Animation thread


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Discuss all animation, Western or Eastern, in this thread.


Anyone else excited for the new Rebuild of Evangelion movie?

[spoiler:064adca2df]Kaworu is clearly going to win Shinji's heart this time.[/spoiler:064adca2df]
Well, the old Ninja Turtles cartoons deserve a mention in a thread like this. Hard to imagine many kids of that time not watching it honestly. Even the 2003 version was pretty damn awesome. I watched it in high school. Mad Max, oops, Mighty Max was pretty interesting with the multi-dimensional travel, monsters, and crap like that. I grew up with Simpsons as well, so Fox was always on around the weekend. It wasn't until later that South Park replaced that one as my favorite evening show, probably with the target audience being aimed at teenagers, not due to it being superior in any way. I still watch South Park every now and again, but it has lost it's charm over the years. The Coon is pretty hilarious and Mysterion is a riot so it has it's moments.

I'm not a huge anime fan, but I do like Akira, the Dragon Ball series, Trigun (a little), and Vampire Hunter D. I actually started off on this site with a D avatar. Imagine me as a anime whore. Heh. I actually prefer Western animation to anime since it feels more..real maybe? Less culture shit that I don't understand perhaps? Anyway, I don't find myself wondering, "What the hell does that mean?" too often with Western animation.

I used to love the Spiderman and Xmen cartoons on Saturday mornings. Those were probably two of my favorites as I got out of the turtle phase (which has came back and never left), but who can leave out those crappy turtle ripoffs like the Cowboys of Moo Mesa, Street Sharks, or SWAT Cats? School House Rock was a really good one as well, with educational material to boot! The Magic School Bus was played at school a lot. I always found it to be pretty entertaining. What was the other ones...ahh yes, HeMan, Thundercats, Speed Racer, Scooby Doo, Flintstones, and Jetsons. Both Johnny Quests, the old and the new, were freaking awesome. My dad watched JQ as a kid too, so it has that warm fuzzy feeling attached to it.

I feel like I'm leaving a lot out. Hmm. Ahh yes, the Super Mario Super Show, Captain Nintendo, and the short lived, Legend of Zelda series. Ghostbusters had a decent run for awhile too, but the extreme shit was kinda silly. Gi Joe was alright, but I never got into it that much. Most kids have seen Looney Tunes, so that goes without mentioning, yet I do it anyway, and Tiny Toons was tolerable for awhile. Animaniacs was pretty self aware now that I think about it. Dexters Laboratory should have lasted longer than it did, but I guess there are only so many stories to tell with that one. Sorry for the brain dump format guys.

Courier said:

Anyone else excited for the new Rebuild of Evangelion movie?

I tried watching the other ones while deployed and I just couldn't get into it. I think it's really hard to get me into anime.
Evangelion was not the easiest anime to get into. Rebuild does make it better by trimming down a lot of fat and distills things. The characters are a bit more well-adjusted, while altering some elements for the story.

The more constricted style of a series of movies is better for the story and characters. The characters are more composed and more believable. Their problems are stil there (Shinji is still a whiny, emo, angsty brat), but their issues aren't so glaringly shoved in the audience's face.

I do have a sneaking suspicion that SEELE is playing dirty, and that might be Mari's hidden agenda.
I recently came up across Street Fighter II V. It's probably the best animation based on the series, and is quite impressive. However, the company owning the show removed it from Youtube, so I can't post a video reply.
I spent a year in a mountain school (scandinavian concept... ) doing animation.
It was fun.
What I love about animation is that everything is planned, it's all on purpose, and a lot of people will not appreciate that.
For example, if you film out the window, while driving a car, the outside is something you cannot plan down to detail. If a bird flies by, for example.
In animation, every single speck of detail is placed there on purpose.
Obviously, it sounds obvious when expressed in this manner, but again, people often fail to appreciate it.

I ended up beginning a lot of concepts I never finished, my pet projects were both parodies - one of The Matrix and another of Walker Texas Ranger. I had great expectations for the latter, but alas, never finished :D
Of those I finished was a show of evolution, showing a small running theropod dinosaur, going through the (at the time) known stages - of course very simplified - untill it lifts off, and keeps evolving while flying, finally ending up corvid-like bird.
Timing its steps was very satisfying, so was detailing the wings, as they flapped - and still changed. Lots of painstaking work, especially maintaining each individual flight-feather in motion :D But very rewarding.
The final touch was a smooth bossa nova soundtrack :D
TorontRayne said:
I tried watching the other ones while deployed and I just couldn't get into it. I think it's really hard to get me into anime.

Evangelion isn't what you should watch to get into anime. The Rebuild movies were supposed to make the franchise more accessible, but they're not that much better.

If you want to get into anime try stuff like Cowboy Bebop, The Big O, Black Lagoon, etc.

Edit: Also btw the Rebuild movies aren't as good as the original series.
Whenever I see the Big O I always wonder what Bruce Wayne is doing with a mech. :V

Love me some Cowboy Bebop, the movie got me into anime and the series cemented my like of 90's cyberpunk. Like Black Lagoon as well but couldn't find the last arc with the katana wielding chap in it.

Kinda prefer Western animation at the moment, rewatching Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (a cartoon based in the Toy Story universe based on Buzz Lightyear's toyline, very meta) and probably going to try and finish the last few episodes of Storm Hawks I never got round to watching. Gotta love having an animation degree, everyone suddenly takes cartoons a lot more seriously when you talk about them. 8-)

By the way it was Captain N, not Captain Nintendo. :P
Black Dynamite is the hottest shit right now. Or I just discovered it, whatever, it's just awesome.
Walpknut said:
Black Dynamite is the hottest shit right now. Or I just discovered it, whatever, it's just awesome.
You have seen the hilarious movie too, no?
when it comes to western animation Avatar - The last airbender was pretty good in my eyes. Even though the end feelt very rushed.
Courier said:
TorontRayne said:
I tried watching the other ones while deployed and I just couldn't get into it. I think it's really hard to get me into anime.

Evangelion isn't what you should watch to get into anime. The Rebuild movies were supposed to make the franchise more accessible, but they're not that much better.

If you want to get into anime try stuff like Cowboy Bebop, The Big O, Black Lagoon, etc.

Edit: Also btw the Rebuild movies aren't as good as the original series.

I watched Cowboy Bebop a little before. It was watchable but I didn't get real into it.
Sometime soon, I plan on getting the whole series of Animaniacs on DVD, despite how goddamn expensive it. It's probably one of the funniest cartoons I ever watched :D

And I cannot believe that they actually managed to pull off this joke, despite how hilarious it is :)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Animaniacs was fucking awesome. Anything with Looney Toons was.
I loved the late 80s and early 90s animation, too. Disney had a great animation block in the afternoon (Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck).

What came from Warner Bros was great too. Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, up through Freakazoid. Definitely a very different time.

Warner's DC Animated Universe was where it was at later on. Batman, Batman Beyond, even Superman was alright, and then Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.

As far as Anime was concerned, I watched a lot of the popular stuff. I even found myself to be a bit of a hipster there, as I'd seen and become a fan of DragonballZ on a trip to Asia before it ever became big in the US.
Oh yeah, Black Cauldron is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. Of course, Alice in Wonderland is a close second, followed by Aladdin in third place. The honorable mention award goes to Toy Story because it's just so damn good. I know Pixar did that but leave me alone. :smile:

Actually, I pretty much like most of Disney and Pixar's movies. Hard to hate pure concentrated goodness, unless you count the hidden references to sex and penises as evil. In that case it makes Disney the most evil studio of all time.
TorontRayne said:
Hard to hate pure concentrated goodness

Hitler's favorite movie was Disney's Snow White.

He even drew these:


[spoiler:45446cbcc7]Hunchback of Notre Dame is clearly the best Disney movie by the way.[/spoiler:45446cbcc7]
Courier said:
TorontRayne said:
Hard to hate pure concentrated goodness

Hitler's favorite movie was Disney's Snow White.

[spoiler:f9eb523187]Hunchback of Notre Dame is clearly the best Disney movie by the way.[/spoiler:f9eb523187]

Hunchback was a travesty.
TorontRayne said:
Hunchback was a travesty.

u wot m8


I used to watch Thundarr the Barbarian when I was a kid. Pretty great show - a mix of post-apoc science and magic. It's definitely for kids, though. There really wasn't much of anything that qualified as adult-themed animation back then.