Morticia said:@vibalist,
Maybe if you help out that one guy who does offer you a quest, the others in the tribe would have more to say?![]()
You actually don't have to talk with anyone at the Primitive Tribe to progress in the Sulik sister quest. You can just go straight to Metzger. If you don't know to go to Metzger, talking with the tribal chief will push you in this direction.Morticia said:You're right, it is kinda strange. I usually rescue Sulik's sister before going to Primitive Tribe, which makes it even more unreasonable that no one will talk to you! That's just the way RPG's in general are. Some things you will never find or know about unless you talk to EVERYONE (or cheat and read a guide). Even then, you might still lack the skills (or have too much) and they still don't tell you.![]()
Well, the vertibird can only be flown once the tribe went missing. I assume this is the case?Morticia said:@All who have flown the Vertibird to the Enclave:
Well I finally did that, now what am I supposed to do?
I go and talk to the Elder. She tells me to find the GECK and set the tribe free. So I'm supposed to do all that and finish the game when I haven't even been to New Reno yet? Seems I can't get back into the vertibird, so am I missing something or just not understanding this? Flying the vertibird is just a huge shortcut to end the game? That isn't much fun.![]()
You have enough gas to make it to the enclave and back to Navarro. That is it.Morticia said:Thank you killap.
Yes, after the 4th Hakunin dream I went to Arroyo and Hakunin gives me the Navarro location. Everything worked perfectly once I found the satellite computer. I didn't know what to expect except a new area I'd never seen before, but just confirming, that's it then? Is it a one way trip?
You can leave in the vertibird but only once you fight Horrigan - just like you can leave on the tanker once you defeat Horrigan. The door to the vertipad should be locked once you enter the fight, just like is done with the door which leads to the tanker. Is this the case?Morticia said:The conversation with the Elder led me to believe that once I set them free and retrieved the GECK, I might escape in the vertibird. Maybe I can sneak past Horrigan to the launch pad and leave him to deal with the Bomb. My poor character isn't prepared though and I keep getting killed, so I'll probably never know.
CorrectMorticia said:OK, I think I understand this now.We can fly back, but only after defeating Horrigan and the Enclave (and finishing the game) just as if we had gone there via the Tanker.
There is no time limit. The problem might have been that no script was attached. The vertibird was broken in 1.1.Morticia said:So what is the time limit between the 4th dream and when we can no longer fly the vertibird? Or is it an action that does this?
My last game I tried, but it was later and I took my whole party to wipe out Navarro first. I got the 'use' icon on the vertibird, but clicking said "You cannot get there". I thought we could still fly the vertibird even after the base went on alert, so I'm guessing this has something to do with other actions or timing, and trying to confirm this.
It is impossible to return to the Enclave (via the tanker or the vertibird) once you destroy the place. It was actually possible to go back to the Enclave via the tanker in the original game, but my patch corrected this. I believe it is still possible to get the tanker ready though if you never did so before going to the Enclave (ie you took the vertibird instead). More XP the merrierMorticia said:Also, if someone was able to defeat the Enclave and Horrigan before ever travelling to SF, what would happen if they kept playing and went there later? Could we still do the refueling quests? I suppose we could only get as far as activating the NavComp. There would be no signal from the destroyed Enclave, so we couldn't make a second trip there on the tanker.![]()
Dravean said:I'd be willing to bet he has crippled limbs. Fix 'em.
Did you happen to go to the Den before doing this quest?mandala said:I am having some problems with the brahmin quest too.
After I accept the quest from Torr, I kill all the bugs go back to Torr, he thanks me for killing all the bugs, but when I leave the area a message appears saying I failed to protect the brahmin.
Do I need to put the Duntons away before I do this quest ?