Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

Shouldn't sfall be already included in RP, or at least parts of it? If it doesn't say Restoration Project on the title screen I suspect that it doesn't work anymore.
Shouldn't sfall be already included in RP, or at least parts of it? If it doesn't say Restoration Project on the title screen I suspect that it doesn't work anymore.

Yeah, it already had an older version of Sfall, but I was trying to make the game remember the window size and position so I tried updating Sfall to a newer version and that worked. But now I just have to confirm that Restoration Project is still working. I read somewhere that you can confirm it is still working by looking at a rock. But I can't find that post and not sure if I can find the rock they were talking about. I'm looking for that post now.
To the left of him, I see "Rocks, rocks, rocks! Everywhere you look, rocks!"
To the right of him, I see "A very large pile of rocks. They look dangerous just sitting there."

And red text keeps popping up on my screen that says "You have overwritten the RP ddraw.ini file! Revert immediately before it's too late!"
Yeah, I think that's a telltale sign that RP doesn't particularly like it when you overwrite parts of it.
RP, like sFall, adds engine fixes, and I guess that installing sFall over RP also overwrites parts of RP that are not supposed to be overwritten. Gotta wait for @killap's answer on that because he knows best, but I think installing sFall over RP doesn't work.

Here it goes over some more steps including updating sFall, make sure you don't overwrite the ddraw.ini
Thanks @Foxx

I had tried that earlier, with my own experimenting around. I tried it again just now for good measure. It doesn't work. The reason it doesn't work is because what I want is for the game window to remember the last window size and position. Fallout 1 does that. Fallout 2 should and would do that, but there is a minor error somewhere. According to one guy, the minor error is that the "win_data" string is not getting read. Also, this method that you provided causes the window to be borderless. I want the window to be bordered. NovaRain, the guy that I mentioned, has complained about this problem in 2014, 2015, and 2016 but he must have complained on the wrong channels (i.e. Fandom), and so the problem has escaped attention. See: http://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/...fficial-expansion.202265/page-63#post-4331668 I found the "win_data" string in f2_res.ini so maybe this file is the culprit and not the ddraw.ini. I skimmed through some text earlier and I think that for the Restoration Project, you don't want to use sfall (ddraw.ini), but I could be wrong. But I really do feel that the Restoration Project is supposed to be reading f2_res.ini and it isn't and that is why the game is not remembering the last window size and position. Sorry, I just got out of the shower so I typed this in a hurry.
So change the window size manually, position and size are saved. Sorry for English, I'm from Russia.
I tried to install RP over Sfall 4.17. That brought back the RP (shows it on the title screen), but I can't check out the rock now because I get a popup error and the game closes. So I will have to do a clean install again. Which means I'm back where I started. I'd be playing Fallout RP and it won't ever remember my game window size and position. So either I put up with this, or maybe I should just forget RP. I only installed RP because I heard it fixed a lot of errors. So maybe I can find the various fixes and add them to Fallout 2 manually. It really makes me sad that this RP is so well known and highly recommended and in all these years this issue has not be addressed. @NovaRain is an active member of this community and he reported on Fandom and one other site about this not remembering window position and size. And whatever is preventing it has to be a really small, tiny error. So where is the fix? He complained about the issue in 2015, and it is 2019 now. I guess I'll just leave it at that. Nothing else I can do. I tried everything that I could think of. Hopefully the guy behind Fixt and the guy behind RP can put their heads together and figure out something. Maybe it has something to do with the Sfall. Maybe Sfall 3.3 has something wrong with it that Sfall 4.17 and Sfall 1.19 (for Fallout 1) doesn't. I don't know. I'm so frustrated.

So change the window size manually, position and size are saved.

Hey retard. I clearly wrote that I could manually adjust the window size and position but I DON'T WANT TO which is why I'm here trying to figure out how we can get this problem fixed. Go fck yourself. Too many goddamn low IQ, troll n66rs on this website.
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Seems to be a rather rare error. Personally, I never encountered it, mostly because I tend to play in fullscreen. What is the read/write-only state of your ddraw.ini?
Also, please calm down with the insults. He's trying to help you.
Oh, and avoid double-posting, please, to avoid cluttering the threads.

/edit: This is a verbal warning for now, please don't immediately start insulting people when they don't get you immediately, or it will be real warning points. Is only game, why you heff to be mad?
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Hey retard. I clearly wrote that I could manually adjust the window size and position but I DON'T WANT TO which is why I'm here trying to figure out how we can get this problem fixed. Go fck yourself. Too many goddamn low IQ, troll n66rs on this website.
Are you alright?
The non RP default Fallout 2 that I am using has the same problem of not remembering the window size and position. It is using Sfall 3.1. But if I install Sfall 4.17 on top of that (no RP), it remembers the window size and position. So RP is using an Sfall version that is preventing the game from remembering the window size and position. That's my conclusion.
Have you updated sFall on RP without overwriting the ddraw.ini as recommended by the Technical Wiki I linked to above?
Don't forget to check read/write permission on the ddraw.ini. And maybe start Fallout 2 with admin rights. It's often shit like this that prevents settings from being saved.

1.) On Fallout 2 with RP on top of it, but no updated Sfall.

I ran it as Administrator. I checked ddraw and it only allowed "read & execute" and "read", so I added "write" to it.

That didn't do anything to help the game remember window size and position.

2.) On Fallout 2 with RP on top of it, and Sfall 4.17 on top of that (but not copying over ddraw.ini).

That worked! The game remembers window size and position, and it also has RP!

Thanks a lot @Hassknecht!!!

If the creator of the Restoration Project @killap replaced all the Sfall 3.3 files with Sfall 4.17 ones (except for the ddraw.ini) and repackaged the Restoration Project, many players will be able to play Fallout 2 w/ Restoration Project AND have the game remember the last window size and exact window position (which is what we players want). So hopefully @killap will consider doing that and repackage/name it as Restoration Project 2.3.4.

@Hassknecht - I just figured out that Foxx, who I cussed out on this thread is the same ahole who was bothering me on another thread. He was purposely trolling me on this thread just now by saying "just manually resize it" and "are you alright?". He isn't dumb. He was trying to get under my skin on purpose. But I don't give a sht anymore. I know you gave me a warning but let me call him a n66r one last time, because that is what he is. Wait, I amend that. He is dumb. He is a complete retard. The only smarts he has is purposely getting under people's skins. Other than that he has 0 IQ.
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He'll probably update sFall in the next version, yeah.
So I'm not gonna say "RTFM", but... I guess it kinda works ;)

/edit: No idea what you're on about with Foxx. This thread is the only interaction you two had, and he was trying to help, nothing else. Chill out. Actual warning now.

/edit2: I think you meant Lexx? Those are different people.
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Hey Lexx and Foxx are the same person, ok? You see the xx in the names, right? They are like two sides of the same coin no doubt in my mind, and I figured it out with 1 IQ. Me smart.
I really wish that you are okay killap, you left so suddenly without any message. I enjoyed working with you in this project, it was good times.
Hi. I have a problem at the endgame.
I can't use the presidential acces card at the terminal at Horrigan. There is no option to log on. When i choose log on nothing happens, no option to use the card. I finished Fallout 2 and RP several times in the past, but it never happened, i always managed to get the turrets on my side. But now it is not possible. Maybe its a bug that i haven't met before.