This ghoul has seen it all

And then learned advanced force powers out of nowhere and broke herself singlehandedly, even finding secret passages around a bas she shouldn't even be familiar with...
And then learned advanced force powers out of nowhere and broke herself singlehandedly, even finding secret passages around a bas she shouldn't even be familiar with...
I'll believe it when I see it, but as it stands she just comes off as a complete Mary Sue in this movie.
I guess? But she is being hailed as a "Peak strong Female character" on some circles, so even then she got an acheivement out of it.
Eh.... I don't know, the character of Rey didn't really do her acting any favors as she was also a pretty limited character. When she is supposed to be whritting in pain from Lamo Ren's mental invasion she just looks like she hit her pinky. It also doesn't help that even after going through all those battles her hair remains neatly done in a bun and her skin never even gets even a cut or a blemish. Hell her clothes are still white by the end.
I am not gonna talk shit on the actress, but these performance didn't really do much for me either.
Poor Carrie Fisher looked like she could barely talk most times, there was even a jump cut in the middle of her saying a sentence.
Rey, you will know when you see it.Guys ... who is this fucked up Mary Sue you always keep mentioning?
I enjoyed it, but yes it has its flaws just like the original trilogy - some of which may be fixed via retcon in upcoming sequels. I enjoyed it on a fun / nostalgic level, but yeah. It has not yet reached the cinematic level of quality that I hope it will.
Some of the criticism leveled at the movie was about the lack of backstory about the factions, but this is kind of the pendelum swinging back from how the prequels were - way too much exposition. So yeah they throw you into the action which is good for short attention spans, mystery, and sequel hooks, but bad for plot holes and nitpicking.
I thought the humor was mostly fun even if it was not deep or sophisticated, which actually is comparable to the humor in episodes 4-6. If the humor in the prequels worked 20% of the time, I think this humor works 80% of the time. I thought the "nostalgia moments" were way less awkward than they were in the prequels, sure some of them were totally meaningless nod, but at least they didn't stop the action for 10 seconds while they formally introduced some old characters.
Overall right now I would put it as a good, but not great, movie. Hopefully tFA will serve as a springboard to better, deeper (and a greater variety of) stories within the Star Wars universe.
Rey as a Mary Sue.
+:evidence for, -:evidence against
+able to handle herself, +good pilot, +good pilot, +quickly learns to use the force with no formal training, +beats wounded but trained dark-side force
user -accidentally releases monsters -freaks out over force vision -gets captured
Kylo Ren as a villain. I can see how he might bother some people. He's definitely immature and prone to throwing tantrums. However, couldn't this be an
interesting thing to see a Star Wars villain that is not already fully formed as "pure evil." Instead he's unsure of himself, sloppy, and even throws tantrums. Isn't this a bit better than Anakin chopping of off Windu's arms and immediately saying, "Let's go kill some younglings." Or they could have made him a total Darth Vader ripoff, and just had him say dark stuff and act like a bad-ass the entire time.
The superweapon. I agree that this is a tired plot device especially in the Star Wars universe. Yet, if you look back at history this is something that really happens - artillery, battleships, and atomic weapons. Hopefully someday Star Wars will lampshade the downsides to expensive superweapons: that they are tremendously effective until the other side gets their own, finds a way to counteract them, or blows them up. Yes, in real warfare wars are won more on strategy, logistics, natural advantages, discipline, dumb luck, incremental technology improvements, and a steady supply of equipment and troops.
Lastly I think the Han / Ben moment felt authentic. Han and Leia felt like an estranged couple that were still on friendly terms, but couldn't make it work (especially after the damage their son caused). But Han had to give that one last try to bring him back. He had already done enough for the galaxy, he had done enough for himself (kind of wasting the last 10 years), and now that was the last thing left for him to do.
No offense intended, but if you guys ever hoped to appear as a tolerable and/or agreeable community to the outside of NMA, you should probably set back that hope a few miles. I'm not saying your criticisms are wrong, but you just threw thumbs down at both the newest Star Wars and Fallout 4, which are by far were the two most popular pieces of entertainment by the end of 2015.
But, since you all seem to enjoy that glittering gem of hatred rep so much, I'm sure you all have nothing to worry about.
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Pictured above - 2015's epitome of "catering to a larger audience".