Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Once Nuka World is released this game is going to officially be both the lowest rated Fallout game and lowest rated Bethesda game ever made.
There is literally not a single good quest in Fallout 4. People keep saying Silver Shroud was good, and yet you end up doing the same thing as the rest of the MMO quests. It was only "good" because everything else is so awful so it looks better than the rest.
What those quest charts also show is that the actual main quests and faction quests still boil down to you doing the exact same repetitive crap as the Preston Garvey MMO quests.
Go play a New Vegas quest, or even fallout 3 quest, or a Witcher quest, then tell me Fallout 4 has good quests. It's a lazy cash grab that looks and plays like it was hastily thrown together in the few months leading up to release. It is entirely tailored to people who hate RPGs and previous Fallout games and who falsely equate the presence of voice acting with quality. It is, simply put, the laziest and worst game Bethesda has ever made. But Codsworth now says 100000000001 names!
How many Fallout fans were thinking "I really hope Fallout 4 is a crafting-based offline MMO?"
We should be happy for that because the written quests are all as bad as Cabot house and kid in the fridge, and they all have you do same thing as the MMO quests regardless. This is the laziest quest design I've ever seen in a Bethesda game or any game that is supposedly not an MMO.I would but Bethesda forgot to add more handcrafted quests and put in radiant "Another settlement needs your help" quests instead.
There is literally not a single good quest in Fallout 4. People keep saying Silver Shroud was good, and yet you end up doing the same thing as the rest of the MMO quests. It was only "good" because everything else is so awful so it looks better than the rest.
What those quest charts also show is that the actual main quests and faction quests still boil down to you doing the exact same repetitive crap as the Preston Garvey MMO quests.
Go play a New Vegas quest, or even fallout 3 quest, or a Witcher quest, then tell me Fallout 4 has good quests. It's a lazy cash grab that looks and plays like it was hastily thrown together in the few months leading up to release. It is entirely tailored to people who hate RPGs and previous Fallout games and who falsely equate the presence of voice acting with quality. It is, simply put, the laziest and worst game Bethesda has ever made. But Codsworth now says 100000000001 names!
How many Fallout fans were thinking "I really hope Fallout 4 is a crafting-based offline MMO?"
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