So, I'm not here to troll. I'm here to genuinely discuss why I enjoy the games. I'm not 'another one of these', because I enjoyed the Bethesda games. I'm not a Bethesda 'white knight', because I'm willing to acknowledge they do some shitty stuff, and they're not as great as some people seem to think. I'm just trying to get you to see that they're not objectively bad. No matter the industry standards, or the standards that have been established by this community, they are not the be all, end all standards for video games. I never said the games were of sterling quality, I just said I thought they were good. By saying I liked them, it doesn't inherently mean they're good. It means I think they're good. There's just so much hate and disgust for them here, and I get it if they didn't tickle your fancy. Not a big deal. But you have to understand, there is no real 'objective' when it comes to this kind of thing. The idea I'm gleaning from this discussion so far is when I say "I believe these games are good", I am objectively wrong, because they are objectively bad. However, when I say, well, the older ones had some flaws too, I am objectively wrong. That can't be right. Objectively, as R.Graves stated, means not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. The way I interpret it, an example would be a person who has never played a video game in their life. This person would have no pre-conceived notion of what makes a game good or bad, therefore no bias, making their opinion objective. However, if you have a certain standard or idea of what it should be, then it's subjective. Even for you and I. My standards may be lower or higher than another person's, and I could enjoy or dislike something even if they feel the opposite way. If you feel the plot was bad, characters were flat, etc., then that's what you think. I'm just trying to show you that, to certain extents, one person's good is another's bad. Were the Bethesda games perfect? No. But neither were the Interplay games. If I were to show somebody a screenshot or video from the older games, they could very well say that Interplay's animation style is amateur and garish. If I were to show people screenshots or videos of the newer ones, they could say Bethesda's is dated and not up to par with other games. It's a matter of perspective. I know the people on this site aren't receptive of a person who likes the Bethesda games, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to speak my opinion.