Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

Crni Vuk said:
I really think the US will loose the "war" on terror anyway.

You must be kidding if you think there is a war on terror.

Sure there is TERROISM in the world but it you can't combat a ism.

Look at the War on Drugs. War on sounds cool but it just to smoke over other plans you have.
Well I dont really believe in the "war" on terror. But you have to agree that they made a lot of politics around that after 9/11 describing it like a full scale "war". And even now a lot of decisions have to be dealt with cause of those things.

So terrorism or war. What ever you call it. I doubt the US will win it. Other nations including Europe are fighting or trying to fight here similar situations for the last 200 years. And it almost never was possible to win. Only to retrat at some point.

The US will be no difference here.
victor said:
I've read the adrenaline rush of combat does that to people. They seem all excited and happy while it's happening.
Don't forget half the troops and pilots are pulling long shifts and are popping uppers all the way to keep going.

And yeah, it's pretty easy to "disconnect" from the horror you're seeing (or even inflicting). It's a survival mechanism, but in time it will catch up with you.
@ Crni Vuk
Sure the US goverment cannot win against the terrorism because it´s a homemade issue like 9/11 and others too..
Just to take fear to the people..
You know what else was home-made? The moon landings maan! And computers! There's no way those things are real maan!...
I have no clue what that has to do with terrorism. Or do you want to suggest that the issues today arent at least partialy mistakes from the US in past ?

Just see how many times nations like either Britain, France, and the US of course decided to get involved in certain conflicts and nations. For what ever reasons. What should we expect people not to feel some kind of agression ?

I am for sure not a suporter of terrorist actions. But if you think about it, many things they say arent even that far-fetched.

Some claim, the US is bombing civilians. Which is true (even if most of the time probably accidantly, but notheless)

They also say US troops are deployed in the holy land. Which is also true (see Arabian states)

They mention US crimes and hypocricy, which is also not completely wrong (see Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib etc.)

My intention is not to blame the US as they are not worse or better then others. But exactly thats the point. Its not a simple black vs white, evil vs good. I do not even believe any seconds that the targets and intentions of people like Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice have been inherently better then from certain terrorist leaders. They all decide about lives of their own citizens and soldiers like playind a chess game.
Blakut said:
You know what else was home-made? The moon landings maan! And computers! There's no way those things are real maan!...
You are confusing homemade with faked. Terrorism is real, though every military uses it and labels it as psychological warfare so to be more specific, criminals using violent terrorism is inherent to societies made up of large groups of people with differing opinions. The US, and I'd presume most other countries, have far more trouble with homegrown terrorists/criminals than they do with external terrorists/criminals, largely due to the fact that most people care about and are more focused on themselves, their surroundings, and the groups they are a part of than they do on things outside of that scope. Now the more involved a country becomes with another country, especially when that involvement is military action against said country, the more likely the populace will target the country with military involvement.
Blakut said:
You know what else was home-made? The moon landings maan! And computers! There's no way those things are real maan!...

And the rock music nowadays is all sold out, maaaaaan. It ain't like it used to be. Where's the passion, maaaaaan.
Crni Vuk said:
You know the issue with US mentality regarding terrorism is ...
Funny cartoon, but I wouldn't use it as a basis to paint American foreign policy vis a vis terrorism.

If you're going to invoke names like Hammas and Hezbollah and not mention Israel at all, well, you're ignoring the 800lb. gorilla in the room when it comes to the issue of middle eastern terrorism, no?

Politcol cartoons are great at ridicule, which I'm all for across the politol spectrum, but that's about it.
thats not what this cartoon means to display I guess. Its just art meant to be ironic. Its taking a situation and exagerating it particularly since the cartoon also includes somewhere the Hezbollah and Hamas while they are militant groups and guility of terrorism they are not directly linked to the Al Qaida or dangerous to the US. While I for example dont want that to happen I would not be surprised if in 10 years Afghanistan might still be the exactly same hole like it was 10 years ago ... or if peace is even in 10 years still a dream in the head of educated Iraqis.

Professor Danger! said:
Blakut said:
Yeah, cause if they attack them all then they are the Wolrd Police and they suck, right?

Exactly. And when they don't, they get knocked for not being the World Police.
I think you should eventualy think again about the cartoon ... just an idea though.

It has more to do with how the US deals in general politicaly and ethically with "terrorists". Instead of for example trying to fix the roots of the issue they just create more in the end with military actions (a lot of terrorist groups how surprising take US military interventions/actions as base for their right to do terrorism against them ...)
It's a complicated, multifacted issue that deserves more analysis than a cute little one-frame cartoon can provide, and assigning some level of profundity beyond that is being intellectually dishonest in my opinion.