Well, the old Ninja Turtles cartoons deserve a mention in a thread like this. Hard to imagine many kids of that time not watching it honestly. Even the 2003 version was pretty damn awesome. I watched it in high school. Mad Max, oops, Mighty Max was pretty interesting with the multi-dimensional travel, monsters, and crap like that. I grew up with Simpsons as well, so Fox was always on around the weekend. It wasn't until later that South Park replaced that one as my favorite evening show, probably with the target audience being aimed at teenagers, not due to it being superior in any way. I still watch South Park every now and again, but it has lost it's charm over the years. The Coon is pretty hilarious and Mysterion is a riot so it has it's moments.
I'm not a huge anime fan, but I do like Akira, the Dragon Ball series, Trigun (a little), and Vampire Hunter D. I actually started off on this site with a D avatar. Imagine me as a anime whore. Heh. I actually prefer Western animation to anime since it feels more..real maybe? Less culture shit that I don't understand perhaps? Anyway, I don't find myself wondering, "What the hell does that mean?" too often with Western animation.
I used to love the Spiderman and Xmen cartoons on Saturday mornings. Those were probably two of my favorites as I got out of the turtle phase (which has came back and never left), but who can leave out those crappy turtle ripoffs like the Cowboys of Moo Mesa, Street Sharks, or SWAT Cats? School House Rock was a really good one as well, with educational material to boot! The Magic School Bus was played at school a lot. I always found it to be pretty entertaining. What was the other ones...ahh yes, HeMan, Thundercats, Speed Racer, Scooby Doo, Flintstones, and Jetsons. Both Johnny Quests, the old and the new, were freaking awesome. My dad watched JQ as a kid too, so it has that warm fuzzy feeling attached to it.
I feel like I'm leaving a lot out. Hmm. Ahh yes, the Super Mario Super Show, Captain Nintendo, and the short lived, Legend of Zelda series. Ghostbusters had a decent run for awhile too, but the extreme shit was kinda silly. Gi Joe was alright, but I never got into it that much. Most kids have seen Looney Tunes, so that goes without mentioning, yet I do it anyway, and Tiny Toons was tolerable for awhile. Animaniacs was pretty self aware now that I think about it. Dexters Laboratory should have lasted longer than it did, but I guess there are only so many stories to tell with that one. Sorry for the brain dump format guys.
Courier said:
Anyone else excited for the new Rebuild of Evangelion movie?
I tried watching the other ones while deployed and I just couldn't get into it. I think it's really hard to get me into anime.