Doctor Who

Sam Ecorners said:
yeah, killer mannequins, fat, stretched skin and fat farting aliens were a lot cleverer

The two posts following your above quoted post sum it up nicely and save me typing any more than this.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Melodrama was a staple of Russel T. Davies' run and indeed of New Who in general, though I admit I enjoyed RTD's characters a lot more. That said, Moffat has improved a lot this season, and mostly by ditching the awful Amy/Rory/Doctor companion dynamic that never quite worked after the first 2 episodes of season 5 and abandoning the misguided idea of focusing so much on the overarching story arcs that started with season 5, and overpowered the narrative in season 6.

Asylum of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and the special were my favorites, Mercy was fine though it felt a bit unstructured and relied almost entirely on the alien Doctor (luckily the performance made the episode work), and The Angels Take Manhatthan had unfortunate echoes of Moffat at its worst, though at least it was superior to tripe such as Let's Kill Hitler and The Wedding of River Song.

A good summation.

Sam Ecorners said:
yeah, killer mannequins, fat, stretched skin and fat farting aliens were a lot cleverer

It's a kid's show, it has kid's humor. Also the killer mannequins were from old Who.

"Silliness" is a problem only for neckbeards who take the show too seriously. The show can and has been plenty silly, tho the revival has added a lot of melodrama that was mostly missing in the old ones (tho both the 5th and 7th had some of it). But trying to be TOO clever and then having the plot structure fall apart, pull rules out of your ass and use weak deus ex machinas is a problem no matter how old your audience is. Both RTD and Moffat are guilty of this, Moffat's just worse.
Brother None said:
It's a kid's show...
I don't think that's true. I'm sure kids watch it, but I think lots of adults watch it too, and they're the primary influencers as a fan base. If it were really a show for kids it wouldn't have all the flirting and romance.

The old show actually was a show for kids, and was, ironically, more adult than the new show, probably because the "fan base" then (if there even was such a thing) had very little input. In those days you would have had to write a letter and put it in the mail for England.
on this newest episode about the wifi

i found the premise to be weak, but interesting.

at the end they did a sincere attempt at calling back to the snowman episode.

but the interaction between the doctor and the new companion was great.

the rest of the episode was not that impressive.
So there were a bunch of us watching stuff, and we decided to watch "Blink", and everyone liked it, and then we consulted some random "best Dr Who eps" list on the internet to decide what to watch next, and it was "Gridlock" by RTD, and it sucked deep ass, so our plan quickly became "watch all the Moffat episodes in order and none of the other". But then I skimmed this thread and it seems to be a common opinion that Moffat was only good until RTD left. So it's all shit then except "Blink"?
The two Empty Child episodes were good, The Girl in the Fireplace was good, and the two Silence in the Library episodes were good.

That's about it.
Yeah pretty much what Courier wrote.
I don't know what happened after that made so many Moffat episodes cringe worthy.

I don't watch Sherlock but I know BN likes it so it is not as if the guy suddenly lost all entertaining story telling skills.

Reminds me to my Star Trek fan days, Brannon Braga was actually pretty good on TNG as long as he was kept in check by the other writers and the producers, after that control was gone he went cuckoo and we got piles of Voyager and Enterprise crap.

Then again, the signs in TNG were already there.

Apologies for going of subject, when I first heard that Moffat was going to run the show I thought we would be getting more suspenseful story telling with a hint of horror from time to time based on common matters that are now scary.

Instead we got overdone story telling with River Song which I now really start to hate as it is basically Moffat turning Doctor Who into his own personal playground.

The Angels were cool and scary, now they are a done deal and I don't want to see them more.
The memory aliens were never interesting to begin with other than their gimmick.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I don't watch Sherlock but I know BN likes it so it is not as if the guy suddenly lost all entertaining story telling skills.
I like Sherlock but I don't love it, and I always have this strange feeling when I watch it: the character that is Sherlock would have been very good for the Doctor. Way better than the flippant quasi-superhero quasi-romantic cutie with which they've abused the show for the past six years.

Thankfully BBC America is occasionally showing something they call "The Doctor Revisited," so I can catch old episodes sometimes.
Saturday's episode was a good one. Not one of the best of the last season, a bit too joyless for my taste, but definitely fun and a good overall ride.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Saturday's episode was a good one. Not one of the best of the last season, a bit too joyless for my taste, but definitely fun and a good overall ride.

All that wi-fi bollocks made me hurl, although I enjoyed how comfortable and paced it felt.
The episode was clearly written by someone who doesn't actually clue as to how technology works, but turn on some suspension of disbelief and it was a very, very good episode if you ask me. Good story arcs, good character development, nice surprise, some fun whacky stuff happening. Well-balanced, overall.
Man, this series is really hit-or-miss most of the time. I'm still catching up and just watched "Blink" from the third season which was fantastic. I also liked Human Nature/Family of Blood very much but the rest of the 3d season was rather weak. I stopped watching for a while because the episodes were so bad. But I don't mind as long as there's the occasional Blink. Carey Mulligan is always a plus and goddamn them weeping angels are scary.
Per said:
So there were a bunch of us watching stuff, and we decided to watch "Blink", and everyone liked it, and then we consulted some random "best Dr Who eps" list on the internet to decide what to watch next, and it was "Gridlock" by RTD, and it sucked deep ass, so our plan quickly became "watch all the Moffat episodes in order and none of the other". But then I skimmed this thread and it seems to be a common opinion that Moffat was only good until RTD left. So it's all shit then except "Blink"?

RTD wrote Midnight, which I think is much better than most of Moffat's good ones.
Sander said:
The episode was clearly written by someone who doesn't actually clue as to how technology works, but turn on some suspension of disbelief and it was a very, very good episode if you ask me. Good story arcs, good character development, nice surprise, some fun whacky stuff happening. Well-balanced, overall.

"If I types really quickly I am the best hacker"
I would say that they have a good handle on how many people post sensitive information on Twitter though. :P
Was a good episode, some nice quirky twists and turns and no overly dramatic or dumb dialogue.
Nice to see U.N.I.T make an appearance, though kinda odd they never noticed something like this.
Courier said:
The two Empty Child episodes were good, The Girl in the Fireplace was good, and the two Silence in the Library episodes were good.

That's about it.

I saw TEC+TDD when I watched the 2005 season on TV a good while back, and seem to remember they were the best of that season, although I still don't think the resolution was as good as the set-up. We already watched TGitF, and while it was certainly watchable, it wasn't nearly as good as Blink. (Plus the more I think about it, the less it holds up to scrutiny - certainly would help if the show is defined as a kids' show like BN said.)

The Dutch Ghost said:
Yeah pretty much what Courier wrote.
I don't know what happened after that made so many Moffat episodes cringe worthy.

Sooo it's basically Blink and then nothing. :(

The Dutch Ghost said:
I don't watch Sherlock but I know BN likes it so it is not as if the guy suddenly lost all entertaining story telling skills.

I thought Moffat's Sherlock episodes had far and away the best dialogue, but not the best plotting or pacing. (Though I don't know if the guy named as the episode writer does all of that by himself anyway.)

34thcell said:
RTD wrote Midnight, which I think is much better than most of Moffat's good ones.

I'll make a note of it.

"I have another recommendation for an RTD episode!"

"Great, from where?"

"Some random guy on the internet."

"So, just like Gridlock."

Per said:
Sooo it's basically Blink and then nothing. :(
Yes, which is one of the reasons it's the worst show in the history of television. It's the only show I can think of that fulfills all three of the following criteria:

1) Bad.

2) Popular.

3) Built on the corpse of a really good show.

Plus, it carries out a full assault on the canon of the original, it has much more funding and marketing than the shoestring budget of the old show,'s bad. Did I mention that? But on the bright side, it's new and it has flirting with cute girls, so there's that.
i would rather current Dr Who at its worst than some of the options we have.

the bachelor
american idol

admittedly "americas got talent" is extremely unimpressive, they do spawn some interesting and funny youtube videos.
Per said:
34thcell said:
RTD wrote Midnight, which I think is much better than most of Moffat's good ones.

I'll make a note of it.

"I have another recommendation for an RTD episode!"

"Great, from where?"

"Some random guy on the internet."

"So, just like Gridlock."


Not sure if it is that good but surprisingly it doesn't deal with a clear threat but something more different.
It also takes place in a 'single room' so to speak, so no running and rushing.
Per said:
34thcell said:
RTD wrote Midnight, which I think is much better than most of Moffat's good ones.

I'll make a note of it.

"I have another recommendation for an RTD episode!"

"Great, from where?"

"Some random guy on the internet."

"So, just like Gridlock."


Midnight is a lot more similar in tone to Blink than Gridlock, so that helps. Though I thought Gridlock was good, so I'm not sure if my recommendation means much here.