Disney meets Bethesda meets HBO? New Star Wars movie

I find the whole announcement of Gay people coming to Star Wars rather stupid, as if this is some kind of special event.
If characters are gay or lesbians, simply introduce it in a natural way, build it up as any relation would with hints and indications that these same sex people have special feelings for each other, and then let the watcher find it out for themselves.
Now it feels like "see people, we are political correct, here is a Star Wars writing department designed gay couple to show that the Star Wars universe also includes homosexuals."
They kind of made that mistake with TOR when they introduced a planet (I think) where same sex relations were possible. Instead of adding some random pointless feature (I find romantic relationships in computer games in general pointless) because some people would enjoy it, they basically created 'the planet of the homos'. Why not all all kinds of stores such as antique and kitch stores which people think stereotypical flaming gay people like, or army dumps for lesbians.
Could not agree more. I feel like anytime people go out of their way to say "look at me I'm progressive," it just comes off as pandering. If there is a solidly written love story in the mix I don't care who it's between, I care that it's well written, not forced, and doesn't become the focal point when it shouldn't be(prequels).
Well, it's obvious that Finn will have to get it on with Poe. Because him getting it on with Rey is sexist, and him not getting any is racist.
Ugh, this is face palming stupid.
But the thing is, if 'shouty funny black man' was actually interesting as a character as would 'If Gary Stu and Mary Sue had a baby/I don't need a man poster child' girl, I would actually care if they got into a relationship or not.
But there was no natural chemistry anywhere whatsoever so I honestly couldn't give a damn if they decided to get Finn and Rey together, Finn and Poe, Rey and Poe, or Finn, Rey, and Poe. For all I care they start humping the power rods and sockets of droids or start a interstellar harem consisting of every species and gender in the universe.

Now with more Samurai in space. Magic sticks can hit through armor!
Also, Jyn Erso. Totally not Jan Ors.
Does look cool, though.
Wonder if the characters will be as boring as in the Force Awakens. Abrahams is not tied to this one, is he?
Then maybe this one will have an original idea and won't be so obsssed with just rehashing an older movie...... And there is another Death Star that needs to be destroyed.... great.
I thought Rouge One was going to be a prequel, set before Episode 4, so it could be the original Deathstar.
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So they are making Interquels now... They turned a single sentence from the first into a whole movie... Squeezing it doesn't even begin to describe it...
It's the original Death Star, and the story is about a bunch of spies stealing the plans, so it's set shortly before Episode IV.
Somewhat similar to the beginning of Dark Forces, only with Jan Ors Jyn Erso as the main character instead of Kyle Katarrn.
Bit wasted on me, retelling stories that have already been told in comics and games and probably better too.

There is also something about this trailer that feels very non Star Wars but I can not describe it yet. (and I don't mean because it doesn't have Jedi)

Truth be told I had hoped that this movie either had been about Rogue Squadron or a team of Rebellion infiltrators (sort of Dirty Dozen).
In a video game you can do a one man commando team but even in the old canon Kyle's mission was only part of many Rebel missions to gather bits of the Death Star plans to create a full set.

Hmm, I would have loved to have seen Kyle Katarn.
It looks like they're going to show some proper Big Imperial City Life, which I'm definitely looking forward to as it's not something we really had before. Coruscant was just MOAR CGI and a New York diner, and the rest was either palaces or backwater nothingness.
And we certainly never saw what the normal life on an imperial planet looked like.
I bet the scruffy dude seen smiling in the trailer is called Kyle Katarn Koll Coturn, and he helps Jan Ors Jyn Erso to infiltrate some military installation. Also, Jyn Erso will turn out to be a powerful Jedi, and the mother of Rey. Calling it now.
Personally I find the idea interesting. You know what we need though? A movie from the stormtrooper's perspectives. And I mean LOYAL stormtroopers.
Personally I find the idea interesting. You know what we need though? A movie from the stormtrooper's perspectives. And I mean LOYAL stormtroopers.
Indeed. I liked Timothy Zahn's Allegiance and Choices of One, as they deal with exactly that perspective. Ok, they are rogue stormtroopers, but they consider themselves loyal to the Empire and the New Order, only pissed at corrupt moffs and governors.
They don't know that the cruelty and exploitation is by design, not just by flawed local governments.
Indeed. I liked Timothy Zahn's Allegiance and Choices of One, as they deal with exactly that perspective. Ok, they are rogue stormtroopers, but they consider themselves loyal to the Empire and the New Order, only pissed at corrupt moffs and governors.
They don't know that the cruelty and exploitation is by design, not just by flawed local governments.
I would prefer full on loyal, not renegades (loyal to the idea renegades are overdone).
I definitely like the idea of films exploring the Star Wars universe from different points of view. I think they can do more interesting stuff with these than with straight sequels.