Now to compare this to something similar, The Think Tank made Cazadors and Nightstalkers in mass and released them onto the Mojave after tagging them, but here's the difference: The Think Tank are fucking insane. They've gone completely bonkers and think there's nothing outside of the Big MT, so it's perfectly okay to release their creations outside the mountain because nothing else exists in their mind.
Plus the Think Tank thought the Cazadores and Nightstalkers are sterile. You can't even convince the scientist who created them that both species are thriving and breeding outside the Big MT grounds.
The Institute is badly written, plain and simple.
The idea of them getting FEV is already ridiculous, I find it rather stretching reality that the government or West Tek before the war would give a sample of FEV to MIT. (Does the real massachusetts institute of technology even have a genetics program).
And then after the war they just start capturing people from the surface in order to transform them into Super Mutants and release them back on the surface again? What is the scientific value of that?
I don't have to add anything to the whole synthetics discussion as my thoughts on it have already been discussed.
It seems the Institute is both insane and stupid. They create thousands of Super Mutants for no real purpose and they can't even keep track of their Gen 3 Synthetics, let alone implement more advanced security measures to prevent escape.
Hell why not put in some kill switch that if the Gen 3s get out of range of an Institute transmitter their 'minds' are automatically fried?