?Minigun Jim said:Sure I don't want a discussion. That's why I'll admit I'm wrong on the P&P RPG base for the original, and bother to address stuff directly, rather than just shouting down "OMG OBLIVION WITH GUNS TEH SUXORS". As for wanting to prove bias, I'll own up to that. I don't like the attitude of "I;m a better fan because I want fallout 3 to be based on the original engine" or whatever. FO3 have some huge glowing mutant boots to fill, and that's the problem isn't it? If it had just been "Bethsoft make post-apocalyptic RPG set in DC", there would have been cheers. But no, it's FO3 so its got to be *just so*.
My opinion off the previews is it looks like a Fallout game in the styling
It does? I didn't realise that modern-styled orcs and pretty much an abandonment of most of the '50s sci-fi (which was the basis of Fallout's style) was the same as keeping the style.
Ehm, it does? In what, exactly? The fact that they've implemented bullet-time? Or their completely unproven statements on complexity and character interaction (remember that they made similar statements about Oblivion, which turned out to be entirely false).Mingum Jim said:, the gameplay appears to have been shifted far more into a roleplaying style than the Elder scrolls hack n' slash approach
Ehm, yeah, they did the same thing with Morrowind and Oblivion (in differing areas, Oblivion IIRC did it just for damage and Morrowind just for hitting stuff). This doesn't make the combat any more tactical.Minigum Jim said:, and they're using the dice-rolling mechanics for hit/crit/success on skill use but in a totally real-time game.
This entire thread has not about whether this would be a good or fun game, but whether it would be a good Fallout game. Since, y'know, it's a sequel to the series. If Bethesda wanted to make a post-apocalyptic game but not stick to what Fallout stands for, why buy Fallout at all?Minigum Jim said:Therefore, it appears promising. Whether it's agood game or not is irrelevant to how much it sticks precisely to the original mechanics.
No, at best, *you* will get a game that will feature gameplay *you* will like better.Minigun Jim said:At worst, Fallout 3 turns out to be a lemon, Bethdesa take it in in a different direction and fail. That's the risk. At best, we get a Fallout game that's an improvement on the original gameplay.
I can already say with almost absolute certainty that Fallout 3's gameplay, at least combat-wise, will not be an improvement over Fallout's combat gameplay simply because it has a completely different basis in thought - gone is any kind of tactics, replaced by a cinematic view of limbs getting blown off. Which would get quite stale after the 10th time, I'd imagine.
This is a dumb argument if I've ever seen one. Almost every preview ever was hugely positive about Oblivion. The same goes for reviews. Except when 3 months later everyone suddenly started bashing Oblivion's retard AI, dumbassed distance scaling, ugly faces and whatever else was wrong with it.Minigum Jim said:Previews so far seen positive across a wide range, even accounting for the usual over-active claims by devs.
The gaming press has turned into an industry of brothels and relying on them for any kind of decent preview is about as sensible as relying on George Bush Sr. not to raise taxes.