Melodrama was a staple of Russel T. Davies' run and indeed of New Who in general, though I admit I enjoyed RTD's characters a lot more. That said, Moffat has improved a lot this season, and mostly by ditching the awful Amy/Rory/Doctor companion dynamic that never quite worked after the first 2 episodes of season 5 and abandoning the misguided idea of focusing so much on the overarching story arcs that started with season 5, and overpowered the narrative in season 6.
Asylum of the Daleks, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and the special were my favorites, Mercy was fine though it felt a bit unstructured and relied almost entirely on the alien Doctor (luckily the performance made the episode work), and The Angels Take Manhatthan had unfortunate echoes of Moffat at its worst, though at least it was superior to tripe such as Let's Kill Hitler and The Wedding of River Song.