Bethesda planning a survival overhaul. Has hell frozen over?

Their version of Survival Mode currently is that you are done in 1 or 2 shots but enemies take 100 or 150.
Fixed that for you.

it's not a survival mode in the RPG sense, it's a survival mode in the twitch shooty-shooty bang bang FPS sense.

I will seriously laugh if they pull a Metro Last Light and charge for Ranger/Survival Mode.

I think that's their intention, to make a twitch shooter popamole.
I think they'll charge for it in a bigger DLC like they did when they gave vampires a really bad overhaul in that Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim.
When I saw that post on twitter I very well thought hell froze over. I do hope that it is extremely similar to New Vegas' system otherwise it is just a waste. Although this update thing might not drag me back to that game.

The disease portion they mention kinda put me off, they will probably make it vaguely similar to Skyrim's "disease" system which sucked ass. "Caught a disease? Drink this magic potion and you are all better!" It will probably be "Make a potion... I mean magic pre-war drug from nightshade plant, deathclaw meat, and mole rat teeth and it will cure you!" Plus the "disease" will probably be something like -1 strength or -10 health like that mole rat disease.
When I saw that post on twitter I very well thought hell froze over. I do hope that it is extremely similar to New Vegas' system otherwise it is just a waste. Although this update thing might not drag me back to that game.

The disease portion they mention kinda put me off, they will probably make it vaguely similar to Skyrim's "disease" system which sucked ass. "Caught a disease? Drink this magic potion and you are all better!" It will probably be "Make a potion... I mean magic pre-war drug from nightshade plant, deathclaw meat, and mole rat teeth and it will cure you!" Plus the "disease" will probably be something like -1 strength or -10 health like that mole rat disease.
Can't forget that removing Lycanthropy is as simple as putting a hag's head into a blue bonfire.
They so have that one bullshit disease from that Vault 81 quest that removes -10% of your total health permanently unless you give the only cure to an immortal kid.
Can't forget that removing Lycanthropy is as simple as putting a hag's head into a blue bonfire.
They so have that one bullshit disease from that Vault 81 quest that removes -10% of your total health permanently unless you give the only cure to an immortal kid.
Oh yeah how could I forget that magnificent questline, becoming leader after a few quests and a werewolf a few before that. MAGIC!

Yeah and getting the disease is pretty bugged, those rats attack your companion and you somehow get the disease, bugged as hell. Sometimes beth makes some pretty asinine decisions. BUT HEY THEY HAVE DIFFICULT DECISIONS IN THE GAMES GUYS!!!!

Yes, I am often torn between accepting a quest, or not accepting it D:

Btw, how did FO4 handle addictions? I never tried. Never bothered. Never cared :(
Diseases would just = that effect. Eat something *wzoopp!* "you have become addicted to illess"
Yes, I am often torn between accepting a quest, or not accepting it D:

Btw, how did FO4 handle addictions? I never tried. Never bothered. Never cared :(
Diseases would just = that effect. Eat something *wzoopp!* "you have become addicted to illess"
Hey general another settlement needs your help. I'll mark the location on your map.

I'm not sure how it handled addictions, never used the addictive items. I assume it might be like the previous games giving a debuff to your special which you can go to DC and cure for 50 caps.
90% sure that the "Survival Overhaul" = making enemies even bigger bullet sponges.

And seeing that they are now charging for DLCs that modders used to provide for free, I will be unsurprised if they charge for that as well.
90% sure that the "Survival Overhaul" = making enemies even bigger bullet sponges.

And seeing that they are now charging for DLCs that modders used to provide for free, I will be unsurprised if they charge for that as well.
Oh I'm sure they will do just that, because bullet sponges = difficulty which = so much fun.

I actually have some faith that they will release this with one of the patches much like horse combat for Skyrim. Then again I could be wrong but I have faith that Beth won't be so foolhardy that they would do that. I mean the outrage would be bad even from beth fanboys who liked hardcore mode in NV.
It'll be like Skyrim Legendary difficulty, people found that "fun". I found it boring after the first enemy.
I don't know how addictions worked as I found those drugs useless besides the slow time drug effect which I only used a couple times.
It's so easy to make Mirelurk steaks when those fuckers are everywhere! Last time I played back in November I think it was I had about 300 stimpacks and tons of cooked Mirelurk steak which made stimpacks useless to me.
Maybe they'll have some magical diseases that keep you from going in direct sunlight, I mean enchantments are already there.
I just don't get it. Obsidian showed them how to do Damage Threshold and different ammo types and a LOT of other ACTUAL RPG mechanics and quests that don't simply involve shooting everyone that are both optional AND fun for those who engage in it.

And Bethesda said "no no no RPGs are about loot and XP like Borderlands!"

I'm surprised that there isn't an "XP counter" that shows points adding up each time you shoot an enemy in the game. It would just make it that much more arcade-y stupid.
I just don't get it. Obsidian showed them how to do Damage Threshold and different ammo types and a LOT of other ACTUAL RPG mechanics and quests that don't simply involve shooting everyone that are both optional AND fun for those who engage in it.

And Bethesda said "no no no RPGs are about loot and XP like Borderlands!"

I'm surprised that there isn't an "XP counter" that shows points adding up each time you shoot an enemy in the game. It would just make it that much more arcade-y stupid.

Here's the thing - Fallout 3's loading screens are full of assorted counters, such as level progress in XP, items collected, enemies killed, actions done, and more. Yet New Vegas' loading screens are simplistic depictions of detailed artwork giving insight into both the lore and the background for several factions and the world before the bombs fell. It's simple things like this that show how very different the aims of Bethesda and Obsidian are.
So this little tid bit from an article with Toddler Howard seems interesting.
"We’re doing things like you can’t save, it only saves your game when you sleep. You can’t fast travel. There’re all of these diseases. We’re trying it all. It’s a different experience. We’re not trying to make it a ton harder. It’s harder because you’re doing more things. We want the combat to feel different, as opposed to just being a bullet sponge. "
Not sure if the execution will be there or not, but this does have potential on paper.
So this little tid bit from an article with Toddler Howard seems interesting.
"We’re doing things like you can’t save, it only saves your game when you sleep. You can’t fast travel. There’re all of these diseases. We’re trying it all. It’s a different experience. We’re not trying to make it a ton harder. It’s harder because you’re doing more things. We want the combat to feel different, as opposed to just being a bullet sponge. "
Not sure if the execution will be there or not, but this does have potential on paper.

For a game that has so little RPG and Fallout in it, perhaps so - for a shooty-shooty bang bang game anyways. It'll basically just be like any other Survival Sim FPS thing with Minecraft inclusion.
So this little tid bit from an article with Toddler Howard seems interesting.
"We’re doing things like you can’t save, it only saves your game when you sleep. You can’t fast travel. There’re all of these diseases. We’re trying it all. It’s a different experience. We’re not trying to make it a ton harder. It’s harder because you’re doing more things. We want the combat to feel different, as opposed to just being a bullet sponge. "
Not sure if the execution will be there or not, but this does have potential on paper.
Yea they will say anything to sell to everyone. It just works.
Here's the thing - Fallout 3's loading screens are full of assorted counters, such as level progress in XP, items collected, enemies killed, actions done, and more. Yet New Vegas' loading screens are simplistic depictions of detailed artwork giving insight into both the lore and the background for several factions and the world before the bombs fell. It's simple things like this that show how very different the aims of Bethesda and Obsidian are.

I would love to see loading screens for the FNV DLC, which was a thing I quite liked in F3's DLC, namely Operation Anchorage and Point Lookout. For example, Dead Money's loading screens would show pre-war schematics for the layout of the Villa, posters for performances and stills of the vacant corridors of the Sierra Madre. Honest Heart's loading screens would be national park/wilderness and tribal themed. Lonesome Road's would be U.S. army and high-tech military focused, while Old World Blues' would feature some technological marvels of Big MT and stuff like the cyberdog blueprints. This is a mod idea I'd like to pursue.

I personally found New Vegas' loading screens to be pretty decent, but not great. More variety would have been better, and a few of the interior stills were too up close.