Sabirah said:Praise Allah NMA is this really worth it?
Yes. This is what we do. And it's awesome. Though a bit more civility would be awesome.
Sabirah said:Praise Allah NMA is this really worth it?
DevilTakeMe said:Before I begin, I have to make note that you have this misplaced idea that I'm saying that no one would risk their lives. I said they would very like to much to not die, and that means putting themselves at Unnecessary risk, which you keep glossing over.
Calculated risks are just that, calculated. What else would they be?
Argumentum ad hominem. Something you're accusing me of. You keep trying to find errors with me personally or my views, so you attack them by trying to find contradiction, where there is none. I'm asking you to try and argue with actual arguments than short sentences just repeating how flawed you -think- the statements are.
Attempts that he or his guards DON'T KNOW ABOUT unless you inform them. They immediately evacuate Kimball should you tell the Ranger about it.
Again, he leaves in a hurry even when nothing appears to be out of order, and that it looks like the Legion isn't going to do anything to him.
"What are you waiting for? Let's go, I don't want to get shot."
Which makes it even more of a political stunt. It makes a huge statement to the Legion, who can probably hear him because of all the loudspeakers. It makes a statement to people back home that Kimball is willing to put himself out there.
Does he have to do it? No. But he's taking a calculated risk in making a speech there, before he takes off again. He, being an old soldier himself, is not risking himself any more than he needs to.
Really? You're going to Hitler for an example of military morale boosting? Wow, you're really stretching for examples.
Remember why Hitler was doing it at the Chancellory by then. He was making his statement that he wasn't going to leave. It was a building built for -him- personally. The Fuhrerbunker, the shelter where Hitler spent the last of his days, was -underneath- the New Reich Chancellory.
It was from where he considered himself safest. When he came out, he'd make a speech, give out some awards, then go back down.
How is politicians (Greiser was an SS man, not really military, SS was paramilitary) and military men making speeches not politically oriented? Patton was also known to make speeches to civilians for the same reason.
Some people -do- see American incursion into Iraq as a grab for oil, putting in a democratic government that would be more amenable to US trade for that resource in the future. "They ousted Saddam, why are they still there?" Not my view, personally, but one that has been shared by some media and politicians.
Afghanistan - a lot of folks are still wondering why the US is still there when they killed the target they were looking for in the first place.
But I digress again. It's only real comparison, then, if not a direct one, is that the wars are not quite as simple as Kimball and others would have the common population as one would believe.
That's why the NCR's war is seen as unpopular, it's not a definitively "make or break" situation for their survival. The extra power the Dam provides only helps them grow.
Nope. It's unpopular because to the citizens of eg. Boneyard it's basically taxes and graves of loved ones. It's stated several times in the game that it's the reason.
Exactly. You're stating the same thing. Is the Mojave itself relevant to the inhabitants of the Boneyard? No.
You're even confused about the First Battle of Hoover Dam. I'm exactly right in saying that Graham's tactics were just to throw his men at the NCR defenses. Legion officers were picked off, and unable to change tactics during the fight. Without leadership on the field, the Legion simply kept pushing forward, while the NCR pulled back and suckered the disorganized Legion, who were basically mobbing their way across the dam into Boulder City. The NCR blows up Boulder City and most of the assaulting Legion with it.
You love to talk about concepts, but this one goes over your head?
You can still have a disorganized attack and still have a chain of command if your tactics are simply to bum-rush the enemy defenses. The problem, of course, is when someone is trying to reorganize and give new orders on the field. The Legion was trying to do just that, but only if you have officers still on the field, who were being picked off.
That can and has happened. There are stories of huge gaffes during the US Civil War where one officer is giving an order, only to be countermanded by another, and it takes a concerted effort to get soldiers back to where they need to be.
It's all over World War 2 when different remnants of different companies and units would rally behind an officer who decided to take charge and put order back into the chaos going on the battlefield.
Ultimately, to maintain discipline or to give new orders, you need officers. The Legion had theirs killed, so the Legion, not knowing what else to do, kept pushing forward, chasing the NCR right into the trap at Boulder City.
Semantics are the last refuge of a person who has no basis on which to stand. You don't have any rational logic to your own arguments. Your comparisons are flawed and poorly researched. Your logic is riddled with holes and fallacies. The only thing you have left is to try and throw dictionary definitions at me and try and twist them in an effort to prove me wrong by making me out to be "unintelligent" when your own comparisons and understanding of the very concepts you are telling me are being pointed out as flawed.
So, I'm sorry you brought those up. I'm trying to have a reasonable discourse here, and I'd like to continue to do so, but I keep getting these attempts to tell me I'm less intelligent than you are.
Again, you keep calling me "dense," "kid," etc. As if trying to demean me so that your points will suddenly have some sort of better impact.
Again, using parts or making reference "indirectly" of figurative language as a flawed comparison is a logical fallacy.
Like I'm saying, if the comparison, if figurative or literal, is not complete or accurate, I'm asking you not to use it.
That's not at all true. Tanks run over cars, can scale up rather sizable inclines. They're self-contained (meaning many can withstand conditions such as an area filled with biological weapons, even nuclear radiation). Infantry cannot do this without vehicles or specialized equipment, which they sometimes have to leave behind or unequip when they stop needing. Power armor troops can just keep it on.
Sorry, then, I guess. Must have been a different Tagaziel quoting this for me.
As for knowledge because of being related to military, then you definitely should know how they work, and you know you'd agree with me.
Sorry, must've been that other Tagaziel.
Navarro is both a refuelling base and a training camp for Enclave soldiers. Or... does Drill Sergeant Dornan just like yelling at random guards?
There's an airfield, an air traffic control station, hangers, etc. It's not huge, but it's not tiny, either. In the middle of the Wasteland, that's kind of noticeable if it weren't for the tree cover and the gas station.
Because they're not disguising it. There's a difference between a disguise/camouflage and not advertising yourself.
30, lived and worked in and around military bases all my life. Worked as a military contractor, now working with veterans out of LA. Working with the US Army at the Cheatham Annex near Yorktown, VA, and the US Navy and Marine units out of Oceana AB, Norfolk NAB, and Portsmouth Naval Yards (camouflaging tanks are one thing, try camouflaging a ship!), and then again in Los Angeles (you're right, small bases inside cities aren't camouflaged, because they're buildings in a city, they're already fitting within the urban setting). No, I've never worked with a SEAL team, but I've talked with a few and have seen them on maneuvers out by the beach or driving through town.
Father's a retired US Navy Master Chief. Brother is a senior chief in the Navy, who I worked with in San Diego and Norfolk, other brother is US Army, who was based at Fort Irwin, again, not far from Barstow, CA. Cousin's a marine, brother-in-law is Air Force, etc. etc.
I could go on, but that's most of my immediate family.
It's even more idiotic with the First Recon guys wearing red berets.
Green is a bit more of a neutral color. That's why olive-drab and "camouflage green" were used in the armed forces for so long.
Which, again, is visible in clear conditions, and even smaller than your 'fist-sized' comparison below.
Your pictures aren't working for me. Even if they were, bright color.
Hills and desert are not the same. Afghanistan and Iraq are not identical, as you so like to point out when comparing to the Mojave.
I'm actually on my way to Vegas today. If you want some pictures of particular areas, I'll be snapping some photos while I'm out there. (planned trip will include the Nuclear Testing Museum off the strip and elsewhere along the way).
There's at one story of a group of soldiers on the roof of a building in Iraq, defending against an attack against insurgents armed primarily the AK-47 (which has a shorter range than the M4 or M16 platform), who were more than happy when a sniper armed with a rifle accurate out to a thousand yards to help them pick off the assault.
Just saying. Maybe you should check with the authors, just to make sure. If I'm right, so be it. I'm wrong, I can admit being wrong. But can you?
Lexx said:That's definitive better looking. Any download link? :>
I still truly don't see the gripe with the Bear's head. Bears are the NCR's signature icon, and it's quite obviously a trophy head.Surf Solar said:That looks really better than this inane.. thing from original, frosty_theaussie. Now only thing which still looks a bit retarded is that bears head on the shoulder. ;>
frosty_theaussie said:Really truly, what's the green and red meant to be?
Surf Solar said:It's not the bear per se, it just looks ugly, like a cheap job on the modelers/artist side.
:::SILUS::: said:Surf Solar said:It's not the bear per se, it just looks ugly, like a cheap job on the modelers/artist side.
In an interview with Chris Avellone, he said "The armor was something one of the staff members saw, and we thought it would be the coolest thing to put in one of the last add-on for Vegas."
DevilTakeMe said:frosty_theaussie said:Really truly, what's the green and red meant to be?
It's basically the colors of the NCR flag.
DoubleRubix said:Ummm so is anyone gonna talk about the armor anymore? From the game?
TorontRayne said:The Power Armor/Tank comparison in regards to terrain is slightly off I think. The argument was made that Power armor troops can't go over rough terrain, but I don't see how that is the case. The armor boosts the strength output enough to walk up steep terrain, although mountains would cause a problem, but those cause problems for tanks in real life.