It Wandered In From the Wastes

I guess there are answers to everything.The Railroad and the Minutemen also get Vertibirds. The way they can handle the teleporter is you have to travel to the Institute first and from there you can fast travel to where ever you want.
I read the new details for the survival mode and it sounds worse than I originally thought. The Adrenaline mechanic sounds like total ass and, as whirlingdervish said, a total rip off of Witcher 3. Maybe I have reading comprehension issues but it sounds like they are merging hunger, thirst, and sleep into a wellness thing. The compass bit I'm fine with, never saw the enemies on my compass any ways. Fatigue sounds like it will push you to sleep which saves I guess but don't like the sound of it really. Diseases, you walk a step and you get a disease and then inject yourself with a magic disease curing stimpak. Companions they pussed out on. Crippled limbs, oh heavens let me get out on of my 1000 stimpaks to heal my limbs.
I would have liked what New Vegas has but no Beth had to go all out and one up Obsidian. I'm sure Beth will make it a giant package that you have an all or nothing situation that mods will be forced to fix because of Beth's incompetence. 0/10 not impressed beth.