I would like to take this opportunity to correct some common myths about our history. First, the Falkland Islands had no indigenous population prior to their settlement by our ancestors – the islands were unoccupied. Argentina claims the Falkland Islands form part of the province of Tierra del Fuego – an area that was not claimed as a part of the Republic of Argentina until after two generations of Falkland Islanders had been born and raised.
And here we start with the inaccuracies (because I want to assume they're not plain lies) that I thought I've already stablished were so. Like it was not uninhabited, it was unoccupied when argentina claimed them, nd it was already populated by argentines, with a local argentine government and the argentine flag flying on the islands. The british
took them by force from us and we
protested this act even before any british colonists arrived to the islands.
To be honest, if this was written by an islander, it reinforces my suspicions that they don't know their own history and that they have been lied about it.
There is no truth to Argentine claims that a civilian population was expelled by Britain in 1833. The people expelled were an illegal Argentine military garrison, who had arrived three months earlier.
Yeah, just take one part of history, ignore everything that happened before that that might make it look like you're not right, and twist it around so it makes it look like you are.
I mean, didn't I explained this already several times? This guy ignores all that, so if you want to know what's wrong with the statement go back and read it, I'm kinda tired of posting the same things over and over. Seriously, this is stuff I've already explained a thousand times and it's really getting old.
the banning of charter flights in support of our tourism industry
Ok I quoted this just to prove how much this article is lying (or at least how strongly biased it is that borderlines blatantly lying). There was no ban to charter flights, nor plans of banning them. As a matter of fact, an answer to that rumor, argentina has proposed frequent flights between Argentina and the islands.
But sure, hang on to a rumor you created yourself and make it look like a fact that has already happened. Oh wait... isn't that called lying?
If you like bringing articles from "The Guardian" here's a couple of other ones from the same newspaper, just so people get different points of views and don't stick with just one. As well as realize that what I say (because i've said I'm not necessarily impartial) is not my own fabricated biased version of history, others in britain and over the world who have looked at it impartially agree with it as well.
Crni Vuk said:
ah historic "claims" and the troubles they started?
How many times have people now gone completely crazy because of some rock in the ocean. More people died in some conflict then the numbers of people which lived on those rocks ...
Personally the reason of why I want the british to go are not historical. The fundaments of wich I base my claims might be, but not why I want them to go.
There is no justification for two british military bases in South America just to defend the wishes of 2000 islanders who weren't even british citizens before 1983 and for wich they have not done nothing for before the war. The only infrastructure, like the airport in Puerto Argentino, as well as warehouses and other facilities on the islands the islanders made use of were built by Argentina. Everything else, including fishing rights and such, the british gave to the islanders after the war to gain their support and justify their occupation.
So I have nothing against the islanders or british citizens, what I don't want is the british government and their armed forces 400km off my coast, here in South America, where they have no business being in the first place. I want the british government away from my country because frankly I feel threatened by them. They want to keep their presence there to control a strategic foothold on the continent, they want our resources, they want antartida, they want their claws on whatever they can get a hold of and that's why they won't leave.
I don't want a foreign government and their military who will only act in their own interests acting against the interests of the whole region right on my backyard.
The UK is a powerful nation willing to go to war if it's remotely profitable for them, they have been like that trough their entire history and they are no different today. Their military ships manoeuver constantly 200 miles from our coast, conducting drills, constantly reminding us of their presence.
So how do you want me to feel about that? Well I certainly don't appreciate it.