ParachutePony said:Fallout would be pretty awesome as an FPS so I don't understand what you guys are arguing about. The isometric view is pretty stupid and outdated and doesn't stand up much to real-time combat. I have full confidence that Bethesda can make a good Fallout game as seen in their trailer for the game, yep.
I'm bored, I want to comment on this.
I've played fallout in first person... It was called The Wastes: A modification for Half-Life.
I never knew it was based on fallout until a friend of mine pointed it out to me. At which point I went, "HOLYSHIT, thats fallouty, and that is, and that is...."
My point is consistency in games is important.
Now I shall proceed to bash the shit out of you you combat monkey whore. Even though you've been banned.
Heres you in turnbased *bang bang* "WTF? Why can't I do anything? Fucking game, fucking this that and the other"
Heres me. *turn up combat speed* *Think about my move* *fire once with my rifle, fire once with me trusty revolver, reload* * End of turn*
You in FPS twitch land *Run in guns blazing shooting anything that moves... including team mates... Kinda like my nephew who is 8.*
Me in your twitchy FPS land *Considers layout of map* *camps* *single burst to your head*
You again "DIRTY HAXORZ" *gets headshotted again because you can't keep your mouth shut*
Ok, I'll leave the poor banned thing to his grave of ignorance and bad taste.