Oh boy. OKIES! let us talk
Realpolitik. And how can I argue against reality, or I don't give a fuck about human nature.
Yes, I do. Packing up his things and moving towards first country with open borders, generous enough welfare system, and willkommenskultur, would be the only reasonable thing you could expect from any human in war torn country. The more open and generous you are, the more folks will come in.
I never said that I denny any of those claims. But so far, it's just rhetoric. I thought we agreed both that:
Packing up his things and moving towards first country (...) would be the only reasonable thing you could expect from any human in war torn country.
Those people would come either way. What ever if we keep up a
willkommenskultur or not. - By the way, I never said that I approve of this hypocritical
everyone is wellcome nosense, but that's a different story. But we just agreed that it is more or less a case of stay and die, or pack your stuff and maybe? Probably? Die. So as long as we don't outright kill those people or threaten to kill them, they will still pack their stuff. Just to tell em in a nice way,
Ey! We don't want you gypsis here! Won't do much. The German government has already programms doing exactly that with refugees from the Balkan. There is even a nice little movie about it.
It's not very effective. People still came in masses. Or well they tried it.
I have yet to hear a real and good solution to the refugee problem. Without violence of course. Closing borders, building fences and changing our rhetoric won't do shit. As long as people see even a chance to start a new life here with prosperity, they will try it.
We have to fight the reasons why people flee. Not the people. But apparantly for some this means only fighting the traffickers ...
There's cca 350 millions of refugees in Africa alone right now, so what would you propose? Take them in?
Never said that. By the way, not all of them come to Europe.
There has to be some reasonable limit, wouldn't you agree?
How do you protect this reasonable limit of yours? Again, I see people talking about it. It was a common theme here with some right wing populists. And sometimes they throw around some random numbers, like as it would mean something. But no one is really clear on what you should do when that limit is reached. It's all very vague. We can set this to some arbitrary number, like 200 000, 500 000 or 1 milion. What will we do if suddenly 1,5 million show up on our borders? How do you keep the other 500 000 ones out? When it boils down to life or death situations for those refugees. Throw them at Turkey? Best with a couple of million euros, so they actually keep them and do what we don't, keeping them there by force, if necessary. I mean we are civiliced. We don't use violence. We outsource it.
First of all, not a single refugee would try to step on Greek soil when all the free roads to Berlin will be shut down, see the recent closing of Macedonian borders for example.
Yes. It's much better if they are someone elses problem. That way we can keep the problem out, and we can bad mouth Greece why they treat those refugees so badly. A win win situation.
Those millions of refugees have been invited by frau Merkel when borders were wide open, so they just risked their lives and took the ride with human traffickers.
Right. Merkel was it. And not the dire situation in Syra, Africa etc. How comes that Merkel invited them even though most of those refugees started their journey years before Merkel even came up with any kind of plan. Ah yes. The Famous
Merkeltime -
You can't touch this!, Where she can contact people trough time and space I guess.
Strange how nothing of this bothered us really when we needed Turkish workers in the 60s. Or when this was actually a problem of Greece and Italy for decades. And when they say, guys, we can't take it anymore, and they flood the gates of the UK, France and Germany, we have to act or the
Abendland will crash. We are right now dealing with problems that started a decade ago, at the very least in 2001. And the nations on the European borders simply can't take it anymore after decades of ignoring the issue, that's the cold hard truth. And the richest European nations on top of the food chain, now feel the effects too.
Nobody would risk his life and lifesavings to get in Greece or Italy without any perspective to continue towards Germany or Sweden.
Hmm. Either I forcely serve in the Eritrean army, with a very high chance to get killed for a dictator, maybe even tortured. Or I try my luck at the European borders, where they just tell me to turn back. That should do the trick. Do you think those people look like they give a fuck about changes in our rhetoric?
As long as we don't shoot them, they will continue to come.
Realistically speaking, the only way how we could actually, protect our borders, is trough the only way that has proven to be somewhat efficient in history.
And that is, simply put. Violence. Force. If you tell people that you will kill them if they dare to cross the Border. Ask the Soviets. It doesn't matter how bad the situation was in Poland, East Germany and the other east block states. And it was definetly bad enough that people started a revolt sometimes, fighting tanks with barely any weapons. But the normal people didn't try to cross the borders in masses, because simply put the guards would shoot them. That simple. And yet, some people still tried it. And died.
I repeat my self:
I have yet to hear a real and good solution to the refugee problem. Without violence of course. Closing borders, building fences and changing our rhetoric won't do shit. As long as people see even a chance to start a new life here with prosperity, they will try it.
We have to fight the reasons why people flee. Not the people. But apparantly for some this means only fighting the traffickers ...
Yup, that's deal signed by frau Merkel. For starters, who gave her such mandate? She, as a German chancelor, doesn't have any competence for such deals covering whole EU.
Obviously Merkels powers as Fuhrer of the Deutsche Union, havn't you seen the EuroSS and GEUstapo troops forcing all of those poor little European nations taking refugees in? Our masterplan that started at 1914 is finally working. This time we Germans are crushing Europe with kindness, peace and unity!
I guess it's another one those cases where the oh so evil tyranical Eu is to blame. It seems they can't do anything right. If they keep refugees away, HOW CAN THE EU MAKE A DEAL IN OUR NAME! If the EU does nothing. FUCKING EU! WHAT HAVE THEY EVER DONE FOR US! THEY LEAVE US COMPLETELY ALONE WITH OUR PROBLEMS!
Very convenient, a scape goat I mean. Infact, no EU would be even good for Germany. That way Greece, Romania etc. and all the other nations between France/Germany/UK and the borders of the European continent can go suck dick when millions of refugees try to enter their borders.
Solution - stop inviting them
See above. They would still come.
stop giving them free money
They are getting very little money, if any at all. They get less money than a German would when he falls under wellfare.
and make them fully responsible for their crimes according to our laws without any exception.
We do. A refugee who's comitting crimes will be punished acording to our laws.
Do you really think that one million of Poles would grab guns and storm British borders now, when they are not allowed to enter the British labour market as they were used to? Nah.
Those poles are already in the UK, as far as I know.
Also, those immigrants are not cattle, but they don't behave as a human beings either. In 60-70% cases they're lying about their age, country of origin, possessions, education, criminal records, everything. The sad fact is that majority of them is coming here to abuse your generosity, not to make you their new friend.
Ah right!
Those are not real humans already ... I see. Of course most of them come here for gaining wealth. That IS normal human behaviour. But I am glad that we have patriotic people like you, fighting for what is right and just I guess.
It transpires after protesting about violent terrorism I am a evil racist who wants excessive border control and paints all people in religions with the same brush, and I should go to stormfront.
The problem is, that tightening security, controll and fences hasn't to lead necessarily to an improvement in safety.
Ask Israel how effective their policiy has been in the last decades with terrorism. Has their wall protected them? What about the RAF in Germany? Or the IRA and the UK.
If sabre-rattling, barbed wire, and military/police forces and other barriers could disrupt terrorism, this
war would have been won long ago.
You say it is a straw-man. But context matters. A lot. Or you're sending a signal,
that simply comes back to bite you.
You can be afraid, cautious, carefull all you want. It still doesn't chang the fact that we are talking about a highly complex topic.