Disney meets Bethesda meets HBO? New Star Wars movie

I would prefer full on loyal, not renegades (loyal to the idea renegades are overdone).
It would be cool, but it would definitely be harder to make them sympathetic to the audience. Like making a movie where the Waffen SS executing civilians are the shiny heroes.
One could show more of the Imperial Army (if it even exists in the current canon), which is a much larger and much more "human" army in ther imperial military, mostly for occupying and peace keeping. There it would be much easier to have sympathetic figures that are loyal to the Empire (like it's much easier to show "good" Wehrmacht soldiers than "good" Waffen SS troops).
They could always have the stormtrooper realise how evil the empire is at the end and defect to the resistance, anti-heros, reluctant evils and all that thematic stuff.
Only a few times I saw a sympathetic Imperial character work who wasn't secretly a turn coat.
Dark Horse had this mini series about a secret agent working for the Empire, but he wasn't going around infiltrating Rebel cells or undermining governments.
Rather he dealt with internal problems such as corrupt Moffs and outside threats to the Empire such as a madman who wanted to start a droid rebellion. One story was about saving the heir to an Noble house even though one of the people who wanted the heir dead would have been willing to support the Empire.
Then maybe this one will have an original idea and won't be so obsssed with just rehashing an older movie...... And there is another Death Star that needs to be destroyed.... great.
The only way how this show would interest me is if they don't paint the Empire as clearly evil and the Rebellion as clearly good.
I am just tired of the same stories being told. We get it the Empire, we already saw them die. Try a different Bad guy maybe? A different status quo?
Disney might not do the KOTOR movie, but I think we will get quite a few out of the box movies to justify that 4bill. they payed Lucas. That and Disney seems to like maximizing profits through diversity.
Communists instead of Nazis?
No, the Empire is very much Nazis in space, that's as clear as it can be. But even when you deal with the Nazis and the obvious bad side, like Hass said Evil SS killing everyone, you still have a loooooot of room for creative story telling. Everyone knows about it already, show us the nuances, the small stories, the munande things. Is every Rebell fighting for freedom? One of the best episodes in ST: Voyager contained the Marquis, because they gave you a very diverse image of the Star Fleet and the people they had in their ranks, they had even a psychopath who enjoyed killing. The Empire and the Rebellion are established factions with clear motifs, the motivation of the individuals, however, are not.
I'm more disappointed that the New Order is just a rehash of the Empire, even with the shadowy cloaked figure leading the group from projections. I get that Star Wars isn't an intellectual look at politics but still, the space Nazis had two of their space stations blown up and, their first, second and, third in command die; you think that would cause at least a little change within the group but nope, the New Order's a rehash, much storytelling, work good.
So I re-watched the Force Awakens and noticed something that felt off to me.
------------------SPOILER ALERT------------------------------------

The First Order destroys the Republic because they support the resistance, but if the Republic is the Government wouldn't that make the First Order the resistance seeing as how they are not sanctioned like The Empire was? I might be dead wrong, but I do know for sure, the Force Awakens did not hold up to a second viewing very well.
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So.. Trying to read through this thread and all.. Is Star Wars VII not worth it then? My fiance saw it and said she liked it, but then again she hates the other Star Wars films (she's a Star Trek person) thus why it probably appealed to her. I was thinking about renting it from the Red Box but if it's as bad for the Star Wars series as Fallout 4 was for the Fallout series, then...
Star Wars is victim to it's own "Small space" dumbassery. I mean, the prequels tried to have a political plot with trade route blackades and shit.... but can't a planet just produce their own shit? Do all planets only have a single country? What are even the logistics of a "Galactic Empire" if it's lead by a single dude. What do people earn by controlling multiple planets or by joining the empire, wouldn't each planet just have to police themselves anyway? Things don't work at all scales, even the empire being destroyed means nothing bvecause these aren't countries or cities, they are ENTIRE PLANETS. They could do some other type of story. They should make another type of story.

The force awakens is just fanboy pandering, lots of call backs to the first film, down to basically being a point by point rehash of the first 2 moviess but with worse pacing. Thus characterization suffers a lot, with every character ending up super flat, even the returning cast members.
I'm more disappointed that the New Order is just a rehash of the Empire, even with the shadowy cloaked figure leading the group from projections. I get that Star Wars isn't an intellectual look at politics but still, the space Nazis had two of their space stations blown up and, their first, second and, third in command die; you think that would cause at least a little change within the group but nope, the New Order's a rehash, much storytelling, work good.
Yeah, after Watching the new SW movie, all I can really say is, it's not as bad like I expected it, not as good as I hoped. It's strange really. It kinda made me crave for more Star Wars, but at the same time, it didn't satisfy me as a Sci Fi and Star Wars fan. And I am not even talking about the fact that our female Hero succeeds in everything she tries - this might very well be explained in future movies, so I will try to overlook that part. But all the other stuff you just mentioned. I really hoped for at least a bit more. But, I guess it's a typical Abrams. Again.
I am not even talking about the fact that our female Hero succeeds in everything she tries - this might very well be explained in future movies, so I will try to overlook that part.
This was very apparent the second time around, and even if they explain how a trained Sith barely survived an encounter with Rey, the next big bad will be super duper ultimate badass because we have her and Luke in the picture. There's really nowhere for her to grow as a character if she's pretty much a master already, and I was so looking forward to a female Jedi hero,instead Mary Sue. I'm hoping TFA was a play it safe movie and more risks are taken later, so we'll see I guess.


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Honestly every time someone says how Star Wars 7 had shitty writing something inside me dies. I can't handle hypocrisy. I mean seriously guys, was the first movie ANY better?
No, not really but the first movie had originality going for it, episode 7's just a rehash.
Well it wasn't a remake, episode 7 is just 4 but on a larger scale.
Instead of a planet destroying weapon it's a solar system destroying weapon, instead of the evil student killing the master in a duel it's the evil son killing the father with a backstab. JJ and friends should have come up with some risky shit instead of just doing everything again.