Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

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Ausir said:
That's because you're faceless.

Pawel = Ausir. Never expected this. I guessed you more to be the Tomek kind of type.

Anyway I am glad we pushed this topic in a better direction :D
From where did they come MrBumble? They do seem legit, that's for sure. And yeah, they do look nice. Of course, Oblivion looked nicer pre-release then when it came out so..
Too bad. Actually I went like "@.@ wow, nice". It would be lovely if they will come close to it anyway. Gloomy, dark and fuckin' harsh north will be a lot better than candy mountains with a lot of snow. Improving enviroment effects/graphics can be done by modders. I'm more worried about look of characters. You know - these Oblivion and fallout3 faces were ugly as hell. Like plastic dolls or clowns with down syndrome.
No offence to clowns and people with down syndrome.
Yeah, those are definitely Crysis shots. The rock and snow textures/models are taken straight from Warhead, and I spent enough time with the editor to know that the vegetation, depth of field effects and water are all identical to what CryEngine 2 puts out. Pretty, and definitely way beyond what consoles are capable of, not to mention Bethesda. :P
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