Vault Fossil

About difficulty, apparently DA2 will feature special Assassin, Commander and Somethingelse ennemy types that weill give the player headaches. I imagine that's just a return of Origin's yellow monsters with fancy names and that it only means they are the first to bite the dust because of their dangerous abilities. It's still a more difficult game and is more tactical than any RPG I played save BG series which as I have said felt like a chore to me, particulary because I never liked the DnD system.
On a more positive note, I was pleased with the most recent previews (see the official forums for like 4-5 of them). The Destructoid one ( , don't mind the name it's actually well-written) is very informative and made me want to play the game. At least Bioware tries a different storyline approach for once, can't wait to see how it turns out.
On a more positive note, I was pleased with the most recent previews (see the official forums for like 4-5 of them). The Destructoid one ( , don't mind the name it's actually well-written) is very informative and made me want to play the game. At least Bioware tries a different storyline approach for once, can't wait to see how it turns out.