maximaz said:
By the way, is anyone excited about SWTOR at all? If you ask me, quite honestly, I think Bioware's time would have been better spent making an actual full length CGI movie that looks like the trailers. That's one animated Star Wars that could be sextastic.
Not really. I mean, it looks ok but there is one really big problem with BioWare. They think it's cool to launch a game with only basic mmo systems. Not enough fluff, not enough different content(They said even Pazaak and other minigames won't be there at launch. WTF Bioware :/) might kill this game if their endgame stuff won't be really amazing.
I don't believe "Story" will play any big role here. Maybe for few first months. But after that? People will rush stories and demand more endgame content, fluff and systems like customizable housing.
They should wake up, because we're not longer in 2004, where people accepted how little content in WoW was. Eventually it became very big, so did their playerbase.
Now we're in 2011 and it's really easy to just look at other mainstream big productions.
AoC? Failure.
Aion? Failure.
Warhammer Online(Another BIG and great license)? Failure.
Tera Online? Failure.
You can name there many other titles. Most of them failed because of not impressive content, copied over and over again from the past. When WoW copied things from EQ and other oldies it was ok, because people weren't really fed with it. But now? They DEMAND something new, something groundbreaking and cool.
I don't really know if Star Wars setting can help in that matter. Still - More fluffy stuff and new game systems definitely could change it into a hit.
I'm not an expert, so I'll just wait to see how it's gonna roll on modern MMO scene.
Excited? No. Interested? Yes.