I'm using the most recent version of sfall and the most recent version of the fallout 2 high resolution patch, and when I try to play Fallout 2 in dx9 mode I get screwed up movies. But weirdly I CAN play Fallout 1 in dx9 mode with sfall and high-res patch without screwed up movies!
Is there actually any appreciable visual difference between playing in dx9 mode and playing in 16bit mode? When I couldn't get dx9 mode to work I instead switched to the high res patch's 16 bit mode, and 1280x800 resolution, and it looks fine to me, as good as 1280x800 resolution in Fallout 1 in dx9 mode.
I'm aware that with Fallout 2 you can do some kind of "scaling" option in dx9 mode, but I don't understand what that's all about anyway.

Readme for sfall or the high res patch doesn't explain what it does, just that the option is there.
At first I got some kind of compatibility problem, I wasn't running in any compatability mode and yet it claimed that I was. Can't remember if it was Fallout 1 or Fallout 2 unfortunately. I fixed it by going into the executable properties, changing it a bunch of random compatabilities (windows 98, windows 95 etc) and then back no compatabilities, and this time it seemed to stick.
Also, the readme mentions the option to have reloading use weaon idle animations, but I can't see the command for that anywhere the ddraw.ini file. Bizarrely I think I was somehow able to activate it in Fallout 1, but I can't activate it in Fallout 2.
I think it would be awesome if it were possible to actually disable the weapon idle animations and have them ONLY play when you reload. Some of the idle animations look fine as idles, but some look silly - reloading the SMG and throwing the old magazine away, for instance. I'm just standing there, with a an SMG half full of bullets, and my character just suddenly appears to throw the bullets away! Lol. That always bothered me.