The irony of Infinite is that it ignores the critique of American xenophobia, founding father worship, and religious extremism to talk about magical portals.
Oh no it brings up big ole strawmen for that too.
Yes clearly people who care about the Constitution literally worship the Founding Fathers as deities, America is a xenophobic hellhole and religious people are all crazies.
Except, of course, that extremism is pretty much depending on where you stand. I also believe extremism is something which should be pursued with the left because I find it extremely tepid and limp compared to what it should be. I disagree with Levine's statement about moderation but it is a stand. Furthermore, extremism being bad is demonstrated with SPECIFICS not as a generality.
You're literally the fucking retards the games message are rallying against holy shit how can someone be this blind?
It is being demonstrated as a generality!
EVERY. FUCKING. GAME. involves a extremist strawman of each ideology.
Bioshock 1 is Indivudualist Anarchism
Bioshock 2 is Collectivist Socialism/Communism
Infinite is basically just a shitty liberal wankfest of what they view America as in general
Specifically, extremism in the ideology of capitalism and lack of government controls in Bioshock 1 as well as fundamentalism for Bioshock 2.
You clearly were sleeping when you played the game because you didn't get the fucking message AT ALL.
Bioshock 2 is a reversal of Bioshock 1 and is why I dont' consider the first two games as complete liberal wankery. It actually turns the anti-individualism and anarchism message of the first game on it's head and explores how extremism in the other direction is also retarded. It's a critique of extremist collectivism and socialism.
I think you missed the point the dude is trying to get you not to kill him. He assumes you're anti-Comstock.
The fucking irony of
CT Phipps saying someone else missed the point xD
I have no idea who any of what you're referring to are. Albeit, I was referring to his previous avatar.
My previous avatar who was also Dio......?
Satire is a time-honored tradition. If Strawmen=satire then you've effectively legitimized it.
Satire is pretty much a strawman, yea.
That's why an edgy comedy poking fun at something isn't exactly a gripping criticism that proves much.
I think that's because you're incapable of seeing any flaws in your idealogy.
Says the moron who just said he thinks his ideology needs more extremism.
I don't take you seriously because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
That's an argument I've heard all the time.
So it's bad when others do it to you but when you turn around and do it to them it becomes totally legitimate?
I guess we'll add "hypocritical" onto "stupid" and "totally inept".
Actually, my general view of the DNC is that its a conservative fundamentally corrupt and broken power bloc that prevents people who want actual reform from accomplishing anything. The DNC as it stands supports gross human rights abuses, allows corporations to run over the United States, and prevents any real organization of labor or reform to prisons as as well as the legal system. The DNC is more Robert C. Byrd than Sanders.
..... and yet you're voting for their establishment candidate instead of the anti-establishment candidate and continuing to support them.
Oh you left way too many. You could also state the start of extremist Leftism was the French Revolution with Robpierre.
So you admit that the political extremism you're pining for is retarded?
I'm an anarchist. I literally believe the current system needs to be torn down to create a new one because of the sheer amount of corruption. Which, ironically, I think can only be achieved by regulating it to the point its powerless save in providing social services and means of critiquing itself.
>Im an
>this can only be achieved by more regulation
You're actually an idiot aren't you?
My sheer loathing of the current Left cannot be measured by mere numbers due to its complete inability to do anything but wipe its own ass with the American flag. They hide behind the "at least we're not as bad as the Right" to the point of sheer disgust.
You of all people should not be talking about people "wiping their ass with the American Flag"
Duh, otherwise I might support them. They basically weaken the government to the point it only creates a vacuum which other bodies rise and fill.
Yet you're a fucking supposed "anarchist".
Western culture was constructed on the principles of capitalism, religion, and secessionism. For good and bad. Also, Western culture getting rid of slavery is kind of a weird statement given the slave trade founded the New World branch of its economy.
We've hit levels of not knowing what the fuck you're talking about that shouldn't even be possible.
Yea, all of those secessionist Romans in the Empire!
Also the fucking British government spent a fucking huge amount of blood and treasure to outlaw slavery in all of it's territories and get the other European nations to follow suit. The American abolitionist movement was founded by Whites, LITERALLY EVERY OTHER RACE ENGAGED IN SLAVERY AND IT WAS WESTERN WHITES WHO FUCKING ENDED IT!
I am glad a rich white guy is writting on racial oppresion.
Hey what's that word for judging someone's ability to do something based on race?
Clearly it's because of his race and not him being a shitty writer