EU referendum: Leave Vote

Well, I hope Britain can survive this decision. I hope that in the long run they've made the right choice. This forum certainly seems split on the issue. Regardless, may Britain always remain and be prosperous.

One thing's for sure, the European scapegoat is gone now. Who's going to be blamed for all the country's problems now? Tories? Immigrants? Farrage? All of these answers? None?

While I strongly doubt the EU was a perfect haven of sages who did no wrong, It really does seem to me that it served as a convenient way to blame several problems on. So-so economy? Those dang Europeans and the money they want from us! Immigration? Those damn Europeans and lack of borders! International diplomacy and laws is (gasp!) complicated? Those dastardly Europeans and their treaty-seeking ways! So on and so forth.

I mean, I'm not British, so my perception can very well be colored. And they are far from unique in this regard, seems like everyone in Europe likes to blame the EU for anything and everything. But some of the discourses I've heard really seem more like blanket appeals to emotion than anything.
Already a fucking mistake, fucking shit:
France has overtaken the UK as the world’s fifth largest economy after the pound plunged to a 31-year low.
The £120 billion that was wiped off the FTSE100 in 10 minutes this morning was enough to have paid EU membership fees for 9 years.
In two hours the UK economy has lost $350 BILLION. That’s equivalent to 40 years of EU contributions.
MRW Leave won.

It will be interesting to see how dissapointed they will be once India, China, and most of Africa tells them that they won't return to become their colonies again though.
Even if we get rid of the EU ... the clock can't be turned back again. We will never get a situation like the 1950s or 60s again. It's over. The party's out. The migrants and refugees won't just turn back simply because the UK is not in the EU anymore ...
It's fun to see how most of the voters against the EU are over 65 years old. Yet, the ones that will suffer from this decision are the ones under 25.

This forum certainly seems split on the issue. Regardless, may Britain always remain and be prosperous.
THe thing is, what do you consider as "improvement"? Because unless Britain want's to become the largest prison in human history - well after Australia ... they will have to work together with the EU! Accept the trading regulations, laws and paying money. But with one difference. They will have absolutely zero say in any laws. And even if we would loose the EU, it would be again back to negotations with 20+ states inside of Europe, and it would basically require some kind of trade agreement, like what the EU is ... kinda now.
Ss I am not sure how exactly the situation will really improve. It will sure change. But improving? I have my doubts.

It is really really funny to see all those anti EU imbeciles crawling out of their holes complaining about laws and regulations that have been actually initiated by their own governments and parliaments. But it's always Brussels fault I guess. I guess I could also go outside, shit on my own lawn, and complain about it when I step on it as well ...
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Well, I hope Britain can survive this decision. I hope that in the long run they've made the right choice. This forum certainly seems split on the issue. Regardless, may Britain always remain and be prosperous.
thanks, I hope so too
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I congratulate the UK in their decision to exit the EU to solve it's own issues and take care of their own citizens inside the British Isles and improving everyone's lives there instead of getting entangled in the international and colonial intrigues of the EU. I wish you all the best in such respects.

You think Nigel Farage etc. will hand the Malvinas over to you?
THe thing is, what do you consider as "improvement"?

I don't really have a leg to stand on with either side. I know nothing about British politics. I just hope Britain made the right decision here and wish for their country to survive no matter what happens, whether they enter a new golden age or not from this is a mystery.

Meanwhile, not to take the piss on you @Doomsdayprepper , but all of a sudden you're pro staying in the EU? Only a little while ago you actually wanted people to vote for British independence from the EU. You made an entire thread about it. Flipflopping much?
Meanwhile, not to take the piss on you @Doomsdayprepper , but all of a sudden you're pro staying in the EU? Only a little while ago you actually wanted people to vote for British independence from the EU. You made an entire thread about it. Flipflopping much?
As I said before, I changed my mind after I discovered EU research grants are important for fundamental scientific research.
Already a fucking mistake, fucking shit:
France has overtaken the UK as the world’s fifth largest economy after the pound plunged to a 31-year low.
The £120 billion that was wiped off the FTSE100 in 10 minutes this morning was enough to have paid EU membership fees for 9 years.
In two hours the UK economy has lost $350 BILLION. That’s equivalent to 40 years of EU contributions.
It's almost like..... having a major change in the country's government might cause some instability immediately afterwards. They JUST left the EU and had the Prime Minister resign. Give the country more then less than a day before you start waving the "OH NO IT'S ALL OVER ABANDON SHIP BRITAIN IS DEAD RIP".
It's almost like..... having a major change in the country's government might cause some issues immediately afterwards. They JUST left the EU and had the Prime Minister resign. Give the country more then less than a day before you start waving the "OH NO IT'S ALL OVER ABANDON SHIP BRITAIN IS DEAD RIP".
I think when you lose £350 Billion in two hours, move behind France on the big GDP list (a country that has no growth) and might lose your triple A credit rating its time to start worrying.
God saves us from the Empire....
I think when you lose £350 Billion in two hours its time to start worrying
Nobody said independence was free, or easy. Even if it takes many years and a lot of hard work to get things running smoothly again (which I don't doubt it will, Britain has gone through worse before), I'd say it was more than worth it to have national sovereignty again.
Nobody said independence was free, or easy. Even if it takes many years and a lot of hard work to get things running smoothly again (which I don't doubt it will, Britain has gone through worse before), I'd say it was more than worth it to have national sovereignty again.
Isn't that fucking wonderful. Thousands lose their jobs, billions are lost, the government destabilises, science is damaged, all so we can say "Independence day!".
Give Britain some time and I am sure the pound will begin to stabilize. A big change has happened so of course things will be unstable for a little while.
Freedom from what? Regulations that you have to accept anyway - unless you don't want any kind of trade? From corrupt EU politicans that will return to Britain and back into their towns where they come from? Freedom from laws, that will most probably stay in place? Like the one where your toilets are not allowed to spend more than 6 l of water per flush? Freedom from the money that you most probably still have to pay to the EU, for keeping up trading agreements?
The horror ... all those regulations and laws that you have already and which have been initiated quite often by Britain as well like other nations.

I don't really have a leg to stand on with either side. I know nothing about British politics. I just hope Britain made the right decision here and wish for their country to survive no matter what happens, whether they enter a new golden age or not from this is a mystery.
Yeah, let us hope they do! But I have my serious doubts about it ...

Dude, nobody in England wants the colonies back, will you stop denigrating people about stereotypes, because its starting to get really annoying and its a stupid thing to do. Saying that we are going to ask the Chinese and the Indians to become colonies again is just frigging idiocy, and I thought you were above that.
Sarkasm my friend, sarkasm. If I would display the Brits as hat wearing, monocle loving tea slurpers, it would be funnier I guess.
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All of those things are temporary. Freedom is forever.
Of course, the EU isnt a free place and non of the countries in it are free, nope.
Its better to lose thousands of jobs, damage science and destabilise the government and gain some deluded sense of freedom in the process. Right.
Sarkasm my friend, sarkasm. If I wold display the Brits as hat wearing, mocle loving tea slurpers, it would be funnier I guess.
NP bro, I actually think thats a good idea *goes off to brew a cuppa and polish the monocle*
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