Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

I think as long as you don't name the repack with the same name of "Restoration Project" (e.g. Restoration Project 2.3.5) to confuse people that it's "official" release it should be OK.
I was told by someone that Killap has stated that he didn't allow others to repackage his mod.
Is it true ?
I did not name it, and always pointed it out as a basis.
> Fixed the robot on the 3rd level of the EPA (called wild brakes).
> Fixed robots in Sierra (now normal engines for Skynet fall out of them).
> Fixed's duppo in NCR (now he can't steal the money after the purchase).
> Fixed map sign in NKR (added blocker, can't get into the city - bypass of protection).
> Fixed Crom in tribe Umbra (now have him not such as health).
> Fixed arts of fashion appearance (now the heroes will not lose their individuality in the fall).
> Fixed animations of Biological armor.
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Thank you for your clarification about what is forbidden and what is not. This will help us a lot.

About foxx assembly, can you tell us a bit more ? Is it a patch or a mod that add content ?
I am interested in sharing mod knowledge here.
Thank you for your clarification about what is forbidden and what is not. This will help us a lot.
I do not have the right links and so on to give. This rules forum. I broke it once and I don't want to. Look for Fixed Edition builds.
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Has anyone had any success in contacting Killap...he might be happy to hand it over to a capable modder scripter. There's a new female character that needs to be added to the game.
His last visit was in january 2016. I don't know how else to contact him.
I also wish to suggest him something that our team made.
Has anyone had any success in contacting Killap...he might be happy to hand it over to a capable modder scripter. There's a new female character that needs to be added to the game.
There's nothing to hand over, except the name. Any capable modder/scripter can do what they want right now. The problem is lack of motivation. Nothing, literally nothing else.
Hi, long time no see. Probably won't check answers (shouldn't be spending time on forums TBH), but I'd like to suggest creating a GitHub with the sources provided by Killap and committing fixes there. Proper credits, a name different enough not to mislead people while retaining the meaning. "Reanimation Project", for example. Having a central reservoir for this will prove very useful.
You can PM me if you need help setting up a repository (I guess that will notify me by email?). I may or may not help with code review.
@Dropkick my personal successor is Economy and Combat Rebalance Project by Phobos2077. He apparently became inactive in last year, but his work is brilliant and EaCR was made to be played with Restoration Project. Give it a try if you haven't yet. I hope Phobos will be back someday.
@Dropkick my personal successor is Economy and Combat Rebalance Project by Phobos2077. He apparently became inactive in last year, but his work is brilliant and EaCR was made to be played with Restoration Project. Give it a try if you haven't yet. I hope Phobos will be back someday.
Hi There,
I really liked your post - might be silly to ask however couldn't figure out how to install both mods. Vanilla F2 - no problem, then typical RP 2.3.3 installation - no problem, then when I try to install EcCO - it says: "fallout2.exe and master.dat couldn't be fund in the directory (despite they are there), so the mod won't work. Do you want to continue? Y/N". How did you make it work? Cheers!
Hi There,
I really liked your post - might be silly to ask however couldn't figure out how to install both mods. Vanilla F2 - no problem, then typical RP 2.3.3 installation - no problem, then when I try to install EcCO - it says: "fallout2.exe and master.dat couldn't be fund in the directory (despite they are there), so the mod won't work. Do you want to continue? Y/N". How did you make it work? Cheers!
Installer of ECCO Mod is bugged. Check carefully install directory.
Installer of ECCO Mod is bugged. Check carefully install directory.
Hey there, I realized I should have been more clear describing. The installation directory is the proper one, however despite mentioned above files are there, ECCO mod installer doesn't see them and gives me the warning pop-up that mod won't work, because he can't see them. Have you had the same? Cheers.
Hey there, I realized I should have been more clear describing. The installation directory is the proper one, however despite mentioned above files are there, ECCO mod installer doesn't see them and gives me the warning pop-up that mod won't work, because he can't see them. Have you had the same? Cheers.
Install anyway and see what happens
Try this installer https://ufile.io/kmebklkv
Hi !

It would be nice to be able to collect all fanmade sources and move it to GitHub (or something).
Maybe Killap (and others) would accept to sell sources ? After all he worked a lot for RP and distributed it freely to the community.

With 100% open source Fallouts and mods it would also be possible to make them evolve and survive for at least the next decade. If a developer stops, others (and maybe new ones) can continue.
OpenRA is a nice example : actually 6300 people are following the repository and hundreds of others play everyday, in 2019, for a game initally released in 1996 !

Isn't Fallout 2 the greatest RPG of all time ? I discover at this exact minute another YouTube video about it :
160k views since mid-march... 2019 !

Killap disappeared, falltergeist is hardly evolving, Phobos2077 is inactive, many mods don't give news, ... it's like all of this is slowly dying. :cry:
Hi !

It would be nice to be able to collect all fanmade sources and move it to GitHub (or something).
Maybe Killap (and others) would accept to sell sources ? After all he worked a lot for RP and distributed it freely to the community.

With 100% open source Fallouts and mods it would also be possible to make them evolve and survive for at least the next decade. If a developer stops, others (and maybe new ones) can continue.
OpenRA is a nice example : actually 6300 people are following the repository and hundreds of others play everyday, in 2019, for a game initally released in 1996 !

Isn't Fallout 2 the greatest RPG of all time ? I discover at this exact minute another YouTube video about it :
160k views since mid-march... 2019 !

Killap disappeared, falltergeist is hardly evolving, Phobos2077 is inactive, many mods don't give news, ... it's like all of this is slowly dying. :cry:

Killap already released the sources for free, so it's a matter of stepping up and maintain it.