Bethesda planning a survival overhaul. Has hell frozen over?

I can see some serious penalties hindering the main character from Beth's Hardcore Mode. Like -1 max HP if diseased, parched lips shader if thirsty, NPCs radiantly declaring "Hey you look hungry" if hungry etc. You know, hardcore stuff.
I can see some serious penalties hindering the main character from Beth's Hardcore Mode. Like -1 max HP if diseased, parched lips shader if thirsty, NPCs radiantly declaring "Hey you look hungry" if hungry etc. You know, hardcore stuff.

Yeah that's tough... seems too hard you know?
For a game that has so little RPG and Fallout in it, perhaps so - for a shooty-shooty bang bang game anyways. It'll basically just be like any other Survival Sim FPS thing with Minecraft inclusion.
My excitement for this has fuck all to do with the vanilla game, I'm excited for this being included for when someone makes the eventual Dust style mod. The shit base building element will also lend itself well to a hardcore survival mod with a few tweaks.
So this little tid bit from an article with Toddler Howard seems interesting.
"We’re doing things like you can’t save, it only saves your game when you sleep. You can’t fast travel. There’re all of these diseases. We’re trying it all. It’s a different experience. We’re not trying to make it a ton harder. It’s harder because you’re doing more things. We want the combat to feel different, as opposed to just being a bullet sponge. "
Not sure if the execution will be there or not, but this does have potential on paper.

This would be very commendable if it had not been already done by several modders and other games in similar genres within the same decade. In this case, it's just catching up on what everyone mastered and moved on from years ago.
This would be very commendable if it had not been already done by several modders and other games in similar genres within the same decade. In this case, it's just catching up on what everyone mastered and moved on from years ago.
I'm not saying it innovative or new, I'm saying that from what mod authors have told me it's easier to build on something that's there than to have to script it from scratch. As I've said before I'm just waiting for the overhaul and this seems to be a good start.
There's only so many times you can die of Cholera in a video game and not think "Oregon Trail did it better"

If Bethesda tries it, you can bet it won't even be fatal, because that would be hard.
We’re doing things like you can’t save, it only saves your game when you sleep.
This has got to be the most asinine "feature" ever. I can understand wanting to limit it but to just a bed? No, that's just fucking retarded, this isn't minecraft. There a circumstances that can't be controlled like crashes so there is a possibility of losing hours of progress because you didn't save at your nearest bed.
You can’t fast travel.
Fair enough I already don't do that but ok.
There’re all of these diseases.
Oh golly gee now we get to make some magic potions out of weeds we find on the ground to cure it and the penalties will be negligible at best.
We’re not trying to make it a ton harder. It’s harder because you’re doing more things. We want the combat to feel different, as opposed to just being a bullet sponge.
I doubt this, they are going to nerf the player's health to like 25 and skyrocket that NPC health by 150% for difficulty. A good balance is everything can kill you easy and you can kill everything easy, makes combat a bit more "realistic" as that is the approach they seem to want to go.

Final remarks: This doesn't give me much hope, saw this piece in a PCGamer article today talking about the GECK coming out in April and the wording of "survival" mode does not make me want to play it. If Godd said it will be just like New Vegas's system I would buy into it but since Beth has to one up Obsidian that won't happen.
Removing fast travel in a game made entirely around using fast travel seems incredibly stupid. It'd be nice to have something like Skyrim's carriages, but whatever.
Removing fast travel in a game made entirely around using fast travel seems incredibly stupid. It'd be nice to have something like Skyrim's carriages, but whatever.
You have to fast travel to get into the institute so I'm not sure how that will work out. I do wish there was an alternative beside the BOS vertibirds.
Yeah, not autosaving every five seconds is a very good thing in a game that is prone to CTD every ten seconds.
Maybe it's just me but the idea of removing fast travel is silly. I just end up wasting time walking to another dull location after killing an army of enemies and dealing with those same random encounters. I loved the way Fallout 1 and 2 did the traveling and encounters.

As for saving, I would think people would be afraid to lose playtime from those lovely random CTDs. Also I don't like something like that especially if say I had to go out or if there was an emergency.
Roleplaying as narcoleptics would be the new rage.
But to be fair, I didn't have any CTDs since I changed my graphics card. Limiting saves to sleeping is still rather silly and will add nothing but annoyance.
I've had my fair share of them on my 780 of course there was only 3GB of VRAM so that could've been it. I'll have to start that game up again once I have my 980 Ti 6GB installed. It'll probably still run like ass but meh.
I just dislike the idea of being limited to saving only when you sleep, sounds silly. I'd probably throw something across the room if I died for some silly reason only to lose a half hour to an hour of play time.
I've had my fair share of them on my 780 of course there was only 3GB of VRAM so that could've been it. I'll have to start that game up again once I have my 980 Ti 6GB installed. It'll probably still run like ass but meh.
I just dislike the idea of being limited to saving only when you sleep, sounds silly. I'd probably throw something across the room if I died for some silly reason only to lose a half hour to an hour of play time.
VRAM definitely seems to be an issue. I had CTDs about every half an hour on my 7850 (which had only 1GB of VRAM), but none on my GTX970. There might be some seriously shoddy programming involved in that engine...
VRAM definitely seems to be an issue. I had CTDs about every half an hour on my 7850 (which had only 1GB of VRAM), but none on my GTX970. There might be some seriously shoddy programming involved in that engine...
Whoa what settings did you use on your 7850 when you were using it? I'm surprised you could run it no offense.
Yeah I think the programming went in the pooper with this game as I had no trouble when I was playing Skyrim besides some screen tearing which I was getting even with the application's V-SYNC on.
Sometimes the framerate in Fallout 4 felt like it was running off a random number generator.
Whoa what settings did you use on your 7850 when you were using it? I'm surprised you could run it no offense.
Yeah I think the programming went in the pooper with this game as I had no trouble when I was playing Skyrim besides some screen tearing which I was getting even with the application's V-SYNC on.
Sometimes the framerate in Fallout 4 felt like it was running off a random number generator.
Funny thing is that it ran quite well on the 7850, but it would just stop loading higher LOD textures half the time instead of being slow, so half of the game would look like a throwback to the age of Quake II due to low res textures.
Settings didn't really matter since it just wouldn't load the appropriate LOD texture anyway, and the 7850 was more than capable of handling the barebone lighting effects. The engine is just really bad at texture streaming, which is way it needs so much VRAM.
So apparently some reddit user found some survival mode files in the beta patch, I personally don't know because I would never download something that Bethesda calls beta but here are the highlights.
the original post:
Is the struggle of this world merely a pleasant game for you? Do you long for a more brutal take on a life lived post apocalypse?

If you answered "Yes and yes!", then Survival difficulty is for you!

Survival upends many of the rules of life in the Commonwealth for maximum challenge. For a full list of these changes, see below.

To enable Survival, press [Pause], select "Settings," then "Gameplay" and choose "Survival" from the "Difficulty" options.


Manual and quicksaving are disabled. To save your game, you'll need to find a bed and sleep for at least an hour.


Combat is more lethal for everyone. You now deal, but also take, more damage. You can increase the damage you deal even further with "Adrenaline" (see below).

Fast Travel

Fast Travel is disabled. If you wish to be somewhere, you'll have to physically travel there.

Weighted Ammo

Bullets and shells now all have a small amount of weight, which varies by caliber. Heavier items such as fusion cores, rockets, and mini-nukes can really drag you down.


Be sure to keep your eyes peeled, as enemies will no longer appear on your compass. As well, the distance at which locations of interest will appear has been significantly shortened.


Survival automatically grants the Adrenaline perk, which provides a bonus to your damage output. Unlike other perks, the only way to increase your rank of the Adrenaline perk is by getting kills (hostile or otherwise). The higher your Adrenaline rank, the higher the damage bonus. Sleeping for more than an hour, however, will cause your Adrenaline rank to lower. You can check your current Adrenaline rank at any time in the Perks section on the Stat tab in your Pip-Boy.


You'll find it difficult to survive without taking proper care of yourself. You must stay hydrated, fed, and rested to remain combat-ready. Going for extended periods of time without food, water, or sleep will begin to adversely affect your health, hurting your SPECIAL stats, adding to your Fatigue (see "Fatigue" below), lowering your immunity (see "Sickness" below), and eventually even dealing physical damage to you.


Fatigue works like radiation but affects your Action Points (AP) rather than your Hit Points (HP). The more Fatigue you've built up, the less AP you'll have for other actions. The amount of Fatigue you've accumulated is displayed in red on your AP bar.


A comprised immune system and a few questionable decisions can end up getting you killed. Eating uncooked meat, drinking unpurified water, taking damage from disease-ridden sources, such as ghouls and bugs, or using harmful Chems all put your body at increased risk for various ill effects. When you are afflicted with an illness, a message will appear onscreen. You can view specifics about your current illnesses by navigating to the Status section on your Pip-Boy's Data tab and pressing [RShoulder] to view your active effects.


Antibiotics, which can be crafted at Chem Stations or purchased from doctors, heal the various effects of sickness.

Bed Types

The type of bed you're sleeping in determines the length of time you are able to stay asleep. A sleeping bag will save your game and may help save your life when you're desperate, but it will never allow for a full night's rest and the benefits that come with it.

Crippled Limbs

Crippled limbs will no longer auto-heal after combat and will remain crippled until healed by a Stimpak.

Carry Weight

Exceeding your carry weight reduces your Endurance and Agility stats and periodically damages your legs and health. Think of your back!


Companions will no longer automatically get back up if downed during combat and will return home if abandoned without being healed.

Enemy and Loot Repopulation

Locations you've cleared will now repopulate enemies and loot at a significantly slower rate.
That sounds quite annoying. Well, not the lowered respawn rate and combat rebalance, but the rest is just tedium.