Wept for Zion
If there was something you said that had proof to back it up, I backed off and said you were right, now didn't I? There were a lot of things I said however that you couldn't back up proof of. You call me ignorant when it comes to science, medicine, etc, but if I'm so ignorant then why did you have such a hard time refuting my arguments, to the point where it went on for 2 pages? You can't just call someone ignorant on matters when it comes to an argument you didn't even finish, and then say you didn't finish it because of circlejerk. I never claimed to be an authority on the subject of AI, science, or anything like that. I'm getting a BA in English ffs, but I know how Fallout 4 represents the Institute, the Synths, and why it's all terribly contrived. This has nothing to do with real world medicine, science, biophysics, and so forth, it's about a video game. And in this particular video game, the Institute makes no sense. That's all there is to it really.