to be worried about (less than two months later that huge terrorist attack in Paris happens)
This is the kind of bullshit I am talking about. The attack wasn't planed or conducted by refugees, of which France took a lot less than Germany. Since when do we blame ALL people for the actions of individuals? You debunked nothing here. Just showing your ignorance about the subject as whole and the nuances of it. I will quote your self here, because of irony:

*shrugs* allegations aren't proof of anything.

Sorry that I am the kind of guy that beliefs people are actually innocent till they well ... actually comitt a crime, you know? Isnt prejudgment kinda bad thing in the US as well?

- Talking about how Donald Trump is a joke not worth going into (and then devoting a whole half hour to him filled with lies)
I never claimed that he was a journalist. John Oliver first and foremost a comedian. I thought that was kinda obvious and common sense ... what ever if he makes jokes or not isn't important right now.

- Saying that Donald Trump will never be the nominee (which he now is)
And then theres the the fact that he's a fucking B-level comedian on a late night comedy show and has 0 journalistic credentials to his name.
Just to give you a pretty idea of how much of a liberal bullshitter Mr(s?). Oliver is, here is a nice deconstruction (not that you'll watch it) of his last "epic take-down" of Trump (with sources provided in the video and description as well).
Oliver obviously gave his opinion on that matter based on his knowledge of that time. Big deal. A lot of people thought Trump wouldn't become a nomine. Including some journalists. For fucks sake 2 years ago I didn't blieve Trump would make it that far either. And here we are now. I stand corrected.
But you know what, I will be generous. I give you that. His prediction was proved wrong on that one! Trump might end up as your president. For better or worse. That remains to be seen.

I asked you in particular about his show on Brexit and that you should debunk his claims. So this is the best you could come up with? I totally see now how John Oliver is such a shill ...
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You guys aren't really arguing about Brexit anymore. Allow me to put this to rest, yes: Populism is bad, no: Brexit has nothing to do with racism, a few assholes attached themselves to the movement and a few politicians went overboard on rhetoric but they're not Nazis.
Crni, right-wing populists imitating right-wing populists isn't really news, it's bad sure but what do you expect?
Where have I said you're a god damn Nazi?!
You've constantly compared the current political situation of both Britain and America with the start of Nazi Germany, implying that those people are just like Hitler and the Nazis.
Exactly, just because you can cut up some similar speeches to make them sound similar doesn't mean that they're Nazi. I don't get how this is supposed to be against my argument.
I havn't found english articles about it. To be fair, the nuances of German politics are not necessarily the most important topic of US/British news coverage - just as how we don't get everything that happens over there. So I could only give you articles written in German news papers. Just look up his name in google and Sachsen or Homosexuelle.
So you've got one member of the party who expressed a private opinion that's not indicative of the party as a whole. That article itself even admits that homosexuality isn't even directly mention in AfD's official concerns. So really, you have one guy expressing his private opinion who happens to be a member of a political party. And the party has shown in the past that it has a very diverse group of supporters.
You can call it a bit sudden to embrace this demographic but never the less it shows that there are in fact supporters for the party outside of the "evil straight white male" demographic.
Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings - Heinrich Heine.
Simply epic. Literally.
Dude. Stop it. Höcke is the representative of the extreme far right wing of the AfD. See? This is what I mean when I tell you ... sorry, but as someone who has grown up in Germany, I know more about this subject than you do. Now you can shrug this off as cocky, smart-alecky or what ever. Doesn't matter. But it doesn't change the fact that I know more about this party and their rhetoric than you do. Because I know the whole picture and nuances and I have access to all sources of information here in Germany. You simply don't. The fact that I speak and understand fluently German and that I am living here grants me access to informations that you simply don't have. This has noting to do with your intellect or interest. It's common sense really.
You keep acting like this is very complicated and nuanced but really it's not difficult to understand at all. You can keep hiding behind this "Only Germans can understand what's happening in Germany so shut up and stop questioning me" thing but it's not going to work on me. I would never tell someone in a debate no matter how annoyed I was to "Stop it" based on where they're from. And as for you having access to information I don't have, I've yet to see you post a thing that I haven't been able to find coverage of in English yet so maybe in another case of your personal experience over facts, your inability to actually effectively look stuff up is effecting your views on things.
This is the kind of bullshit I am talking about. The attack wasn't planed or conducted by refugees
.... are you being serious right now?
You try and say that I can't comment on Germany yet you're going to ignore all of the coverage of the Paris attack and serious try to claim that muslims had NOTHING TO DO with the attacks.
So yea, when "refugees" are dancing in streets after moslems shoot up a theatre, theres a fuckin immigration problem. For a man who talks about common sense so much you seem to lack it. This of course isn't even mentioning Charlie Hebdo, the Villejuif attack by an Algerian jihadist, the Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack where an islamic delivery driver decapitated a man and then tried to blow up a building, the 2015 Thalys train attack, and of course, the November attacks where jihadists killed 130 people. This isn't even fucking everything in 2015 yet the death toll is in the multi-hundreds. So don't sit here and tell me there isn't a terrorism issue with islam in France.
of which France took a lot less than Germany.
Again, showing your complete and total ignorance on the subject and propensity to just start talking completely out of your ass.


Since when do we blame ALL people for the actions of individuals?
We follow trends and patterns. When countries that have massive amounts of islamic immigration have a fucking insane spike in terrorist attacks and fucking rape, it's common fucking sense to be wary. In WWII when we were at war with fucking Germany America didn't open the flood gates and started allowing massive amounts of German immigrants. Whether you want to admit it or not we are at war with islam. They fucking hate us, there are thousands dead and even more beaten and raped because we're too afraid of being "islamiphobic" while they laugh at us and continue blowing us up. I'm not blaming every single little moslem but I'm fucking sorry I'm not going to risk thousands of lives for that small minority of "peaceful moslems".
Just showing your ignorance about the subject as whole and the nuances of it.
The only one who is ignorant here is you. So far all you've done is talk out of your ass about things you clearly don't know about and claim to have some kind of special "European Sixth Sense" that gives you some kind of special insight into issues in Europe. All of your examples have either been hyberbolic headlines that once you actually read the article you see that it's really nothing or claim that there are topics that are impossible to find information about from non German sources and then me finding them almost immediately. So unfortunately for you, no matter how much you repeat about how you understand the "nuances of it", it isn't going to become true.
I never claimed that he was a journalist. John Oliver first and foremost a comedian. I thought that was kinda obvious and common sense ...
Than why do you keep posting him like what he says matters? I know it's very obvious and common sense that trying to use a shitty comedian as some kind of support for your argument is the most laughable thing imaginable. Like the video you didn't watch shows, he has been known to just make shit up or at the very least do about as poor of a job fact checking as you do on his show so his jokes aren't "important".
I asked you in particular about his show on Brexit and that you should debunk his claims. So this is the best you could come up with? I totally see now how John Oliver is such a shill ...
I don't fucking have to. If I posted a video of a stand up comedian dicking around on stage for 30 minutes you'd immediately dismiss it as a absolutely retarded non-source. I even went farther than is reasonably required, I showed you (even though you obviously didn't' look because well why would you start now when you never have before) how terrible of a "source" that Oliver is on anything outside of forced analogy jokes. Look, so far all you've done is further validate my stance on not bothering to go through this back in forth where you just kinda fart ideas out of your ass and I have to constantly prove you wrong only for you to fervently deny them despite what the facts show and then circle the conversation back to the same shit over and over again and constantly move the goalposts so you can get the last word in. It's how we even got to this topic in the first place, you keep taking the conversation through this epic journey just so you can keep talking.
I think you might get a little bit of self reflection from this:
Now like
You guys aren't really arguing about Brexit anymore.
Despite his obvious bias to agree with you, he is right. This thread is for Brexit, this argument is going absolutely nowhere and arguing with you has proven once again to be a waste of time. The only reason I even bothered to do this dance again is to show people that no, I haven't lost my touch. :D
Oh, I'm like totally surprised that Nigel Farage - fans are also 'racial realists' or whatever the racists are calling themselves these days.
Oh, I'm like totally surprised that Nigel Farage - fans are also 'racial realists' or whatever the racists are calling themselves these days.
Never said anything discriminatory against a single race. Islam is not a race btw, it's a religion/ideology. But thank you for again proving that when faced with something you don't like instead of formulating an argument you just claim I'm racist.
Nigel Farage - fans
Why did you put a hyphen in between Nigel Farage and fans?
Despite his obvious bias to agree with you
I didn't agree with him, in fact I said literally the exact opposite as to what he was saying.

In Brexit news:
The petition for a second referendum has been signed 4 million times, which is a little ridiculous considering only ~1.5 million people voted to remain, where the fuck were they when the vote was on?
David Cameron has advised Jeremy Corbyn to step down following the vote of no confidence, we'll see whether he does.
Finally, the global market is looking as though it's close to recovering from Brexit, it'll probably be thrown into disarray again in two years though.
You've constantly compared the current political situation of both Britain and America with the start of Nazi Germany, implying that those people are just like Hitler and the Nazis.
Uhm, yeah, I guess that's why we're talking right now about the AfD, a german right wing populist party ...
I will say this again. You don't have to be a NAZI to use THEIR RHETORIC. Why isn't that going in your thick skull finally?

Exactly, just because you can cut up some similar speeches to make them sound similar doesn't mean that they're Nazi. I don't get how this is supposed to be against my argument.

So you've got one member of the party who expressed a private opinion that's not indicative of the party as a whole.
Except that those are official political ralies, not private events. The people I named and mean sit in the parliament, are members of the party, talk at official and public events. They are the face of the AfD.

"Only Germans can understand what's happening in Germany so shut up and stop questioning me" thing but it's not going to work on me.
Yeah, well I guess some people simply won't accept reality. No matter how hard it hits them. There are even today people that think the late 1930s have been awesome and wonder how the Nazis assumed power in Germany. Can't help it when some people are blockheads and can't see a pattern and correlation here. I never said we will see concentration camps for muslims in Germany in the near future. But I see how more and more people cry for dismantling our consitutional rights. And that's a very dangerous path. Some people, a small yet vocal minority, calls down for closing down mosques, laws to count and register moslems, homosexuals and other groups they see as unatural.

You try and say that I can't comment on Germany yet you're going to ignore all of the coverage of the Paris attack and serious try to claim that muslims had NOTHING TO DO with the attacks.
Obviously you can and do comment on the subject. I am just claiming that you will never understand Germany the same way someone does who happend to live here for the past 30+ years and actually speaks fluently the German language. I never said the terrorists havn't been muslims. I am just not the kind of guy that well, condemns billions of people for the actions of a few.

So yea, when "refugees" are dancing in streets after moslems shoot up a theatre, theres a fuckin immigration problem.
I never said ALL refugees are fucking saints. I just don't judge millions of people because there are some criminals and lunatics, which happen to exist in all groups. Is someone like Brevik exemplary for the typical christian right wing populist of Norway? Or is Timothy McVeigh the typical US gun-nut? Is Charles Manson the average American? I would guess not. I judge individuals, not a whole groups of people. I never denied that there can be issues. Or that certain groups shouldn't be investigated. Which is what happens in Germany, as some muslim communites, like the Salafis, are under observation by our Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. People that return from Syrah and who fought for ISIS will be charged with a crime in Germany. What else should we do? What more can we do without violating the personal rights of German citizens?

Again, showing your complete and total ignorance on the subject and propensity to just start talking completely out of your ass.
Oh well, I stand corrected than, nice to see that some European nations besides Germany are aware about their responsibilites. I can admit if I am wrong. Still, I don't see why millions of refugees should suffer because of the actions of som crazy individuals. Terrorism is a complex matter. It always ways. Otherwise we would have solved the problem already decades ago. Just ask the ones that had to deal with the RAF, IRA, ETA and other terrorist groups.
With more than one billion muslims in the world, should we start a war on Islam or what? Seriously, what would be your solution to this whole problem. What should France or Germany do, hmm?
Muslims in Germany are a pretty peacefull bunch by the way, where as the most killing and violence comes from Neo-Nazis and right wing extremists.

In WWII when we were at war with fucking Germany America didn't open the flood gates and started allowing massive amounts of German immigrants.
Awesome. Isn't that convenient? I can't compare some of the tactics that populists use today with the Nazis, but you can make a conection here between the war-time US and how they dealt with the Nazis and compare that with todays Islam.

Again. What should we Germans do about it, hmm? What. We have millions of muslims in Germany. What the fuck should we do with them now that they are here anyway? Should we expell them? How do you seperate the good muslim from the bad one? What is a good muslim in your opinion? At which point does a muslim become radical and at which point is he moderate? And how can we tell the difference? Should we close down and ban all mosques? Should we close our borders to all muslims? What if they manage to slip trough with false papers? What the fuck would you want us to do to effectively combat terrorism.

They fucking hate us, there are thousands dead and even more beaten and raped because we're too afraid of being "islamiphobic" while they laugh at us and continue blowing us up.
Who has killed more people since the 1990s?
The West, with the war on terror? Or the Muslims? How many Americans have died due to muslim attacks since 2001, and how many people from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and the whole midle east have died either directly or indirectly by attacks from Britain, France and the US? Strange enough, exactly the nations that have to deal the most with terrorist attacks.
We are dealing with this issue since the late 1990s. We used a lot of military forces to fight them. If this is awar like you say, than I don't see how our current tactic is making us really safer. Again. Oh whise Vergil! What should we do! Tell us your solutions!

The only one who is ignorant here is you
Yeah! Curse me! And my fucking ignorance, because I am more the kind of guy who advocates restraint even with terrorist attacks and not just bombing villages in Syrah, like France did after the attacks on Paris not even a few days after it.

Despite his obvious bias to agree with you, he is right. This thread is for Brexit, this argument is going absolutely nowhere
I can keep this up till the topic gets vated. It has outlived it's purpose anyway.
Why did you put a hyphen in between Nigel Farage and fans?

I don't know I just woke up, still befuddled. There are different rules concerning hyphens in my language (very complicated grammar) and English. It sometimes gets confused in my head. I ought to know all this stuff though because I've studied English.

Crni Vuk fighting the racists here is like this dude in Matrix Reloaded. I'm the guy who brings him ammo.

Uhm, yeah, I guess that's why we're talking right now about the AfD, a german right wing populist party ...
I will say this again. You don't have to be a NAZI to use THEIR RHETORIC. Why isn't that going in your thick skull finally?
The only think I can't "get through my thick skull" is your point. If you understand that the fact that they have some similarities in speech doesn't make them nazi, then why do you keep feeling the need to point it out? Why did you feel the need to write multiple paragraphs talking about Nazi Germany and the SA/SS? This absolutely reeks of backtracking to me. Or, at the very least, a very poor ability to convey just exactly the hell you're trying to do if it's not saying "omg these guys sound liek hitler, if you like them you're a nazi".
Except that those are official political ralies, not private events. The people I named and mean sit in the parliament, are members of the party, talk at official and public events. They are the face of the AfD.
Those things that Gedeon wrote were separate to his time in the AfD (not that they were even bad anyway) and Gehlmann was expressing a personal opinion after a parliamentary debate. In the case of Gehlmann I do in fact disagree with his view on homosexuality but I don't take his own opinion as that of the entire party. Like what @Izak was talking about with Brexit just because "a few assholes attached themselves to the movement" doesn't represent the entirety of the party (especially when there is evidence to the contrary with them showing and promoting their gay and immigrant supporters as I showed in my previous post). I mean plenty of Bernie Sanders supports were the same people who would tweet about killing all white men and other nonsense but that doesn't meant that Sanders was running on and all his supporters were supporting a policy of ethnic cleansing lol.
Yeah, well I guess some people simply won't accept reality. No matter how hard it hits them. There are even today people that think the late 1930s have been awesome and wonder how the Nazis assumed power in Germany. Can't help it when some people are blockheads and can't see a pattern and correlation here. I never said we will see concentration camps for muslims in Germany in the near future.
You're acting as if Nazi Germany is the only time in world history were immigration has been an issue for a political group. There are plenty of parallels to the Wiemar Republic and the present day but that doesn't mean that history is going to repeat itself and Hitler 2 is going to come bumbling along. Really don't see why you feel the need to constantly interject the nazis into everything. It gets tiring.
But I see how more and more people cry for dismantling our consitutional rights. Some people, a small yet vocal minority, calls down for closing down mosques, laws to count and register moslems, homosexuals and other groups they see as unatural.
No one is attacking your rights. The current government is doing so more by censoring free speech and allowing a massive importing of a foreign and hostile culture into the country and turning a blind eye while thousands are raped and killed. As for it being a "small minority" that has an issue with the massive amounts of moslems pouring in....
condemns billions of people for the actions of a few.
I just don't judge millions of people because there are some criminals and lunatics, which happen to exist in all groups.
the actions of some crazy individuals.
Ah fuck here we go again with the "peaceful majority" meme.
I've already proved you wrong on this but let's go ahead and show all the evidence to the contrary yet again.

(open in a new tab and zoom in to see it better)
What exactly this lovely Sharia law so many of them want to institute:
• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).

• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.

• Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.

• Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god of Islam is punishable by death.

• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.

• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.

• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.

• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.

• Girls' clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad's words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).

• A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.

• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.

• A man can beat his wife for insubordination.

• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.

• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).

• A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man's.

• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.

• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).

• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.

• Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be Halal.

• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.

In 2012 there were 7 known countries in the world where the state could execute you for being atheist. Every single one was officially Islamic.

There are 5 places in the world that still have amputation as a form of legal punishment. Every single one is officially Islamic.

There are 4 places in the world that still have beheading as a method of execution. Every single one is officially Islamic.

The use of the death penalty (hangings, decapitations, etc.) to implement the Shari'ah continues to increase year by year.

Heres a pastebin I have saved just fucking FULL of different polls and reports on the Islam problem

And since you seem to be allergic to actually clicking any links I post heres some more stats.


See also: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Muslim_Statistics_(Terrorism)for further statistics on Islamic terror.

al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and Islamic State (ISIS)

9/11 Attacks

Violence in Defense of Islam


Honor Killings

So, as I've said before, don't give me the whole "m-most muslims are peaceful!" shtick, we've been over this before. People aren't freaking out over a tiny and oppressed minority.

Is someone like Brevik exemplary for the typical christian right wing populist of Norway? Or is Timothy McVeigh the typical US gun-nut? Is Charles Manson the average American?
No, because unlike moslems, those two example are statistical abnormalities. The majority of people who those two claim to belong to both vilify those people and the majority of that group do not commit or support those crimes. This is a prime example of a false equivalency.

What else should we do? What more can we do without violating the personal rights of German citizens?

Seriously, what would be your solution to this whole problem. What should France or Germany do, hmm?

Again. What should we Germans do about it, hmm? What. We have millions of muslims in Germany. What the fuck should we do with them now that they are here anyway?

Again. Oh whise Vergil! What should we do! Tell us your solutions!
It's actually very simple.
As for the ones who are there, deport them. If they have committed crimes fucking get them out. Hell, they're not even fucking Germans so the government has no responsibility to continue sheltering these people. No more ignoring crimes out of fear of being seen as "islamiphobic", no more bending over to barbaric moslem laws that conflict with German laws (these disgusting fucks with their 12 year old brides come to mind) and just get the ones who are clearly dangerous and don't belong there out. Which brings me to the next point.

nice to see that some European nations besides Germany are aware about their responsibilites.
What in the unholy fuck are you going on about? NONE of these countries have a fucking "responsibility" to any of these fucking people. They have no responsibility to let these people come in and rape and murder their fucking citizens. This is that same "guilt culture" I was talking about earlier with the west. Western Europe owes absoulutly nothing to any of these people. The fact that you think that they have some kind of duty to place a bunch of hostile and violent invaders over their citizens shows just how fucking far gone you are.

With more than one billion muslims in the world, should we start a war on Islam or what?
Well that's unnecessary since Islam has already declared war on us. When they're blowing up our buildings, filling up our streets and raping our women it's pretty fucking clear that we are at war with Islam already.
Muslims in Germany are a pretty peacefull bunch by the way, where as the most killing and violence comes from Neo-Nazis and right wing extremists.
lol not even fucking close to the truth. You must have had to reach an all time asspull record to get that kind of outcome. I'd love to see what "stats" you've seen that show anything that would even remotely imply that.


Awesome. Isn't that convenient? I can't compare some of the tactics that populists use today with the Nazis, but you can make a conection here between the war-time US and how they dealt with the Nazis and compare that with todays Islam.
Well if you actually understood how comparison and false/true equivalences worked you would understand why saying that people who express right wing ideals in a peaceful political fashion and a group of people who establish a government through a coup are different AND also understood why a group with an ideology that is threatening the country and we are currently at war with (Islam) and a group with an ideology that was threatening the country and were at war with (Nazi Germany) are similar. I will admit that perhaps this was a little bit too complicated for you to understand based on your grasp of everything else but I guess I'll have to make note of that in the future (if I bother to respond to this drivel again).

Who has killed more people since the 1990s?
The West, with the war on terror? Or the Muslims? How many Americans have died due to muslim attacks since 2001, and how many people from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and the whole midle east have died either directly or indirectly by attacks from Britain, France and the US? Strange enough, exactly the nations that have to deal the most with terrorist attacks.
We are dealing with this issue since the late 1990s. We used a lot of military forces to fight them. If this is awar like you say, than I don't see how our current tactic is making us really safer.
I never said I supported any of the wars in the Middle East in the first place so theres really no point in you bringing it up except for you to yet again derail the topic onto something else now that you're running out of stuff to say on the topics at hand. And our current tactics aren't working because we've got pussy in our governments that bend over to our nations enemies. Also what is your point with the part I've bolded? Are you saying that citizens of these countries who have fucking died from terrorist attacks or been raped by moselms were justified casualites? I really hope you aren't actually that much of a moslem worshipping cunt but Goddamn.

Yeah! Curse me! And my fucking ignorance, because I am more the kind of guy who advocates restraint even with terrorist attacks and not just bombing villages in Syrah, like France did after the attacks on Paris not even a few days after it.
Never advocated for or even mentioned any of these so I don't see why you've brought it up but ok.

I can keep this up till the topic gets vated. It has outlived it's purpose anyway.
Well I have truth on my side so I can easily continue to go on. The only holdbacks I have is my severe lack of patience for people who just repeat the same shit over and over again and won't admit when they're lost. This shit gets really tiring after a while. I mean it's easy for you because you don't have to actually bother looking anything up and doing fact checking because you're pretty much just making this shit up as you go along but I have to actually make sure I have facts, sources, and statistics on my side. Like I've said a million times before. Arguing with you is about as effective as arguing with a dog. No matter how many times I repeat myself and no matter how much the facts are on my said. The fucker is still incapable of understanding. You can go ahead and do your typical response where you move the goalposts and repeat the same shit I've debunked three-fold already but I can't guarantee I'll have the patience or energy to yet again find a new way explain to you the same basic shit in a new way this time. I mean hell, I'm having to drag up shit from the Trump thread now that you clearly failed to absorb then and I'm sure you'll fail to absorb now.
Crni Vuk fighting the racists here is like this dude in Matrix Reloaded. I'm the guy who brings him ammo.

Jesus and I thought Crn was a broken record. You've still yet to give one measly example of me being a racist. Do you want to perhaps actually join the conversation and make an argument like a big boy or would prefer to continue repeating the same words you've heard the adults say over and over again instead?
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