Doctor Who

I've done something of a re-watch of the entire revived series a couple of times and I find Gridlock easy to skip. Mind you, I find about half of each season easy to skip which is why I said "something of a re-watch".

As for the current Series 7B... The opening Wifi was crap. But it was Moffat's so I'm not surprised.

Last week's was better but still only average.

Best I can say thus far... Jenna-Louise. I haven't had a "crush" on an actress since I was a kid watching Erin Gray in Buck Rogers but JLC is just so damned adorable.

Oh, and I like the Doctor's new outfit.
His outfit is pretty swank, and Jenna-Louise is pretty awesome.

That said, the episodes have been a little uneven. A redo of one of the Doctor's worst episodes (Idiot Lantern) is not exactly high on a list of desirable eps.

This latest ep had some great ideas but I dunno what was up with the whole childish nursery rhymes help battle great evil. It kinda felt like the writer thought the whole gimmick of "stories as good/commerce" was smarter than it really is, especially with as little exploration of the actual theme he does beyond the banal. Oh well!
I have to disagree. It didn't grab me at all. I'd hoped it would. David Warner. An Ice Warrior. A Soviet submarine. And... average.

All three episodes in 7B have been average at best for my tastes. Maybe my views would change on a re-watch but my general apathy and the low expectations I've developed for Moffat's reign don't really inspire me to watch them again.

Such a waste of David Warner.
Typical Gatiss ep. He gets the best things to work with (Dickens, Churchill, and now friggin' Liam Cunningham and David Warner) yet he keeps putting out the most meh eps. I really want to like the guy, but even his best eps (this one and Night Terrors) are resoundingly meh, and his worst is amongst the worst the show's ever produced (The Idiot's Lantern).
I was just relieved by the Doctor (or his companion's simple humanity!) not being so omnipresent. The previous episode had pretty much everything I hate about the new Doctor Who.
Eh, I didn't even notice it was Gatiss and really enjoyed this one, good use of the monster IMO, and unusually decent special effects (helped by the fact that they didn't try to do the impossible and kept the Ice Warrior mostly hidden or in the armor).
Brother None said:
That said, the episodes have been a little uneven. A redo of one of the Doctor's worst episodes (Idiot Lantern) is not exactly high on a list of desirable eps.
He had the best hair ever in that episode, though.
"Hide". Most enjoyable episode so far for me. Really liked the look and feel for this one. The happy ending was... Well, hell, a happy ending every now and then never hurts I guess.
It did absolutely nothing for me :| I've seen a lot of praise for it on the net, but it just felt devoid of tension and the script bunnyhopped between different situations without building up to them. Some really nice cinematography and a few cool character moments though, so it wasn't like, totally awful or anything.
Another average at best episode tonight. Why is it that Doctor Who under Moffat's tenure do so little for me? And yes, that's rhetorical.
It was an okay episode though the concept really deserved better, more grandiose ideas. Didn't like the ending too much either, I thought it was about time we saw some actual development in the relationship between Clara and the Doctor and instead they hit the reset button.. oh well, it's just a few episodes before the finale anyway, so I imagine some kind of reveal/climax has just been delayed.

Still, overall, this season did a lot to make me come back to Who after the almost-disaster of season 6. I just hope Moffat's lust for cleverness doesn't kill the finale, but I guess it's a 50/50 chance: it'll either be awesome or a disaster in pretty much every respect. Sadly, I know what I'm betting on. :cry:
I don't think I'll be disappointed with the finale.

Under RTD it was everything AND the kitchen sink with some really over the top, nonsensical ending.

With Moffat, it's a season long mess of "Oh, look how clever I am, I'm Steven Moffat and I've stuck my own head up my arse while wowing fans everywhere with my sheer brilliance" capped off with a complete let down.

No, I don't think I'll be disappointed in the least because I have very low expectations.

I don't put much stock in rumours but there are a few flying around that the BBC is looking to push Moffat out the door.
Another really average episode in my opinion.

A pretty predictable story to be honest and rather waste of an episode that could have been filled with another story.

I read somewhere Moffat is responsible for some scripts not being finished.
There's a lot of negative stuff flying around about Moffat right now.

He's a dictator. Other executives don't want to work with him. He's having inappropriate relations with co-workers. He and Matt Smith had a big fight over the 50th, that Smith apparently badly wanted Chris Eccleston in it and Eccleston was ready but Moffat being a dick is the reason why Chris said "No". The BBC is apparently trying to rid themselves of Moffat. It goes on and on and on.

Now these are of course rumours but there are so many similar rumours from so many sources that I'd be surprised if there wasn't some truth behind them

After all, we do know the man is so bloody arrogant that he thinks he's the greatest thing to happen to DW.

Ah well, hopefully tonight's episode will at least provide a few laughs. It has our favourite lesbian silurian and a baked potato butler.
I don't know about rumors, but Eccleston made it clear quite a while ago that he didn't want to go back to Who. He probably couldn't say that right away due to contractual obligations in the lead up to the specials, and he was most likely courted, but I really really doubt Moffat didn't want him. Just doesn't seem to be any evidence him and Eccleston would be in a bad relationship.

The last episode was nice, only flaws I can think of was that it was too evenly paced and didn't really have a lot of surprises. But hell, I'll take a classic story done right rather than a Moffat story done wrong like The Angels Take Manhattan.

BTW, is it just me or this one could have worked rather well as a two parter? Make the Doctor being dipped in the thingie the cliffhanger and the second episode the lesbian couple and Sontaran breaking in and the climax of the story. Would have probably solved the pacing issues, but on the other hand it would mean we wouldn't get a doctor-less introduction and it'd feel a bit of a cop-out to have him saved by suddenly introduced characters. Either way, I hope they go back to two-parters for the next season.. I enjoyed the experiment, but they just need to be used judiciously, don't need to take them out entirely.
The ep was middling to ok, Dianna Rigg kicked ass, but holy shit Jennie was awful, and that Doctor-gets-a-boner gag actually pissed me off. I don't usually care about that stuff, and I'm not with the old Whovians who get upset at every snog, but man that was stupid as hell.

Oh well.

I really liked Journey to the Center of the TARDIS for its visual style even if the ep ended with another Moffat ignore-the-rules handwaving. Hide and Crimson Horror were both pretty middling-to-just-boring, though.
the journey to the center of the tardis was wasted i think.

they really could have done something cool and brought back the chick from the episode "the doctors wife"

and of course that is without going into the whole ret-conning that the heart was right under the console for rose's finale

this last one...

it was nice in that it was the lizard chick that knew what the monster was rather than the doctor. plus there being a rocket in london in the 1800s...

there were bits and pieces that were good/nice/cool

but not enough. it was a let down for me.
TheWesDude said:
and of course that is without going into the whole ret-conning that the heart was right under the console for rose's finale

Eh Tardis keeps rebuilding itself and interfaces with users so that's easily handwaved. I agree that the concept had much more promise than the execution of the ep.